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She almost had everyone together. Soon, they would depart for the Kizingo'zaa, for where Côl had settled. For the pride they would be trying to ally or negotiate with. Cubs had been born since they left the Hellgate behind, and they needed a home soon. While Moricorm had spoke of ways to survive while being nomadic, that had been a small group. Not a pride of over two hundred souls, demonic, sador, and jötunn. And while living on the coast would be....different for many of them, it would be a safe haven, a place of rest, a place where they could figure out how the cubs born would find their demons.

She startled when she noticed another lioness close to where she'd been pacing. "Oh! Hello! I apologize, I didn't realize I had company."

Sorry this took so long. Life has been....entertaining. Feel free for Kip to have heard about the diplomatic party gathering, or to have Seen it! gathering