She could only take Hana so far, but as the red lioness tried finding her sister, Kabi'ten went to see if Datura was on the outskirts. It wasn't a daunting search, but to hide better with nobody present, Kabi'ten had assumed her leopard form, climbing and leaping from tree to tree to seek out the god of poisonous plants. What she found was the borders were sparsely populated, save maybe a tan leopard passing by looking uncomfortable. Curious, Kabi'ten shifted to watch the leopardess when another interesting sight happened. A dark leopard wearing yellow -- was that a cowl? - drew for the female's path with a white and red lion in tow, and Kabi'ten moved to watch as the travelling pair approached, and startled the tan leopard into puffing up, and hissing.

Rinwas not one to expect people. Shy, quiet, nmeek -- she had a dear female friend and her son or a friend and she was happy. But ever since the avalanche the leopard was just unsettled, unhappy. Strange. Much as she was loathe to admit.... Away was weird. Lions running prides? Leopards and cheetahs lower class? It was weird. Even the lioness who helped her hunt it was -- so odd being there, seeing lions act like leopards or cheetahs. It wasn't home, it wasn't -- what she learned her goddess would want. Being startled bythe travel pair did not help. They seemed like a Mlima leopard and a lion, but talked like... Family, and Rin recoiled a bit as the duo stopped. Nope. This was all too much, and the leopard was aboutto just cry when a pale leopardess marched over fearlessly, smiling.

"Hello, what's going on here then?" Kabi'ten greeted the entire group happily, beaming ear to ear between everyone before the male leopard looked to the lion, Rin making a small alarmed noise as the lion spoke.

"Nothing." He responded plainly. He wasn't mincing words -- he merely had few ones. The male looked between the two with a blank expression before the leopard laughed.

"Sorry, sorry. He's bad with new people, 'specially with mom gone. I'm M'Buhr, his name is Bulusu. Pleasure." M'Buhr bowed his head poliytely, beaming atthe ladies with a leasurely smile. Kabi'ten turned the joy of her smile on them, nodding politely as she did, and chirped.

"I'm Kabi'ten. It's very nice to meetyou!" She responded. As this went on, the lion's eyes slowlyturned to rest on Rinny, expresion studious as he studied her body language, expression, and manner before simply shifting, stretching out to nose the tan female lightly. Rin squealed in alarm and jumped, nearly flying back as she started, the lion flicking an ear.

"....Sorry." He said, then nodded. "My name is Bulusu. And my son introduyced himself. And you?"

Kabi'ten prepared to answer for herself onlyto be stopped by M'Buhr, the male shaking his head.

"No, no, Dad's talking to the tanny pink lady." He explained. Kabi'ten nodded as Rin jumped, eyes widening.

"...I... I... Rin. Just... Rin." She whispered, and shivered, huddling somewhat at the stranger talking to her. However, he said nothing, instead merely sitting and casting a look to his son, the leopard sitting reluctantly.

"Sorry, we uh.I guess almost walked into you, miss." M'Buhr murmured to Rin. And then he eyed Kabi'ten, pointing with a paw. "You just randomly appeared like some weird ghost. No sorry for you." He said fiurmly. Kabi'ten chirped, blinking, then shrugged at them as she beamed.

"No worries, just saw others in the area and thought I'd say hi. So, you're a family?" THIS drew a gleam. Lions could not have leopards -- well, mortals couldn't., Xavier mentioned gods and many forms, including fertility as another species, buuut neither felt like gods. Probably. However, M'bujr nodded, half smiling.

"Yeah. Mom and Dad found me as a hyalf-dead lil' s**t.My 'birth turds' didn't WANT cubs, so they just ******** right off when I was born. Mom and Dad raised me and made sure Iwasn't a pelt in the winds of the grasses and whatnot." The leopard spread a paw theatrically, his father rolling his eyes as Rin blinked, head tilting. Raised by lions? That...

Actually, no, that was possible because leopards raised cheetahs raised other species cubs if the parents died or it they were unfit. This made sense, surprisingly, and Rin seemed to relax, looking curiously at the stoic lion. He was regarding everything patiently, but didn't look entirely old himself. Actually, Rin almost hazard the male wasn't all that much older when he took on parenting duty, which... Led to some interesting questions. M'Buhr seemed fine anyhow for it, if... Chatty, the darker male grinning to the pale leopardess Kabi'ten. And SHE was. Weird! Bedecked in jewelry and a head ornament and weirdness and -- and-- And M'Buhr seemed to notice too, poking the jewelry curiously.

"Nice bling, where did...?" He drawled. Kabi'ten shrugged.

"Oh, this? I've had it for a long while now, can't rightly remember where it's from." She grinned, winking, and M'Buhr snorted.

"Uh huh sure, snagging shinies and forgetting okay sure lady." And he rolled his eyes, Kabi'Ten puffing indignantly.

"Well it's not my fault if you don't believe me!" She objected. M'Buhr huffed, grumbling.

"At least I have something practical." And he motioned to his wrapping proudly.

"From my grandfather to father to me as the oldest-"

"Only, M'Buhr." Bulusu interrupted patiently.

"-- child. It was father's first kill, grandfather made it for him and he gave it to me."

"You kept trying to catch something the same color, and besides, you earned it." Bulusu drawled, ever calm at his son. Then he took in his son, the tan female again, and the white lady, looking thoughtful before grunting.

"However you have it you look rather overdressed." Was the curt comment, but not unkind. "BNut that head adornment.... Either you attacked a two-leg before, or..." He trailed off thoughtfully as M'Buhr looked to his father, Rin blinking.

"Why did he trail off?" She asked. M'Buhr studied the male several moments, then shrugged.

"Beats me." The dark male admitted. Kabi'ten was now watching the lion cautiously, before he piped up.

"...Sergei mentioned lions with wings would wear strange things like that." Bulusu finally said cooly.

"Who's Sergei?" Rin asked, and M'Buhr rumbled a chuckle.

"Gramps. What, one of Gramnps' old wives tales? If there were gods in tjhis world and not Heaven, I'd think they'd have done something abiout the sky weird." The dark leopard drawled idly. Kabi'ten tensed, pursing her lips, aware suddenly Bulusu was visually dissecting her analytically.As if satisfied enough, he grunted to his son warningly before Rin spoke.

"Actually my former home believed in the goddess of our mountain. Shan Furen." Rin said softly. "And other prides believe in many gods. Maybe things were just.... They got too busy?" Rin suggested. Kabi'ten was silent, biting down to prevent saying the majority couldn't enter the Haven, nor that she didn't know as a goddess, but this was delicate. A dangerous slip might get her attacked and that pale lion seemed to KNOW she was a goddess from her hat alone. It was unsettling at least, but the lion finally offered the faintest glimmer iof a smirk before looking to Rin patiently.

"I've heard of prides in the mountains and by the sea and all over. It sounds as though however yours is lost?" The male drawled. Rin nodded, not noticing Kabi'ten wincing.

"An avalanche scattered us all. A...Actually a friend is nearby, but..." Rin sighed. "He needs a pride structure."

"So don't you?"M'Buhr asked. Rin shivered.

"I want someplace safe with people I care about.A nice home with nice creatures for company." Rin then sighed, looking down. It was clear she wasn't sure where to go and Kabi'ten recalled Hana'Fuego having the same problem. She ignored the staring lion to speak however. This risk needed to Be.

"I'mhelping another find a place. You can come, but she's a rather big lion. She's in the prideland nearby here seeing family." Kabi'ten offered. Rin smiled shyly, looking up as Bulusu glanced, then looked to the females. He studied them carefully, before watching his son in equally diligent silence several moments before sniffing.

"We can come as well." Bulusu drawled paitently. "A group is safer than a pawful, and M'Buhr can use company. CIVIL company." He eyed the male who seemed chided, and the dark leopard nodded defeatedly, deferring to his father awkwardly Kabi'tensighed, thenshifted.

"Well, if so..." The goddess sdhook her head, before shifting back into her true form, wings shifting to resettle as she flicked her tail swaying awkwardly. M'Buhr screeched, pointing.


It was sharp and accusing, rough and very unhappy, but nobody growled.

Rin giggled sheepishly, as if embarressed by the whole situation, and looked down meekly. Oh, oh they qwere funny?! A goddess? Maybe? Yes? A leopard and a lion and her and oh no more? Oh dear, and Rin was soon taken by peals of giggles, but it was Bulusu that laughed, a brief but genuine laugh as he swat his son gently.

"Manners son." He chided. Still, he WAS amused, and after a moment Kabi'ten was able to laugh as well as M'Buhr sighed, sulking but minding his father before the leopardess among them giggled again.

"I... Youtwo are fun. I'm glad we met." She finally admitted softly. This earned a smirk from the lion, his son bowing theatrically as they, as a group, enjoyed a chuckle before Kabi'ten motioned.

"Well if an interrupting goddess doesn't affront, let's. Ho meet the others." She drawled. Slowly, Kabi'ten turned to leave, glancing back to ensure the others followed before the quartet made their way into the jungle to find Hana. At least things would be interesting.