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In Good Faith

Dapper Entrepreneur

PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 7:26 pm
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Vígdís paced in front of Ragnvald, clearly impatient. “Are you confident she’s coming?” She asked for the third time, at least.

The lion was patient, as always. “Yes.” And he was. While he was not officially considered a Lawspeaker, he was her apprentice. Pehmeä was an intelligent lioness and, Ragnvald thought, honest. He had no cause to doubt her word to date. He and his mentor had discussed many things leading to this meeting. The laws of their people of course, but also their history... and with that, the changes that had been implemented by their new Warlord.

Vígdís had plenty of thoughts on this Warlord, of course. A series of foul and gruesome images flashed through the lioness’s mind, all of which left Ushindi in a bloody, lifeless heap in the dirt. Even the most fleeting thoughts of the Wardlord boiled her blood to the point of seeing red. She’d been working on this though, to be honest, the effect was mostly to keep her feelings well hidden. But then, she didn’t hide them from Ragnvald. The lion was her best friend since cubhood and he knew her too well for her to hide those thoughts; nor if she were any good at it, even a fool could predict Vígdís feelings. The b*****d Ushindi had all but killed her mother. But to add insult to injury, he’d also taken from her what she’d spent her life building to. She wasn’t allowed to follow in her mother’s footsteps, not any longer.

This is what had lead Ragnvald to inquire about Pehmeä’s thoughts. Vígdís and he had discussed it recently, as they often discussed when he was around the white lioness anymore. It led him to ask Pehmeä about any alternatives that were available, any options they had in under cutting the Warlord’s power. Of course there weren’t, or at least not to Pehmeä’s knowledge. But it had led to further conversations which brought them here.

The lionesses were strongly like minded though vastly different in personality. Vígdís a quick tempered fighter and Pehmeä a thoughtful calculator, but both who oppose the regime’s decision to limit lionesses in the field. It was Ragnvald’s hope that if they came together, options for change would open up.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 9:58 am
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Pehmeä didn't like this one bit.

But, she disliked the rules set down by the new Warlord even more.

The lioness was pacing, back and forth, back and forth, tiring out her paws and her brain all in one. She was set to have a meeting with Ragnvald and his close confidant, a strong lioness named Vígdís. The three of them were plotting what Pehmeä thought to be in the best interest of the pride.

As a Lawspeaker, it was not her duty to opine on the laws set forward by the Warlord. But with the changes he was affecting throughout the pride, the lioness felt that there was a very personal attack on the integrity of the pride's female members. And she wasn't going to stand for it.

Finally, she decided to stop pacing, and hurried off towards where she told Ragnvald she would meet him. Immediately, she saw him and another red-maned, white-gray lioness idling by his side. "Good," she said upon meandering up to the two of them. "You're both here." She stopped then, completely unsure of how to start. How does one tackle such a large problem - one that is newly systemic within the pride? This little working group of theirs was a start. But it was also a great risk, one that put her Lawspeakership on the table. She tried not to think about that.

"I'm Pehmeä," she said, nodding at Vígdís. "Thank you for joining us. Now, where to begin..." Pehmeä trailed off, her eyes sliding from Vi over to Ragnvald, her apprentice. He was young but had a steady, stable head on his shoulders that she'd come to admire. Perhaps he'd be more useful in leading the discussion.

In Good Faith


Devoted Cultist

In Good Faith

Dapper Entrepreneur

PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 9:06 am
Ragnvald and Vígdís shared a brief glance before the lion--much to Ví's surprise--spoke up. "Thank you for coming Pehmeä. This is my good friend, my best friend, Vígdís."

The lioness nodded her head in the female lawspeaker's direction, her eyes still busy assessing her. She was smaller than she'd imagine but of course she wasn't a warrior. She was plain in appearance but had a trustworthy look about her. Not that Ví would rely on that without other evidence supporting the fact.

Ragnvald continued. "I asked Vígdís here... or well, I thought the three of us have... a shared goal. I mean, you two specifically have a shared interest." He coughed, unsure how to continue. This was not going well thus far.

Ví sighed in frustration and broke in. "Is there nothing we can do to usurp that b*****d Ushindi's new laws? Specifically the ones preventing lionesses from being reavers or captains." She cast Ragnvald an exasperated expression.

Ragnvald nodded with a hummed "mmphm" as if that was what he was trying to get to all along.

Ruler of Everything
|D short tag but tag all the same. <333
PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 10:39 am
Pehmeä's gaze shifted from Ragnvald to Ví and back again, curious as to the depths of their relationship. But that was an idle thought - one that was soon interrupted by the lioness's bold inquiry.

At the question, Pehmeä let out a heavy sigh. "Unfortunately for all of us, there is nothing substantive we can do to address the discontent we feel at the laws laid down by the new Warlord." She raised her eyes level to Ví's and continued on, "But, if there is enough unrest, perhaps that can catalyze change. I believe that's why Ragnvald has brought us together, yes?" She glanced over at her apprentice, glad that he had become a close confidant of hers. It seemed a bit strange for a male lion to care so much about the welfare of his fellow lionesses, but it was endearing and much appreciated.

"I propose that we use our own networks to send out... feelers. There are certainly others out there who oppose the change. Perhaps there are enough of us to actually move the needle on this. Perhaps not. But I think we need to find a way to assess the level of dissatisfaction within the pride. We can't do anything about the problem if others don't agree the problem exists, after all." She was curious - both personally and intellectually - as to how widespread the discontent was within the pride. She knew Ushindi ruffled feathers in more ways that just this, so perhaps there were even supporters who simply opposed the regime change writ large who might join in on their cause.

Then again, Pehmeä didn't exactly feel all that sure herself. She had only recently managed to claw her way up the ranks to Lawspeaker, and she knew damn well that an effort like this - especially with her being one of the lead lions on it - could easily threaten her Lawspeakership. But there were things far more important than a job title - such as the rights of the lionesses affected by the new laws.

In Good Faith


Devoted Cultist

In Good Faith

Dapper Entrepreneur

PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 11:19 am
The weight of what Pehmeä had to say hung in the air for several long heartbeats. The three gathered shared looks of seriousness, assessing the others' willingness to accept the danger continuing down this road would surely bring. Bringing in others? That was a risk.

On one hand, Ragnvald had the potential to become a lawspeaker. If he were were found out plotting against the Warlord, they would strip him of that surely. If they didn't exile him completely, he might still have a shot at becoming a reaver anyway. Well, probably not... Ushindi was the kind of Warlord that would thrall anyone that attempted to usurp power and call it mercy.

For Pehmeä, the stakes were just as great, if not greater. She would most certainly be stripped of her title but what were her odds beyond that? If she were lucky, she would remain in the territory as a thrall, all be it one without resources for a time. But she wasn't a warrior and exile would also mean the death for her.

And Vígdís? Well she was just a freeborn. Because she was the daughter of Zjarri'fols, though? She would be killed just to make a point. Too bad she didn't care. She just didn't ******** care anymore. Anger bubbling in her gut, she wrenched herself around and began to pace.

"You two have something to lose in this." She wasn't quite yelling. Yet. "I'm already on Ushindi's s**t list but you two, you two could eventually become his advisors, have his ear." Her pacing continued, her eyes keeping watch of her path. "Gods know he probably won't listen to a lioness but its a safer way for you to go about change." Her eyes flicked over Pehmeä and she felt a wave of concern smash her gut and shook her head in response.

Ragnvald stepped in her path now. "You're right. It would be safer." He paused, staring into his best friend's golden eyes. "But what he's doing isn't right. It's effecting everyone, including the men who are out on vikings, down at least a third of their support because lionesses have to stay home." Another pause. "And it's not right. It's not our way."

He turned to Pehmeä then, a somber look. "You, though, Pehmeä... you have a lot to lose here. And I don't want you involved more than you have to be. I wanted you to meet Ví and explain to her the options. But it isn't worth risking your position, not right now." The realization that he couldn't do a thing to stop Ushindi from killing her, thralling her, or exiling her sent waves of panic through his blood. He was why she was here and it would be his fault if she suffered the consequences.

Ruler of Everything
PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 12:16 pm
At the talk of the seriousness of what she was saying, Pehmea winced a bit. She had spent long hours mulling over this problem, but she saw no way out except to mount a quiet, steady, potential insurrection. Ushindi wasn’t the most reasonable of lions; it wasn’t likely that he would bend his ear to listen to her, a female Lawspeaker. It was unusual enough that he hadn’t stripped her of her rank as he stripped the ranks from so many others. And perhaps Ví was right – maybe a long, slow game was what they needed to play here. But with so many affected, and her being female, it felt like a much more urgent need was brewing.

While I appreciate your concern, this is much bigger than me or my rank.” She shifted her eyes to Ragnvald, staring him down. “And you should know I have thought long and hard on this issue. I would not be here today if I weren’t willing to risk my position within the pride for this cause. But I am. And I know there are others out there like me – like us – who are willing to put their tails on the line.” Finally, she broke her eyes from staring at Ragnvald and slowly moved her gaze back to the lioness. “And truly, I do appreciate your concern. But if we wait, the rights of lionesses hang in the balance. And I’d rather not gamble with those.” Her shoulders felt heavy as she spoke on the seriousness of the topic at hand. Heavier than they felt even when mediating the most tense of disputes. Previously, making rank was the most difficult challenge life had handed her. But now? Now she was ready for a new one.

Have either of you heard any other whispers of folks within the pride that may be on our side? I think we need to start first with any friends. Anyone close to you that you can confide in. It’s crucial that this needn’t spread. Not yet.

In Good Faith


Devoted Cultist

In Good Faith

Dapper Entrepreneur

PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 2:03 pm
Vígdís' opinion of the lioness rose considerably in response to her little speech. Nodding along with her, the white lioness shot Ragnvald a look that said 'she's a good one.'

Ragnvald merely pursed his lips and nodded once in response to Pehmeä. It was her choice, after all. He just didn't like it but that was his burden to bear in silence.

Vígdís spoke in response to the other lioness' question, her shoulders shifting uneasily. "Of course there's others, but no one wants to openly voice their thoughts. I've heard around the market and in passing, lionesses who were upset at having to prove themselves." She'd been in about four or five duels since Ushindi took over and she would be willing to bet almost every lioness that she'd fought would share their sentiments. Her sisters, too, would resent the new law just as much as she did. "There's some." She nodded, mentally gathering a list of those she'd be finding in the next several days.

Ragnvald furrowed his eyebrows in thought. "Not many of the males I've been around have much to say on it, but I can reach out to some. Reavers, freeborn, almost every faction and see what I can discern... quietly."

Vígdís didn't like the idea of the males getting involved, especially the reavers. "Reavers and Captains won't want to get involved with something that could come back on them with Ushindi."

Ragnvald snorted but it was in agreement. "Some, yes, but there are other lions out there like me. I think I'm less suspicious than any of you lionesses asking the wrong kind of questions. I can do it and make it look like camaraderie banter."

She still wasn't sold. "Pehmeä? What about you? What do you think of males being included in this.... whatever this is?"

Ruler of Everything
PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 7:09 am
Pehmeä watched as the two lions before her went back and forth on whether or not males would be interested in their cause before Ví presented the question to her. She snorted a bit at the lioness calling it “whatever this is.” That perfectly summed up her thoughts. She wasn’t sure what was happening here, but whatever it was, she felt it was going to be big.

I think the new Warlord has ruffled enough feathers that it wouldn’t be too unusual to see males joining the cause. But I think the females of the pride are more likely to be sympathetic to us, as they’re the ones most directly affected by this, of course.” She mulled a bit before continuing, “I, personally, think it’s a fine idea to recruit whatever lions believe in, you know, whatever it is that we’re doing.

In Good Faith


Devoted Cultist

In Good Faith

Dapper Entrepreneur

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 7:22 am
Ví pursed her lips but nodded once and begrudgingly. "Fine, but we watch them closely. And be careful." She added that last bit pointedly at Ragnvald, her expression making clear she wouldn't tolerate having to rescue him from a prison hall.

Ragnvald grinned toothily and nodded in response.

"Last thing." She included both companions in her field of vision now. "Thralls. I don't know what they're overall sentiments are with Ushindi but I don't think we need them involved right now. They gossip like wildfire and it would be all too easy for one of our lionesses' thralls to speak with another thrall whose master is... less supportive of our interests. And then it's over." Her dark look made clear that 'over' would be a bloody, violent affair in such a case.

Ragnvald shrugged, not having much to add. He didn't have a thrall and therefore wasn't opinionated on their current state of minds.

Ruler of Everything
PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 7:27 am
Pehmeä nodded at Vígdís' closing sentiments. "I agree. They could be dangerous and expose our cause. We really don't need that right now, and their support isn't something we require."

After she spoke, she realized they had come away with a mission. Now it was time to execute. "Thank you both for meeting with me. Now, I think we have a clear idea of what we need to do... so let's do it." She smiled softly, sadly, and turned tail to walk away, officially breaking up their meetings of the minds. She was walking potentially to her death, having just started up a plot against Ushindi's new laws, but she felt oddly good about it. Calm and serene. It was what one felt like when they knew they were doing the right thing. And she was sure that she was. Now the goal was not to get killed before she accomplished her goal.

In Good Faith


Devoted Cultist

In Good Faith

Dapper Entrepreneur

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 10:04 am
The remaining two lions shared looks of concern. Ushindi was vicious and would not tolerate rebellion. They, Vígdís, Ragnvald, and now Pehmeä, were on the verge of putting their lives at risk by opposing their warlord's decrees... yet the lion and lioness had little concern for their own welfare. It was their worry for the other's that weighed on both their minds.

"Okay then. I'll see you... soon." With a lingering stare, the white lioness turned and padded off in the direction she thought she would most likely run into those she knew and would trust... enough.

Ragnvald watched her go before nodding to himself and turning to leave the other direction. He had his role to play.

Ruler of Everything
xD Just wanted to get my guys off screen too.
[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands

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