Thoughts danced through his mind as he looked up towards the sky, the stars above glittering in a way that was indescribable with words. Everything was going to be changing for him in just a few days time, and he was a little nervous. There was a chance that he failed and nothing changed but still, a part of him hoped beyond hope that he was given the opportunity that was about to be afforded to him and his mother.

Stealing his gaze away from the sky he looked over towards the sleeping figure that wasn't too far away, the spotted form shifting slightly as she dreamed. He owed everything to his mother and he hoped that she found happiness in the pride for as long as she wanted to stay, if they accepted her. They had already parted from his snake companion, Ferro, and he hoped the male was doing alright, he missed him already but he figured it would be good for them to get some time apart.

Hesper stirred in her sleep, her ears twitching slightly, as she heard the sounds of movement not far away. Her son was still awake? Opening her eyes she looked over towards the silver figure who looked more like his father than he did her own self but that didn't mean she cared for him any differently. She was aware of how hard she was on him, but it was because she did it out of love. Wanting him to be the best version of him self so that he could succeed in the world after she was gone, or at least they separated from one another. It was only a matter of time before they went their own ways, and if things went well they'd at least start their new lives in this pride. While it wouldn't last forever they'd at least get to do this one thing together before fate made their path's diverge.

She didn't get up, remaining where she was she continued to watch him in silence.

Unaware she was awake he continued about what he was doing, watching the stars and thinking about what their future was going to be like after the next few months and of course his best friend, Ferro. Was he doing alright? He hadn't died or gotten stuck anywhere in the few days they'd been apart already had he? A frown formed upon his face and he made a clicking noise with his tongue and shook the feelings off and began to pace a little bit, the anxiety of things not yet come to pass eating away at his conscience.

Noticing the distressed way her son was moving Hesper finally rose up from her position and moved over towards him with light steps.