Qiana [WW] - 28 - she/her/hers - Fire Storm Wingsecond of White Amairrith

Goldflights were nice.

Amairrith always got a little quiet in those times- though she had no compulsion to rise or chase herself, she yearned for a little bit of that admiration, that devotion, that dedication… So desperately she craved the attention that she found herself almost silent- a little bubbling spring that ceased to, well… bubble. Perhaps out of fear it might erupt?

Qiana, on the other hand, rather enjoyed the large-scale wave of lust: it opened up many lovely possibilities, really. As Killakeeth rose and sang out in morning glory, the whiterider shed the manacles of diligent duty and sought the company of another (or others, really, she wasn’t too fussed). Hazy passion and desire clouded her mind in a thoroughly enjoyable way. Some candlemarks were lost. That was okay.

The young woman woke up from a wonderful rest sometime in the afternoon, glad for the sunshine, gladder still for the furs that covered her naked body. Beside her lay Haukai. Oh, brilliant. The rider-healer was such a great person to spend time with- fun-loving, and with many exciting stories to tell of her experiences in the infirmary. Qiana rolled onto her side to face her, not quite brave enough to brush the woman’s fringe from her face. Still… she seemed so… different, asleep. Vulnerability did that, Qiana supposed.

Amairrith poked the back of her mind. I know this is supposed to be a fun time for everyone, but are you quite finished? I’d like a bath. And then a meal. And another bath after that. And some oiling, too, if it pleases you. She sounded almost short-tempered, and Qiana hushed her mentally, chuckling slightly to herself.

Why don’t you come over here and join us? Her voice was gentle and entreating. She sensed her dragon perk up, almost glad for the invitation.

May I? Without waiting for a confirmation, Amairrith turned her attention to Corymth. My dear blue, would you mind if I came and kept you company? Asking to cuddle was too much- she did not know Corymth very well… but if he seemed amenable to her presence, she might ask him then. Or simply sidle up and sit beside him- he'd deal with it. Her mind whirled with possibilities.

Let me know if you want anything edited! =]