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The trip into the mountains was one that Horae had never expected to experience, and yet...she may never quite forget it, either. The idea of being saved by a male had boiled her blood for so long, fatigue had hit her harder and harder every day. Her semi-companion, Huolongmai, had offered her condolences along with assurances that it wasn't really that big of a deal. Horae just needed to learn to let it go, and be aware of the fact that there were no expectations of anything beyond a thank you.

Mild injuries aside, they were currently in a sort of pride that felt like heresy. There was only one true god, and yet all these....members decided that there were multiple gods, and they all deserved some level of recognition in the form of shrines. Even though she didn't believe in anything other than the Great Lion, it was rather soothing to walk between the shrines, the heavy trees overhead casting speckled shadows along the mountain. Moss grew towards the north of trees, and the song of birds carried further than she had thought possible. It felt...rather peaceful. Not unlike how her home had begun to feel with the rise of Queen Kimondo's power.

A movement of something silver caught her eye, and she glanced over to see something that made her blood run cold. It wasn't that she was against other species, just was something unknown to her. The male before her certainly looked like a lion, but there were features lingering up and down his form that just looked wrong. She disliked the feeling of prejudices running ahead of her feelings, and tried to pin down those ugly thoughts before they reflected on her face. The shift of her stance attracted the male's attention, and she felt the steady stare from his dark violet eyes.

"A visitor," the leopon breathed, straitening out his back as he shifted his focus on Horae. He wasn't too certain about the band of half-warriors that had stumbled onto the Ulili-Mlindaji. He had been persecuted against almost his entire life, and wasn't a stranger to the rude stares he was given. He had done his best to politely warn some of the other hybrids to steer clear, though curiosity usually won over personal saftey. As long as nothing came to blows, that would be a success. Many of his own scars had healed from the many years when he had nearly died just for being what he was. His half-sister offered him a home and a warm heart, and Hifadhi was determined to maintain that sense of stability.

"I um..." Horae wasn't sure what to say, or how to talk to him. Here was a...somewhat lion, and male at that, and yet she had to play polite visitor as she was representing her homelands in these shrine-dotted forests. "I am a bit lost, and mistakingly turned down the offer of a guide." In truth she wanted to wander around aimlessly on her own, but for some reason she didn't let the thought cross her mind that they would have guards lingering around in the less populated areas. It made sense, but that still didn't explain why she hadn't thought about it. She felt rather sheepish about admiting she was lost, but as her eyes glanced around to the trees and back to the silver male, she was realizing that he was older than he looked. A little ragged, tired, and clearly had seen enough of the world, tucked away in this oddly placed pride.

"I can fetch one for you, if you'd like a proper tour." Hifadhi could tell that the lioness was anxious, more than likely having to speak with him. He kept himself a safe distance away, letting the birds fill in the spaces between their exchange. Patience was always key; at times, he had to think of those like this lioness as cubs. Fearful of new things, just curious enough to not run, and nurture the smallest bit of learning. "Unless...may I presume that you are interested in the Shrine of the Moon? It is a bit far off if you were looking for it, but I can take you to it if you'd like."

Horae didn't want to really admit that that wasn't the shrine she was looking for. Was it blasphemous to want to seek out another shrine, even if she believed it was nothing more than a novelty? She prayed to the Great Lion above that he would not turn his back on her for admitting this, even publically. "Actually...could you point me to the direction for the shrine that is for love?" Part of her was expecting to be struck by some sort of lightning immediately, but there was no sound except for the gentle shifting of the trees with the continuous song of birds.

Hifadhi had to stifle a chuckle when she seemed rather embarrased to ask for a shrine not related to the moon. It wasn't like he expected the red lions to visit any shrines, as they were even more conservative than these Mwezi lions.

"I will admit, that was not the question I was expecting, but I will be glad to show you the way," Hifadhi nodded. His thick tail swished behind him as he shifted his weight, ready to turn to lead the dark brown lioness to her destination. "There is no shame in learning more about yourself through others, whether they be living breathing beasts, or inanimate objects. The shrine is not too far from here, you'll see it shortly. The current keeper may or may not be around, but it is a large enough shrine that you should have a moment's peace with it." He didn't want to admit that it was their most popular shrine; love was a universal wish.

As he turned to lead her towards the shrine, Horae followed behind with her head hanging low. This was something that she really didn't want to admit to anyone, especially Kasih...but she was certain that this silver lion...leopard...cross wasn't one to go blabbing about things to anyone. Still, a little kindness my guarantee a sealing of his lips. "Thank you," she replied quietly, and rather bluntly. She heard the barest trace of a chuckle, and assumed that would be the most they would exchange until they reached the shrine. She was perfectly ok with that, lost in her thoughts.

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