The time spent with his family hadn't enriched his life, there wasn't much to be gained from it, and he didn't even discover more to do with the recent lock down of the Haven - not that he ever went there. So Tras did as he often would and began to travel. Leaving the salty air of the Myrsky Syntyt, and the Bahari'mtoto behind. It had been a blessing in disguise as he discovered a small oasis in the much drier environments of the roguelands.

Tras broke flight and landed smoothly, a cloud of dust rising around him, stirring the god to rifle off a few sneezes consecutively. The fit was ended with a quick glance of his bright purple eyes as he tried to discern if anyone heard the trumpeting sound of his body reacting to that dust. In someways he missed the wetlands, but only because he could weave his way in and out without catching so much of a glance his way. The solidarity was incredible, even in a crowd.

Now he was on his own, completely, and that sneezing fit could have ruined it all. The echos were still rattling around, but he couldn't be sure if that was just in his own head, or the area surrounding. Giving himself a good shake, stirring up more of that dust, he quickly moved to the water and promptly collapsed onto it's glassy surface. This act effectively drowned the dust, satisfying his nose and the air around him. He gave a content sigh and even dared to close his eyes and simply enjoy.
