Sphinx, bold
Kasai, normal

Aldan x Yorshka

As quickly as the sparing started the lioness on one her toes, moving herself around him so that his back was facing her. WIth narrowed eyes the lioness moved quickly as she launched herself at his back, aiming for his shoulder. She wanted to try to use her weight to take him to the ground but Yorshka knew this wouldn't be easy. Aldan was large, larger than most lions due to the long line of god-blood that ran through his veins, so when she moved to latch herself to him the lioness had to keep this in the back of her mind, always.

"Ugh-" a grunt escaped her chest as she rolled right off his body before landing on the ground beside him, she must have lost her balance while trying to hold onto him, no matter, this was about learning after all. Yorshka over extended, she would learn from this mistake.

"You're too big!" She laughed as she quickly rolled herself back to her paws, eyeing him down as she turned to circle him, moving back to face him full-force.

"I can hardly wrap my paws around you." Again she teased as she searched him over for a weak-point. This task felt so daunting.

Even though Aldan had said he wouldn't go easy on Yorshka, he found himself resisting some movement. Where he meant to bring her to the ground quickly, he only stood his ground, as the pale lioness launched for his back. A small smirk on his maw as she wrapped (or, tried to) wrap her paws around his neck, before rolling off and landing on the ground. He chuckled as his dark eyes glanced at her. His claws remained sheath as she commented how he was too big.

"That's a good thing though, isn't it?" He said slyly, rushing at her as she rolled back to her paws, attempting to knock her to the ground. He rose to his back paws, wrapping his forepaws around her. "I can wrap mine around you just fine," he purred.

This action left the soft spot of his belly exposed. Yorshka could attempt to use that to her advantage, however Aldan wasn't thinking about the battle. He just loved being with his wife every minute.

He was being flirty and sweet and it was making her head spin. Why did he have to be so cute? Learning from her husband was going to be a lot more difficult than she first assumed if he kept giving her smirks like this. Slowly Yorshka wiggled herself free from his grasp and batted at him playfully, speaking in a tone that was a mixture of playfulness and edging on begging. "Come on Aldan, focus."

She was aware this wouldn't be easy, not only did he had the upper hand on her size-wise, but he was someone she adored. If she was going to learn to fight she would need to try to remove that part of herself long enough to make some real progress here.

As soon as his belly was exposed the lioness took the chance to punch him in the gut, sending him a firm but not so violent message, so that would say without speaking, "Take this seriously please."

Her bright blue eyes shifted as the lioness slowly moved herself back, smirking under a soft sigh.

She was really lucky to have him.

Focus? But it was so hard to do so! After all, this was the love of his life right in front of him. He couldn't help but go easier on her, even though he had promised he wouldn't. "I think you should make a move." Although Yorshka had been the first to do so, Aldan found that if she was going against him, perhaps his focus would be a bit more.

"Ommph!" The male grunted as she punched his gut. "Owww." He was not expecting that. The male double over, holding his belly as he caught his breath. Such a dirty, dirty trick. Aldan found himself glaring at the female, as a small smirk grew to his maw. "Okay then. I guess we mean business, hmm?" He chuckled.

Aldan was quick on his feet as he regained his composure, charging towards Yorshka. Let's see how well the female blocked herself from the larger male? Aldan held back slightly, but still felt his form collide with hers. He'd apologize later.

As quickly as her attacked ended her husband was back on his feet and charging, this left little time for the pale lioness to move out of his way as he came tumbling at her. Her eyes closed as she winced, falling to her side before frowning. He was so tall, sometimes it felt unfair sparing with him, still, Yorshka was going to prove herself no matter what.

"Ugh-" her voice echoed as she rolled back to her paws, kicking herself just far enough away from him that she was able to regain herself once more. Dirty might have been the tactic she knew best, she had spent so much time here in the land of the Storm after all, maybe it was all she hard learned defending herself from... him.

"You better watch it, I'm coming for you." Yorshka laughed as her tail danced behind her in confidence. Now was her chance to catch him off guard.

"Are you now?" Aldan taunted, readying himself for his mate's attack. He had to think of Yorshka as his enemy for now if he were to put up his best fight, but Aldan was finding that increasingly difficult. After all, he loved this lioness with all his heart. He had hurt her in the past, and the male couldn't bear to do that again.

"Come on Yorshka," Aldan grinned, chuckling as her tail seemed to dance behind her. He liked seeing her excited. Never would he have thought she'd be one to battle. With her bloodline, and where she came from, he always figured Yorshka would be more of a homebody wife. He understood her reasoning for wanting to fight, and ultimately would help her achieve any goals she put her mind to.

The male waited for his love to make the next move. Once their battle was done, he'd help her improve. However, she was already good, how much he could help her was questionable.

This was it, he was open for another attack, so with wide arms the female dove, clipping her shoulder against his chest as she pulled him to the ground long enough to push all her weight on to him, hovering over him now with wide eyes and a heavy heartbeat. "I got you." she announced playfully as her eyes narrowed into a smile. It was hard to pretend he was anything other than Aldan, the lion who she had given her everything to, so between all the little talks and actions, sometimes it was hard not to flirt, or deny him of this closeness. For now being sweet like this couldn't hurt, it kept her head straight and mind at ease so that she could face him without fear.

She quickly moved from her place on top of him as her paws carried her back, smiling at him as she retreated. "Someday I will get you for real, so watch it Aldan." Her words were very playful, yet Yorshka meant them, this was teaching her to read her enemy, Aldan had a few tells she was picking up on already.

"Come on big boy, catch me if you can~" it was time to make him move.

As the lioness wrapped her paws around him, pulling him to the ground. "So it looks like you have~" Aldan purred, reaching his own paws up to her to give her a nice embrace. This battle wasn't working out well, was it. Perhaps he needed to observe her skills with someone else, instead of participating in it. They would probably get more done progress wise.

But just as quickly as Yorshka was atop of him, she was gone, her form retreating as she spoke. "You are probably right," the male grinned. He couldn't argue with her.

A wiggle of his butt in the air, Aldan aimed for Yorshka once more, veering right at the last minute to try and catch her off guard. If she could tackle her to the ground, and pin her there they could declare this battle over. All he wanted to do was just be near her, trying to fight her was proving most difficult.

If Yorshka could get mad at Aldan it would be right here in this moment, but it was becoming a little harder to be upset with someone who was just trying to support her in her own dreams. So when he went pushing forward to lunge at her again the lioness submitted with a firm frown before it turned into a faint smile, a look of understanding sweeping across her pale face. It was hard to learn anything in this moment, perhaps it would be best for her to find a teacher in someone... less emotionally invested in her well being. She would be thankful he had tried, but in the end it felt like this duel was coming to it's conclusion.

Pale eyes shifted upward as the lioness spoke, her head resting against the grass. "I don't think this is going to work. I need a different teacher." Yorshka's words were light as she lioness chuckled, glancing up at him.

"You're right..." Aldan agreed quietly with a nod, finding himself resting next to her. "Do you think Ny would help?" Aldan asked, nuzzling into the female's neck.

"I could always ask Aya too. I mean, she's still pretty upset about her current 'demotion', so I am sure she wouldn't go easy on someone that wants to fight." Aldan would have some choice words with his friend however, if she had injured Yorshka terribly.

"We can find either of them later if you want?" He glanced at her, an eyebrow raising slightly. "You stink though. I think you need a bath." A sloppy tongue licked at her cheek with a chuckle. Perhaps Aldan had other things on his mind to help get Yorshka clean, but it would be a good distraction from the failed duel they both had just participated in.

"Perhaps her help would get me further than rolling around with you." the pale lioness laughed as she gave her husband a soft smile, nuzzling her head against his. His comment about Aya made her smile, over her time here Aya had become a true friend, she often found herself checking in on the pale lioness, finding comfort in her presence. "We can do that, I am sure we will find someone to teach me. Seeing how I'm too much of a distraction for you to take seriously."

Yorshka was teasing, of course, but the love they shared ran too deep, he wouldn't be able to harm her and they both knew it. She needed someone without attachment to teach her properly.

"I stink?! Have you smelt yourself lately, you jerk?!" her tone was playfully flirtatious as she moved to give him another head-bump before motioning for him to follow. "Come on, stinky. Let's go clean off."

She would take him to wash before getting him filthy again. Training worked up quite the appetite.