Balu and Bandile were a little bitter, he had recently tried to return home but was promptly unwelcomed and chased off so off he had gone. The Avian was flying rather low to the ground so that the two of them might talk without shouting at one another. "I'm sure your mother and sister's are doing just fine."

Giving a nod of his head he was sure they were, they were strong willed and tough individuals. He just wanted to see some family so he was a little bummed that he was so close and yet so far. They had been traveling for a few days at this point and spotted two figures up ahead. "Let's go see what that's about." Balu said with renewed energy, he quite liked speaking to strangers.

Bandile rose up a bit to get a birds eye view of the whole scene below.

"Mother, someone is approaching." Einion said with a small nudge towards his mom.

Turning her gaze she spotted the vibrant white male with a striking red mane coming closer, he seemed harmless plus the pair of them could quickly dispatch him should he be violent. "Let's see what he wants."

Ferro slithered along the ground nearby and a shadow made him duck underneath Einions body for protection, he was hardwired to be afraid of birds, they could easily pick him up if they were large enough. A sibling of his had met such a fate when he was but a little guy and he didn't wish the same to ever happen to him. Bandile had no interest in eating the snake and given it's close proximity to the two lions he figured it was likely a companion, he'd never willingly eat someone's friend.

"Hello there!" Balu called as he got within speaking distance of the pair, their markings were similar so he figured they might at least be related.

Hesper watched the male curiously, he was young but seemed in good health. "Hello stranger, just passing through?" They were just passing through themselves but it wouldn't hurt to find out where he had come from at least.

Giving a nod of his head he looked towards the sky to see where Bandile was and spotted the Avian hovering in an upwards draft, he might not come down for a minute. "Yes, I'm just heading anywhere away from my birth lands." Motioning in the distance behind him. The grass at his feet swayed gently in the breeze and the smell of the earth reached up and the scent calmed him a little.

"Why is that?" Einion asked curiously without thinking.

Giving a laugh Balu went on to explain to them his home and what living there had been like when he was younger. Pleasantries were also exchanged along with names.

Hesper gave a nod of her head, she was familiar with such prides, though there weren't many like that anymore it seemed so she was quite pleased to hear there was at least one nearby. "Well, I'm sure in time you'll see some of your family again." The female said looking up as a shadow grew closer.

Bandile was finally coming down, the avian dipped his wings and landed upon his companions back as gently as he could, trying his best to not harm Balu with his claws.

Ferro watched the bird with cautious eyes but said nothing at the moment. "What a lovely companion you have there." Einion said looking at the Vulture with much fascination, he'd never seen an avian this close before.

"Why thank you! This is Bandile, he's my oldest friend." Having remembered being gifted him as a small cub the two were inseparable. "What about your friend there?" Motioning towards the reptile hiding underneath the lion, not that he could hide. The snake was quite large.

"Oh! This is Ferro." Einion said with a bright smile as he stepped away so that everyone could see him better. The snake gave him a look but didn't say anything and curled his lower half around into a ball as he rose up to be more level with the stranger and his bird.

"I should mention if you choose to head towards my homelands your friend wouldn't be welcome I'm afraid." Explaining what would likely happen should he decide to bring the snake along anyway.

That wouldn't do at all, but Ferro was alright with being on his own for a time should the duo decide to head that way in the end. It wouldn't hurt his feelings any and Einion knew that. The reptile really only hung around because he didn't have to do much hunting when the lions were bringing down a kill about once a week.

"We will be sure to keep that in consideration. I know if you keep heading in either of these directions you'll be met by a number of prides." Hesper said motioning towards two distinct locations. Though where the male would end up, no one would really know in the end.

"Well, as much as we've enjoyed our conversation with the three of you, we really must get going." The Avain said as he launched himself into the air, he didn't like staying in one spot for too long and Balu knew that. The lion gave a small nod of his head. "I wish you all the best of luck if you head towards my home. They are a strong group and are loyal to each other." At least the one's he had gotten to know as a cub were. "Good luck to you."

"And to you." Hesper said as the trio watched the duo walk away at a moderate pace. "We're going there." Her reply was simple and Einion looked towards her with an odd expression.

"Do I not have any say in the matter?"


"But-" He was cut off.

"Ferro will be fine. Given what the male said we'll pass a nice forested area that we can drop him in before heading closer to that pride."

Einion stood there silent for a moment and Ferro turned to look at his bonded. "I'll be fine. Besides it'll be good to get some time apart to know how well you'll do without me." Giving a laugh the snake was only pulling his leg but still. It would be nice to know what type of bond they all really had with one another.

"I guess you're right." The male said with a small shrug.

"Come now, let's head off." Hesper said as Ferro slithered up onto Einions back so that they could travel at a quicker pace.

Looking back Balu hoped they did well, it was interesting seeing a mother and son pair like that. "They'll do good there, at least the mother will." Bandile said with a laugh.

"Yea, I suppose your right." Looking up towards his bonded he smiled.

"Let's go find us a home." Both groups disappeared into the distance opposite one another.

WC: 1163