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There were probably a handful of lions who would have thought her foolish for her decisions of late, especially the one she had recently come to, but what did they know? She had her reasons, and those reasons had to do with both her future and the future of her cubs. Those cubs who looked a little too similar to.... Dreki shook her head, pushing the thoughts from her mind. She didn't want to think about it, refused to think about it, and if this was also a way to get away from them, then she would gladly do so. She hated the reminder of what she had done.

Approaching the border was something she'd done a lot lately. As a Shield Maiden, her work involved her patrolling it, but she'd be lying if she said that it wasn't for others reasons too. Bands normally ventured out this way, making this spot a good place to watch for potential bands, potential vikings.... If only she could convince a Captain to take her! That was all she needed, though the idea made her hackles raise.

Most of her attempts had ended in Captains turning her away - some because she'd just had cubs, some simply because they thought the idea of a female joining them was laughable - but today, oh, she was determined to have it happen today.

She knew of a band heading out this morning, one with a Captain that would be more likely to allow her to join them. She just hoped he was willing. She had even found someone to watch over her cubs, a Thrall named Kituka. The lioness was a sweet one, with experience with cubs and a need to please, so she saw no reason not to trust her with this.

Dreki'dido was obvious to see, poised sitting tall and proud in the morning sun, and she watched with narrowed eyes as the group she was waiting for approached.

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