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((Event: 20. Players' choice! Discuss with your fellow RPers and choose which of the above situations you want to play.

Rofl, alright, I’m going to go with:
11. Oh, did you think you were in Africa? A little hot for you? Here, have a 20-minute blizzard, that should cool you right off.))

He wasn’t... entirely certain how this all started. As far as he knew, snow didn’t happen this far into the savannah; the air was too warm, too dry for that type of weather. Yet, despite the heat still pulsing up from the ground and the very clear skies above him, there was also tiny, white flakes of snow drifting down.

Sachit paused in his walking to analyze the sky with dark, critical eyes. What odd weather. He had wandered away from his brother and sister, wanting to get a feel of the area ahead of them, and had only just made the decision to turn back when it started. Now he wasn’t entirely certain what to do about this situation. His siblings have likely took shelter by now, which means he probably should too.... but he would rather see if he could make it to them first. So with a nod, the male continued his trek across the savannah.

Which... didn’t last long before the wind gave an almighty howl and suddenly his vision was blasted with white.

He yelled out in surprise, stumbling back a few steps with his ears pulled flat against his head, and crouched low to the ground to try and avoid the majority of it, a useless gesture, he realized when it accomplished nothing but piled snow on top of him. Shaking himself out of the growing pile of snow, he hoped forward a few paces to get out of his own trap, and then started sprinting as fast as he could manage to... somewhere. Anywhere! What was going on?!

But savannas weren’t known for their snow shelters, and his frantic running did nothing but make his paws cold and wet, a feeling he decided was positively dreadful and he made a mental note to avoid snow from here on out.

Unfortunately, that didn’t help him now. Gritting his teeth, Sachit pushed forward through the snow, but his movements were getting slower now. At last he had his pelt, he supposed, which kept him warmer than other creatures... but he doubted that it would help much more than it already had. He NEEDED shelter, but where?

In the end, the solution to his problem happened upon him when he least expected it. In that, he very suddenly found the snow beneath him caving downwards, and with a yelp, he was thrust forward and tossed down a hole in the ground. A very big hole in the ground, he would later note, likely a former den of a hyena pack or something.

Sachit landed with a grunt, snow tumbling around him and obscuring his vision. He had no idea where he was, he was winded, and now he was starting to wonder if he was about to die.

Luckily for him, though, he wasn’t the only creature in that den. As luck would have it, Meera had found this place earlier in the day and had chosen to take a nap in it, managing to completely sleep through the start of the storm an not even notice the snow piling up at the entrance.

She did notice when someone came crashing into it though.

Head snapping up in shock, Meera stared at the snow packed bundle in front of her, confused and curious over what had happened. Was that.... snow? Oh she loved snow! She’d only come across it a couple times, and had in fact been hoping to head towards the colder regions to really experience it, but she was nowhere near those regions right now. In fact, it had been a particularly hot day today, so why was there snow? How odd.

Her eyes narrowed on the pile in front of her, and it was then that she finally took notice of the tail and limbs poking out of it. Was there someone under that?

Wait... they weren’t moving.

..... Oh, crap!

Meera scrambled to her feet and raced forward to start digging him out of the snow. As more of him was revealed, she grabbed ahold of the scruff on his neck, ignoring the scratchy mane, and pulled him out. Doing so also unearthed the entrance to her cave, and, strangely, it was bright and sunny still outside. Making a mental note to investigate that in a minute, she poked at the lion until he started to come to again.

“Hey! Are you okay?”

Sachit groaned in response, slowly opening his eyes to gaze at the cheeton in front of him. He was shivering from head to toe, but the air was still decently warm in here and was steadily hearing him back up. Thank the gods for that!

“What.. happened?”

Meera shrugged, “You fell in here.” She pointed with a nose at the entrance to the den, “Where did all this snow come from?” He seemed okay, he was talking and everything, so her attention was slowly pulled outside, her curious paws walking her past him....

Sachit didn’t notice her leaving at first, instead just grumbling to himself and trying to lick the wetness from his fur, “Hell if I know! This random blizzard started up, and I doubt it’ll stop any time.... soon...?”

That was when he noticed that his new companion was no longer there, and a quick swivel of his head showed her tail swishing out the entrance. Jaw dropping, Sachit stumbled after her, “W-wait! It’s still-“ He skidded to a stop in the snow as he stared, dumbfounded, at the sight of clear skies, a warm sun, and his savior gleefully diving headfirst into the already melting snow. But... how?! It was a white out only moments ago!

Meera, meanwhile, was giggling and laughing as she rolled around in the snow, uncaring for how it clung to her mane and left chills across her body. This was so much fun! Why hadn’t he been playing in this? Well, maybe he had been, but he’d been doing it wrong.

Not matter; she’d show him how!

“Wheee!” She hopped up and down before turning a huge grin at the lion, “Wanna play? The snow is so much fun!”

Sure it’s fun... if you’re not getting BURIED in it.

Sachit gave a huff at her statement, a disgruntled look on his face as he tried to shake some leftover snow from his hindquarters, “Thanks, but no thanks. I’ve had enough of snow for one day.” Shaking his head, he decided to just leave the hybrid there. Who knew if the snowstorm would come back, and he wanted to find his siblings while he had the chance.

So, with one last glance at the crazy cheeton, he turned and started bounding away.

Meera just blinked after him in innocent confusion, not sure why he was grumping. She supposed that not everyone liked to play in snow.

... but that certainly didn’t stop her now.

With a wide grin, she brushed the strange male aside and went back to her play.