Sphinx, normal
Zing, bold

Maya x Ably x Xibalba

"Why have you summoned me?" a deep voice called out as darkness crept over Maya's den, a looming figure as tall the ceiling stood at it's entrance, stoic and haunting. Twelve eyes watched as Maya slowly rolled over to glare at the dark figure, speaking in a tone that was familiar and foreboding. "I need your help, sister." she exclaimed, moving to stand as her burned side faced the direction of her divine sibling, Maya would stand still for a moment as her eyes settled on Xibalba's lean figure. In the dark she looked like a demon, in the dark she was darkness incarnate.

"Enter, you don't need to hide yourself from me, he is no threat." her eyes settled back to the sleeping figure of the albino lion she had 'rescued' from the day before, his figure lay still in the back of her den as the Goddess entered, her frown was now visible to the brown lioness, who in return gave her sister a dirty look. "Do not judge me, he is just a fallen lion who is in need of your... influence."

"Influence? You've called me here for this?" it was becoming incredibly more aware that the Goddess was displeased with this whole situation, speaking in a voice that was riddled with disapproval. "-You can not keep trying to mend these broken things, Maya-"

"Sister, please-" the green eyed lioness frowned as she moved closer to the winged creature. "-was I not also a broken thing? I am not asking for much, just some help in nulling his pain long enough for me to get some answers out of him. It looks like he's got a bad head wound."

For a long moment the Goddess stood still, eyeing over Maya's figure as a deep sigh escaped her clinched teeth. "-do not compare yourself to thi-"

"Xibalba, I am asking this favor of you, as your sister." Maya refused to split hairs, in her mind she was just as damaged as the lion that now slept in her den. Her eyes would settle on Xibalba as the Goddess agreed to help in one swift nod. "Fine." the reluctance in her voice was booming but Maya ignored it. The Goddess would get over it soon enough.

If this lion could remember more of the day before maybe she would get some answers.

"Get up." the female demanded as she used a paw to press against his shoulder, trying to wake him from his sleep.

"My sister has come to help."

Behind Maya the Goddess stood, all of her eyes focused on the sleeping albino. Maya had never brought a wounded bird home before, why now? Something in the pit of her stomach turned as she waited for this lion to wake.

And indeed he had slept, however fitfully as it was.

Ably had come to find himself in a limbo, teetering on the edge of incredible pain and a sleep that comes to those completely exhausted both mentally and physically. His body would twitch as his head throbbed, even waking in the middle of the night to sickness again. However, even with all the trails that had been bestowed upon him he had slept and recovered somewhat- hope having given him the power to ease the stress that clouded him. Without stress it was just pain, nausea and exhaustion he face and he was powerful enough to weather them.

The pressure placed on his shoulder had caused him to stir, however the strange presence that seemed to devour the room and make his heart beat a little fast. That. That had been the reason he had awoken.

Gasping awake, Ably stared at the lioness’ face, his eyes blurry and unfocused from his injury and having just woken. He was already aware something was off, however he wouldn’t be confronting that yet.

“Mmmm...” Fluttering grey-lilac eyes up at his host, Ably’s brows knit together, the overwhelming feeling of both exhaustion and pain captivating him. “P-please… more sleep?” The albinos’ body was starting to go limp again as eyes fluttered closed. He knew she wouldn’t be allowing such a thing however, and fought terribly to keep awake. A couple deep breaths in and out, eyes closed and head bobbing- The acidic scent of his bile still lingering heavily on his body.

His will and that scent gave Ably the strength to pull himself out of the drowsy state, offering him the chance to glimpse at the something that stood behind his host. A something that made burned flesh look like beauty. A something that made a nightmare appealing.

Taking in a sharp and immediate breath in, his eyes bulge with fear. If this was his saviors’ idea of a divine being he wasn’t sure he wanted to know what her demons looked like to her.

It is her sister, she can help me. It is her sister, she can help me. It is her sister, she can help me. He was holding his breath without realizing it and soon started to feel dizzy. His head pounding harder as demand for air became apparent. Letting a shaky breath out, his eyes glittered with tears from a mixture of pain and fear.

“I… I…” Looking away he’d give anything to just shrivel up and die however something made him turn back and face the two again. Pride overcame his fear, though he wasn’t lacking in that either. “I…” Clenching his jaw, he pressed his tongue to the roof of his mouth.

He didn’t know what to say, other than, “Okay.”

As the white lion came to Maya gave him a look of concern, a look she rarely gave anyone outside of her own family, still, here it was, as plan as day drawn out across her face. He was soft on the eyes and as pale as snow, so against the darkness he stood out like a shining star held tightly against the darkness that surrounded him as the Goddess moved in closer for a look. The eyes on her face were covered mostly by long locks of hair, but between her bangs he could make out two bright orbs of light that gazed at him deeply, never blinding, always watching.

"What is his name?" the Divine creature questioned as her wings settled at her side, withdrawing her full gaze from the pair.

"Oh-" Maya found herself frowning as she turned back to face her sibling, speaking in a whisper only loud enough for her to hear, "I didn't get his name last night, he was too inebriated."

"I see-" her tone rumbled in her chest as she tilted her head at the lion, frowning softly to herself. "What is his condition? You said a head injury?"

"I believe so. He isn't making a lot of sense."

Xibalba took a moment to look him over before turning away to face the entrance of the den. She moved herself close to the exit and thought for a long while, giving Maya sometime to check in on the albino.

"What's your name?" the female sat a little closer to him as her eyes searched his body over for any sighs of injury, frowning when she noticed the awful smell that lingered on his pelt. "After this I am trowing your a** into the sea, you smell like death."

"Maya, come." Xibalba spoke up in the distance as she beckoned her sibling to join her in the shadows.

"Mmm?" as soon as the brown lioness was at the Goddess's side Xibalba spoke out, her tone firm and words to the point. "I can help, some, but I can not fix a broken head, you understand this right?"

"I'm aware." Maya nodded before glancing back at the lion confused lion.

"I just need to get some information out of him." in all honesty the lion hadn't said much, and it was to understand him when he did. It felt like riddles when he was able to form words, so Maya needed some help, at least for a few seconds while she tried to understand him better.

"Very well. I will help you, under one condition."

Green eyes narrowed as Maya found herself nodding in agreement, waiting to her what this condition was.

"You find your worth without the help of that fiend." It was obvious who Xibalba was referencing, and in the back of her mind she knew she needed to let him go, so with a nod Maya agreed. A trade for a trade, it was a deal.

The albino didn’t dare move a muscle as the goddess gazed upon his body. He felt naked and powerless, a feeling he wasn’t accustomed to, yet he also had a touch of hope resting in his heart. Was it the burned strangers’ expression, or the divine beasts’ presence that allowed him to feel hopeful? Furrowing brows together, Ably turned his gaze away from the two females, resting his sights on a fur pelt soiled by vomit.

He found himself fixated on the pelt, allowing it to distract himself from the exchange the strangers were having. He’d have to replace that pelt... offer his host a better one. No. He would have to offer her several new pelts, perhaps even find her a better den as well. The place reeked and it had been his fault. Wincing, the headache gnashed at his head making his vision blurry again. When he was better he would pay her back…

Closing his eyes to avoid over stimulating himself, Ably felt the lioness’ hot breath on his face after a few minutes- She had moved closer without him realizing it. Opening his eyes slowly to look at her, he gazed at her. The least he could do was offer the lioness his name.

“Ably, Son of Kaelyn and Dooley.”

He hadn’t enjoyed the frown she had offered him after taking a deep breath in- Yes he knew he stank, but there wasn’t much he could do about it. “I doubt the ocean’d be much help…” Breathing out the comment in a mutter, the lion looked away, only to quickly look back when his host was addressed by what he assumed was her name.


A deep pounding sensation caressed his head sending a wave of nausea with it, eyes fluttered as he reached up and clutched his skull with both paws. Shivering with pain, the albino gritted his teeth, causing more pressure in his skull. “Ugggghh!!” Growling, a couple tears darted from his eyes as he turned away. What light had been coming from the opening of the den had been enough to make his stomach turn.

Was this as good as it was going to get?

"Ably..." The brown female found herself repeating his name as her emerald eyes narrowed against his pale figure. He was large and his muscular form was warn from some sort of... battle, it was easy to see the stress he had been under - it was painted across his pale face. She could feel herself nibble on her lower lip as her divine sibling pulled herself to stand between the pair. "Ably, son of Kaelyn and Dooley, do you understand what it is Maya is asking of me? Will you willing give yourself to my power?" her questions cam without a pause.

Normally the Goddess wouldn't bother asking, but... he was a broken thing, much like the sibling she loved and for some strange reason her sister cared for his well being, so this made her care in return. Her gaze stayed focused on the resting lion as she lifted her wings to rise above her head, standing like a tall, proud peacock.

"Maya, stand back-" the winged creature warned as the Goddess moved closer to Ably, awaiting his response.

For a long moment Maya stood in silence, though her eyes never left the pale lions' frame. "She won't harm you," finally she broke the silence as her eyes shifted from his figure, landing back on Xibalba.

"Thank you." the lioness whispered as she slowly moved back, giving the Goddess and the albino room to speak freely.

His name being called had pulled him out of the painful spell he had been under, however it had not healed him, merely distracted him for a few moments. Grey eyes met emerald, however they quickly glazed over as pain set in once again. Groaning, Ably shifted his eyes away, his name once again becoming a dispelling mechanism for the pain he was suffering.

Looking back towards Maya, Ably’s eyes met the goddess’s instead, sending a shiver down his spine. There was something about her that made him feel like running, or screaming… She didn’t seem like the type of goddess you’d want to run into in the night alone. Was he judging her bases solely on fear and appearance? Yes. However reason wasn’t with him currently.

Peeking at Maya, Alby found himself preferring her visage to the goddess standing in front of him… however her question still lingered in the air. -Did he understand what Maya had asked her to do? Was he willing to give himself to her power.?- What had she meant by all that?

Ably couldn’t help but feel fear as the deity stood tall, spreading her dark wings making herself appear even larger to him. When she requested Maya to stand back, the albino felt absolute terror. What was she about to do? Panicking he yelped, “D-don’t!”

It had been too late, however, as Maya had obediently followed the goddess order and even left him with the words, -“She won’t harm you.”- It wasn’t comforting, quite the contrary it made him more apprehensive than ever.
“Why… Why does she have to leave? What are you going to do?!” Panic was now fully apparent- He was alone, ill and with two stranger that he still didn’t know if he could trust. What did she mean, give into her power? Was he going to be her puppet or slave? No. He couldn’t allow himself to survive an attack from the Gods at war only to be struck down in his own homelands by a divine stranger. Shuddering as another attack from his injury let loose, the albino finally let out a gastly cry. He had worked himself up and allowed his blood pressure to spike, only worsening the tension and swelling in his head.


As quickly as Maya allowed space between her and Ably Xibalba moved in, standing tall against the darkness. Her golden eyes were warm and beckoned to him sweetly as she spoke again, this time her tone was a little softer, as if to lull him into a false comfort. Her aura would take effect now, it's power unrelenting to those who would let down their awareness alone enough for her to wiggle her way in, crawling deep into his skin. Dark paws would move closer as the creature spoke, demanding answers.

"You will answer all my questions honestly-" her voice lowered as the eyes on her wings pinned, opening wide.

"Where did these injuries come from?" her first question was easy, and was more to the point. Maya needed basic answers, so she was try to deliver that to her sibling the best she could.

"-and who made you ill?" as her second question rolled off her tongue Maya interjected, nudging the Goddess.

"Ask him who healed him" the burned female corrected, assuming this would trigger a proper response. Xibalba nodded as she slowly turned to face the albino. "Who healed you?"

Maya would move back again as she stood at the entrance of the den, trying to allow her sister enough space to help Ably while avoiding her influence. The mortal wasn't about to fall into that trap again. Xibalba could be addicting, her presence alone demanded respect. Slowly she moved in circles, glancing over at the pair from time to time.

The albino had no time to react, his mind gone with the magic that the goddess was now using- He was completely engulfed in her influence and could easily become her puppet if she wished him to be. Had it not been for his head injury, perhaps Ably would have noticed the presence taking control of his mind, influencing his speech. That hadn’t been the case though, pain and panic loosened the control he had over his emotions and his thoughts were gone.

It was like he was engulfed in blackness, his consciousness staring at the room and figures in it through his eyes, but he was unable to make a judgement or speak his own free will. He knew his mouth was hanging open, but could do nothing to close it. His inner self was screaming, but there was nothing he, himself could do.

And then she spoke and her words frightened him- What questions did she want to ask him? Had he done something to them without knowing?
[1:31 AM] Zing: “It was the Gods!!! The sky went dark, then a fog came and haunting horrible singing could be heard, the fog was full of poison but I managed to stay conscious unlike others… but then the rocks started falling. I was told a huge stone fell and hit me in the skull, cracking it. I don’t know much else about that day, my brothers brought me back to the homelands where I have been ever since.” His mouth just continued to move as words came forth like vomit, much to his consciousness’ terror. He hadn’t told anyone the full story before, he didn’t want to relive it. Staring at the Goddess he silently begged for mercy and was given another question instead. This one… confusing.

“I made myself ill.” Ably didn’t know what the Goddess was trying to ask, however Maya’s interjection was useful, allowing him to truly answer the question they were seeking. “Bellatrix healed me.” Now why did they want to know that? Were they looking for a healer as well?

Ably never once blinked and instead continued to stare into the eyes of Xibalba, however his suppressed conscious was now watching Maya as she moved in circles, at least, he thought she was from the shadowy movement behind the goddess.

If her aura could grasp his pale neck it would, pulling Ably closer with every step the Goddess took. He could feel his body buckle as she slowly narrowed her burning gaze, every eye closing, one after one, until the final two shut in unison. Xibalba had retrieved the information Maya requested, at least enough to remove her hold from the lion. "You will be honest with Maya, and clean up this mess." though the Goddess had no reason to linger, apart of her wanted to. Her sister was... a peculiar creature, a wild, untamable thing with a frail heart tucked deep underneath a wounded body. It was in her nature to protect her, at least... Xibalba felt it was.

"Are you satisfied?" Xibalba questioned with a frown, as if nothing would ever cure her of this annoyance she felt standing between the pair. Why did Maya care so much?

"He seems more trouble than he is worth, this Ably." the Goddess whispered as her large paws carried her to her mortal sister. "I do not see why any of this matters."

"Silence." Maya snapped as she glanced back over to check on Ably, who was obviously still coming too. The first time was always the hardest, she knew from personal experience. "He will recover soon?"

"From my gaze? Yes. From his hurt? I am not sure. It sounds like you have a name now, though." her eyes narrowed as she cocked her head to the side. "Are you going to kill her?"

"Perhaps." the burned female frowned as she bit her lower lip. "If she vows to stay away from him, I will spare her."

"Careful-" the Goddess snickered. "You're starting to sound like you care."

"I do care-" the lioness frowned as she glanced back at her sibling. "-though I am not sure why."

"I see." it was hard to except that Maya was moving on, but Xibalba was going to have to come to terms with this sooner or later. Someday Maya would belong to someone else. The winged creature turned to leave Maya's den, speaking a final time. "Call me again soon, I do worry."

"I will." with her final words the Goddess left, disappearing into the darkness.

"Ably-" as Maya spoke she rushed over to his side, a worried look cloaking her normal stoic expression. Her voice was hushed as green eyes searched his face, awaiting a reply. "You need to breathe."

Somewhere in-between the conversation with Xibalba, Alby had stood. His body teetered gently on his toes once the goddess released him, his conscious mind now released and back in control of its own machine. He hadn’t been breathing, his body still stiff and full of terror from the menace that controlled him. The retreating form of the goddess doing no good in stabilizing his fear- Had he had more fluid in his system, he’d surely have pissed himself.

The conversation between Maya and Xibalba was all but lost on him, his head was ringing, eyes stinging and lungs burning- This certainly was an experience he hoped to never have to go through again. It was only at the sound of Maya’s voice saying his name, urging him to breathe that he fully came to with a loud, aggressive gasp.

“What… What what what…. Just what!?” Pale silvery-purple eyes stared into Maya’s green orbs as tears rolled down his face and onto the floor. “J-just what was that?!” Shivering and shuddered, Ably back away towards a corner. He glanced towards the entrance of the lioness’ den fearfully, his fear was that she was merely standing outside, waiting for him to be alone.

“I…” Shivering, he backed up towards the corning of the den, eyes continuing to stare at the den’s entrance. “I lost control! She… she took me over I swear it!” His eyes were now on Maya, brows knitted with confusion and fear. “Why?!” There was so many questions he had, all of which ended in why. What question Maya would answer was completely up to her, however it most certainly wouldn’t completely satiate the albino.

His heartrate raced allowing a dull thump to press into his temples and although he didn’t realize it now… his headache that would surely have accompanied that thumping was missing.