Paws ached, she had been travelling for days now, no set place path in mind. The pack she had been born into recently disbanded as most of the members had been killed by a particularly bad hailstorm. Those that had survived took it as a bad omen and scattered, leaving friends and family behind. It was truly a dog eat dog mentality. Ukholo had been thankful she was out scouting when it happened, but she couldn’t help but feel resentful as well. Her entire family was now dead, yet here she was. Wandering.

Taking another step forward, the petite albino let out a whimper. It seemed her body wasn’t going to cooperate with her any longer, forcing her to rest. Scanning her area, she noticed rustling but hoped she wouldn't be spotted or bothered. Her coloring and patterns made it easy to hide among the grasses and ground, making her rather accustomed to other passing her by simply because they did not see her.

Piper was on his own today. Normally, he stuck to patrolling the pack's currently sleeping area with Lin, but with the strange happenings going on, Aeolus wanted to be cautious. She'd send patrols out every which way to make sure the area was safe for them to rest in, and he had been sent this way. He didn't mind patrolling alone, but he did rather miss Lin's charm as they walked. He sucked in a deep breath, trying to prevent a sigh.

So far, nothing had been going on. At least, not for a couple days. They didn't see strange lights or random storms or new landmarks that they could have sworn weren't there before. A couple members of the pack thought that the events were over, but he wasn't sure.

He honestly didnt expect to hear or see anything on this patrol, but that didn't mean it wouldn't happen. Piper's ears flicked forward towards the sound of a whimper. "Hello?" He questioned. Perhaps it was another of the pack - Piper didn't have an Ousia, so sometimes they'd come back around to him, after all.

Lilac eyes bulged as she heard the distinctly male voice call forward towards her. It seemed she had indeed been noticed, or at the very least, heard. Dropping her pale body to the ground slowly, Ukholo tucked all her body parts close to her, attempting to cover her face with her tail. The tall grasses and her coloring would surely camouflage her. If only she could keep quite.

Unfortunately, she wouldn’t be silent for long. Almost as soon as she had tucked herself in, she found herself sneezing from the dust particles lingering in her tail. “ACHOOO!” Coughing, now as more dust and dried grass flew about her, Ukholo gritted her teeth and shuddered. If the stranger hadn’t located her before, he most certain would find her now.

Attempting to cover her eyes with her ears by pushing them down on her face with her paws, she gulped- This was it. She was going to be someone’s dinner.