Rin crept along the brush and thick, Kakariko following at a merry trop as he followed the pale pinkish brown leopard he'd been following for, well, a long time now, ever since joining her pride because they were EVER so nice. The female led Kakariko through grass and valley, stream and wood as they travelled away from their former home after the pride was scattered, and now... In this plain, the two settled by an oasis to drink and take in water. Kakariko lounged near Rin when he drank his fill, humming happily as ever as the female sipped at the water there before she looked about, licking her maw thoughtfully. There weren't many preybeasts close, barring some sleeping birds in a tree, and Rin contemplated if she even could at one as she stared up, tail flicking before a voice broke her concentration.

"They're not food, miss."

Arzu was sleepy. A yawn escaped the sador's mouth as she stretched, drawing near tothe pair calmly. They weremn't necissarily quiet, or even cautious, but A5rzu sduspected the pair had no idea thatthe Aegnor'hini was so close.Instead, she decided to be kind -- something clearlyher birth mother didn't grasp -- and the lioness sat. Rin squeaked alarm immediately, flailing her paws and flopping into the spring in panic atthe larger beast, the leopardess absolutely alarmed, but Kakariko was on his paws and bounding over with the gait of one unafraid of anything -- not inaccurate, really: He truly WAS usually unafraid, and the grey male beamed brightly.

"Hello new friend it is good to meet you!" The leopardboy crooned merrily., Rin watched the sandy and red lioness consider him, before offering a smile. A smile! From some lion! Then again they seemed very abundant out here and unlike the sensibility of home they seemed to be the boss, usually, and Rin was quick to make nervous mewls. Arzu glanced to her, then Kakariko.

"Is she alright?" Arzu asked. Kakariko glanced, and, without losing his smile, bounced.

"She's jut ascared because she grew up with lions as slaves but it's okay Rin is ascared of everything We think she just needs a good friend she's not bad just scaredy and soft and oh so good for cuddles!" The male chirped in delight, and breathed deeply. Arzu laughed.

"You don't say. Well, I figured you didn't know this but another pride is in this area sleeping. Those birds she was eying -- they belong to some of our members, though...." And Arzu tapped her chin with a paw. "I suppose you two are hungry?"

Kakariko was thoughtful again, Rin watching before crawling from the spring slowly.

"Not... Not yet but we would like fod soon... I was going to hunt but I don't see herds near this spot." A sign escaped Rin, then, Arzu laughing.

"And now yoiu know why Ipresume?" She beamed. Rin nodded.

"It appears so."

Kakariko looked between the pair, and tilted his head in thought, humming to himself before stretching out.

"Well Kakariko thinks the lion lady must know where the herds have gone!" The leopard announced confidently. "But, Kakariko also wonders why she makes the yawning face of completed doomness and tired did the lady not sleep well? Kakariko can sing lullaby if he lady needs nappies!" He bobbed his head in multiple nods, Rin watching. rzu in tyurn watched Rin. The leopard was clearly looking after this.... Strange... Leopard, but why was uncertain. Still, the ideawas kind and sweet, and Arzu could respect the attempt, the female shifting to approach a bit more.

"I do, and I just haven't gone to sleep yet. You see, the pride in this area is largely noctournal, and doesn't usually move much in the day." Arzu explained patiently, Rin blinking.

"We're in a pride territory? But... What of..."

"Oh, oh no, we're.. Migrating. It's free land. Yoiu just might wake some of the angrier folk, if you press on making too much noise. I can show you wre I saw some prey earlier, you just might want to move quietly when we move." Arzu beamed. Rin nodded, Kakariko looking between them before puffing up his cheeks indignantly.

"If Kakariko wakes anyone, Kakariko will sing them to sleep!" He said, tone firm. Arzu frowned.

"That's assuming they don't kill you, first." She responded. Kakariko frowned.

"Kakariko has been threatened befire." Then, his voice quavered. "All a price to pay for leavbing my father. Oh, my poor father, why... Why did IthinkI could find better? Why didn't..." Suddenly, Kakariko began sobbing, dropping to his paws, and Arzu startled, Rin sighing as she moved to nose the male's ear softly. It seemed toi do little, and Rin sighed.

"He... Has these episodes. He'll be stuck here a while like this, now." Rin frowned, Arzu nodding. However, she didn't go for the prey -- hunting fled her mind as the sador moved to Lalariko, placing a paw across his shoulders. The leopard wailed again, pawsstill covering his face as he wept. Rin watched silently as Arzu nosed, rumbling low before lifyting the male by wiggling under him, nose first. He wasn't light, but she also didn'tthink leaving him alone was a good idea.

"I know a leopard in my pride -- he's a Nat usually around one of our chil who can mind your companion while we hunt." Arzu explained. "I don't like the idea of leavingthis little guy by himself. Not like this." The female shifted to adjust how Kakariko lay on her back, looking toRin porpusefully. Arzu figured Mauji would be better than the creepy sisters, given one might kill him, and they needn't risk being volunteered into the pride -- not that she thought many demons would, but the risk remained, asnd she dared not cause these strangers to feel like slaves when the Sador really... Weren't. Once prepared, the lioness nodded.

"I thinkI have the poor dear. Once he's with the leopard, we can go hunt. I don't mind beingup late -- better to bring in some extra food or something and more paws make better prey fall besides." Arzu crooned. Rin nodded slowly. Wile not entirely xconvinced, Rin did feel this lioness only meant well -- which was likely aggressive optimism instead of anything special - Rin tried finding the best in anyone. The leopard sighed slowly, shifting to follow Arzu as Kakariko continued to cry on her shoulders as he often did after even mentioning his past. Rin wasn't sure why even now, but... Something happened to the leopard, and, it seemed, at least their host recognized that -- and finally, Rin sighed, sagging releif as the trio made their wayto other areas.