The damage of the last two Threadfall had been quite a shock for many of the riders. A'dras had not expected to lose two of Hurricane's wingriders in just two Threadfalls. It showed how much work needed to be done, how much he had been slacking (in his mind at least) at his job of Wingleader. The man expected, very much, to be fired for this and yet that hadn't happened.

No, instead the wings had been shuffled and he was still Wingleader. Not of Hurricane but of Trespassers. He had even managed to stay Flightleader as well. It surprised A'dras, though Gareth sent reassurance to him that things were fine and had always been fine. There had been no true worry, especially with other Wingleaders getting hurt.

To A'dras, he was determined to strive and make his new wing better then his old had been. It was why he was moving towards the infirmary on this day, there was a former Wingleader and current wingrider that he wanted to get advice on. He doubted K'ienn would be in a good mood or maybe even truly want to talk to him but A'dras felt he needed to try.

Perhaps now is not the time, A'drasmine. While his rider moved through the weyrbowl, Gareth was gliding down, moving to land to walk a bit behind his.

I doubt there would ever be a right time for this Gareth. I want to speak to K'ienn before I speak to the rest of the Wing. It was his before... Trailing off, A'dras felt sympathy to the younger bronze rider. It was so easy to see Gareth where Yisketh now was, damaged and grounded for a time. He knew, that if it had been him, he would want the leader of his old wing to check with him, to get information about the members and how they worked. It was what was driving him to do this, and K'ienn was one of his wingriders now, even if it would be quite a long time before he and Yisketh joined them in the fight again.

Approaching their destination, Gareth reached out gingerly to the other bronze. Yisketh, how are you doing this day? I hope you are faring a bit better. The large bronze did his best to not let anything but the sympathy he felt, and concern for the other, reach through the bond offering him some sort of comfort, even if it did not help much. A'dras would like to speak to K'ienn and you for a moment, if that is alright. Do not hesitate to tell him if you two are too tired or in too much pain. The last part Gareth let A'dras hear and the man nodded his head, showing he agreed with the words spoken. He did not advance closer to the bronze dragon, instead he stood near Gareth waiting for a response with his arms clasped behind his back.

I hope this is okay. I figure they'd probably still be in the Infirmary, or near it. If not I can easily change this.