Keleres [WW] - 21 - she/her/hers - JM Masseuse (spy)

There was a soft, quiet blanket drawn over her world. Her heart beat an unpleasant tattoo against her ribcage, the folded note in her hand a sharp and unpleasant thorn in her mind. Candidatemaster A’ral wanted to see her- and for the life of her, Keleres could not figure out why.

Every footstep towards his office sounded muffled and distant to her senses. There was a floaty, uncomfortable feeling in her stomach too… Why was she being summoned? The thought gnawed away at her, leaving her worried and anxious. Kel couldn’t think of a reason- not an exact one, but a million mini-transgressions crossed her mind…

And there was the door. The redhead drew in a deep breath, pushed aside a loose curl, then rapped smartly. “Candidatemaster A’ral? It’s Keleres. You wanted to see me?” It wouldn’t be so bad. Hopefully.

Mr Cheri