The weather was warming up and spring had finally spring. Ferro was sunning himself on a large, black boulder when a shadow suddenly cut off the warmth of the sun. An eye flashed open to see what had happened and a large figure stood before him, one that was familiar thankfully.

"Blast it Einion, don't sneak up on me like that." The snake said with a rather disgruntled tone.

Einion laughed and made himself comfortable next to the rock in which the large reptile laid. "It's not my fault you're not that keen when the sun has you in it's grasp." It was true, when he was enjoying the suns warmth he could care less about the world around him. Letting out a huff the snake went back to his basking.

"Where is your mother at?" The snake asked without opening his eyes, he had almost drifted off to sleep before Einions fat head had taken the warmth of the sun away from him.

The lion gave a shrug of his broad shoulders, "She'll probably show her face soon enough." The smell of salt in the air told him they were near the sea but not close enough to hear it. His mother had said there was a pride near here but she had wanted to check it out and when he had woken up earlier she had been gone. He just assumed that was what she had been doing, getting a lay of the lands.

It wasn't long before the wind brought a familiar scent to him and he turned his head to see his mother approaching with a rather disdainful look upon her features. "Well this isn't going to be good." He knew her looks well and he knew what was about to come from her mouth wasn't going to be pleasant. The snake opened his eyes to look but paid the situation no mind, he was certain if any of it were to concern him in the end they'd let him know.

"Well this is just great." She said with a growl in her voice as she got closer to her son and Ferro. Her fur was a little tousled but she seemed otherwise alright.

"What happened to you?" Einion asked with some mild concern, she wasn't bleeding or limping so whatever happened wasn't too big of a deal or he might actually have to come to her aid.

"I told you there was a pride around here right? I've heard about them on countless occasions and even met a member or two that had ventured from the lands." So it wasn't like she didn't know what she had been expecting when she had taken her son and his companion here. Glory and riches had been something that could have been waiting for both of them, once upon a time but not anymore. She had fought someone at the boarder, someone she had met before and when it had come to a draw she decided to ask if things were still as they once were, when she had met them two summers past.

Apparently everything had changed. Her hopes of proving to be a fruitful and fighting female in this pride of blood and salt were no more. "Well, the future that could have been ours is no more an option here. At least not the one I had my sights on." She went on to explain there was a new warlord in power and his views on females weren't exactly up to par with how she felt about the whole thing so this was no longer an option for a home for them.

Giving a nod of his head he understood, his mother was a proud lioness and she refused to bow down to anyone, especially a male and accept that he was better than her even if she had beaten them in a fight. "So where do you want to go now?" He said standing up, he knew that meant they'd be on the move soon and it was likely she didn't want to linger any longer here.

Ferro was a little annoyed and huffed as he moved from his spot on his rock and made his way onto Einions back. It was easier for him to be carried than to slither along side them, especially if they were going to be traveling at a fast pace.

"Anywhere that isn't here." She said ushering them away from the lands she had hoped to call home for them one day. Maybe in the distant future, but no in it's current state of unrest.

Following obediently after his mother he gave her a look over from his position a few steps behind her, "You're alright though?" He just wanted to make sure nothing serious had happened to her in the time she had gone.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just a little miffed that we made this trip this way for pretty much nothing." She had expended all that energy for nothing in the end and that was really what had pissed her off the most. She didn't like having do something that proved futile.

Nodding her could understand and he felt the snake wrap his tail around his neck a little as a 'hook' to hold on while they moved at the pace they were traveling in. "Sorry it didn't work out." He knew she had been wanting for them to get to this pride for a while but weather had held them up, plus all that crazy stuff with the sky and the lands in some parts. It had made traveling a great deal harder than they would have expected. But everything had calmed down it seemed and things were 'back to normal' for the most part.

"It's fine, we'll find another place to call home." It was the pride's loss in the end she believed. They were both willing and wanting lions, healthy and strong. They'd do well somewhere, but not here.

"Come, let's head this way. I know there are a few more places we can check out still." She led the way for her son and Ferro and they vanished into the horizon.

WC: 1029