Log between In Good Faith & Sesshy552
with Njeri, Bahar, and Nonyameko

The cold breeze nipped at her back and neck as she found herself wandering through the sparse vegetation. She had set out from her hidden sleeping area early in the morning, but Njeri hadn't really had a plan for where or what exactly she was to do for the day. A hunt, probably but then again that was always a given and by now she had grown quite used to the light ache in her stomach. Something she always managed to sate eventually, though by only just enough to get her by as the prey in her area were always on the smaller size. It was a weird thing to daze out thinking, but nothing really ever happened in her makeshift home. So with a deep breath the chilly air finally managed to bring a light sneeze forth and in a second she broke out of her wandering mind to see she'd gone much further than she'd thought.

Bahar was growing... restless, you could say. It had been nearly an entire moon since he had a conversation with anything other than the occasional lizard, or himself he added as an afterthought. He’d been on his own since adolescence though and this wasn’t new to him, this way of life. He’d been sensing a shift in his thoughts recently. The desire to branch out and meet his own kind. Weren’t his species supposed to be social? A chemical excuse made him feel that much better. Shrugging from the small pallet he’d made the night before, he pushed aside his thoughts on the matter all together. He was hungry and it was time to eat.

Nonyameko was always one to wander where ever her heart desired, whether or not it was something she should currently be doing. In her mind the funnest adventures are those others tried to keep you out of. So with a bright grin that flashed her teeth she found herself racing through the overgrown land, fleeing from an enemy that had long since abandoned chase. “What a slowpoke!” She laughed, making sure to take a mental note of where she had come from. If all the pride was that slow she might try and snoop around the territory another day. After all, if they couldn’t find her was she even doing something wrong? Glancing over her shoulder to make sure she indeed was not being followed, Meko didn’t see the lion that crossed her path until she ran right into the poor guy with a loud OOF. Dazed, she sat back on her haunches and shook her head, her eyes blinking to regain focus. “Ahh.. what was that?” She moaned under her breath before lifting her gaze to see the lion. “Oh! I didn’t see you there, sorry bud. You okay?” She highly doubted her smaller frame could hurt the guy, but who knew? She was running pretty fast, and he could be a softie.

Njeri stood in relative silence a short distance from the sudden pair, her ears perked as she listened to the area around her for a few reasons. One, to try and determine if she'd ever come this way, two, to see if she might find an easy morning snack rummaging through the area and finally to make sure she wasn't being snuck up on. She'd learnt to always make sure of that last one, especially after what happened last time. Convinced she was completely alone she lifted her head and drew in a few deep breaths (slower this time to keep from sneezing) to make an attempt at locating any fresh scents on the wind. At first there was only the standard lingering scents of creatures that had moved through in the night, but catching the tail end of something fresher. Njeri lowered her head to the left and began to follow what she believed to be a little rat. Not her favorite, but it'll do.

"What the...?" he felt something quite literally bounce off him and land with thump. It was living, he knew that much. Upon a closer look, after realizing something hadn't literally fallen from the sky, he noticed it was a lioness. "Huh." Bahar felt like this a prank. Some deity, somewhere, had been eavesdropping on his inner monologue and thought they'd have a go at him. "Very funny" he muttered to himself in a nonplussed tone. Shaking out his mane, he came into his manners. "You... ah, okay there?" He stood back a few feet, peering at her cautiously. Some lionesses were not very fond of males but this one seemed not aggressive, at least. Other than ramming into him of course. "Sorry, er, about that. Didn't notice you."

Lifting her front paw, Meko rubbed her nose before pausing to give it a few wiggles just to make sure everything was still in working order even though she felt an ache where she had face planted into the male. Once she was convinced she hadn't done any real damage she stood, making sure to give her thicker winter coat a proper shake out. Thank the gods she had lost the lion that had been chasing her, or this collision would have really done her in. Clearing her throat lightly, she glanced over her shoulder to ease the small spike of anxiety that someone could be there before her ear twisted to listen to the male before her eyes followed. "Ah, yeah I'm fine, just fine." Offering the male a toothy grin she gave a light flick of the tip of her tail and tilted her head and she took a proper look at him. He didn't particularly blend in completely, but his tones definitely gave him an advantage that her bright coat didn't afford her. "No harm done. I hope I didn't interrupt anything?"

Njeri continued her small little breakfast hunt, her eyes focused on the ground as she followed her nose. Making sure to move as quietly as she could, after all she didn't want to alert the rat before she could even see it. Yet she was forced to pause mid-step when her ears tipped forward and she caught the vague voices in the distance. Which as fate would have it, was the same direction her little snack had headed. This wouldn't do, if they weren't going to try and eat it, they sure would tip it off to her presence or even scare it back underground completely. A part of her wanted to quickly deviate from her quest to possibly scare whatever chatted in the distance away but a light shuffling in the grass ahead of her had her locked back on her target. Maybe she'd get lucky and fine two. The idea made her lips curl silently into a smile as the tip of her tongue caught gently in her teeth.

He noticed her anxiety and took a moment to study the horizon behind her. He smelled trouble and suddenly remembered one of the reasons he'd chosen to maintain his vagabond lifestyle. "Er... no. I was just about to hunt." He sounded wary, his eyes returning to give her another look over. She stood out, that was for sure. Well it wouldn't be so bad if she were in the snowy mountain ranges he'd heard of, but where they currently were... he gave another sweeping glance behind her. "In a hurry?" His voice had a touch of humor in it, and he almost grinned... almost.

Her smile almost faltered as the seconds passed without much of an answer, almost but not quite. She knew she just needed to persist, be open and friendly and there was no way that he would flat out reject her. Well, she hoped that was the case since he hadn't exactly been outwardly aggressive to her just yet. So when he gave in with a grin of his own, Meko couldn't hold back the giggle of excitement that tumbled out of her as she lifted her head proudly at his compliment. "With my speed and your strength, we'll be a perfect team." She nodded once in agreement with her own words before closing the short distance between them. "Which way?"

Njeri had followed the rat closer to the pair, but at last second it had turned and darted off to the right just barely clearing her nails as they dug into the ground in frustration. This rat must have some god looking down on it and she turned to race after the little thing only to lose sight after a couple of seconds. How unlucky could she really be to be bested by a damn rodent? If he parents could only see her now they'd turn away from her in shame. Panting softly, she lowered her body to the ground while her tail flicked in agitation behind her. Why couldn't a meal just conveniently fall into her paws for once?

Bahar pursed his lips at that, looking at their surroundings. "Well... I don't really know. I just came into this area last night, really. I guess we can be assured theres no prey back the way you came... so let's try and sniff out something... this way?" He offered a direction at random, mentally shrugging. His methods were by no means scientific. Usually he just wandered in what direction struck him and along the way either picked up the scent of prey or he didn't. Sometimes he scavenged if it were opportune but he certainly didn't want to waste the opportunity to bring down a hearty meal.

Nonyameko tilted her head curiously at the answer. Huh, she hadn't exactly expected that kind of hunting style. Though she supposed that most males had more of a lazy approach to hunting in general. Not that anyone was going to find her complaining, if they found something nice his size would definitely come in handy. So with another quick nod she beamed a smile his direction. "Sounds like a plan, big guy." She was about to start walking in his offered direction, her nose lifting before she paused with a soft, oh. Shaking her long hair out of her eyes she returned her attention to him. "What is your name anyway? Mine is Nonyameko, Meko for short."

The lion smirked, a fang of his peaking out. "I'm Bahar. Why don't I just call you None-ya?" His smirk spread into a grin at his silly little joke. A faint movement off to the side caught his attention before Meko could respond. Turning, he caught sight of the brush quivering, as if something was about. Bahar glanced at the lioness with a clear expression of 'what is that?' and turned, quietly now. He might be large but he was stealthy. Bringing his snout to the ground, he attempted to sniff whatever was hidden in the grasses. Nothing familiar, really. Stale scents of random mammals and reptiles overlaid with the stronger whiff of plant, vegetation and dirt. He stalked forward, his body low to the ground. The wind wasn't in his favor, either, damn it all.

Word Count: 1841