[SHOP META] War in Heaven [15. It's raining! Creepy, red, disturbingly blood-like rain. Great]

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Things had gotten weird since he left his home land. Chante-peta needed to stretch his legs and get fresh air. He moved away from where the Foray had been held up at. Between sandstorms, and now this. It appeared to be raining, though the rain was more like the color of blood. Whatever was happening around this land, needed to stop. It was almost freaking him out. He kept his cool, however.

He shook his mane, trying to get the blood-like rain out of his mane. He wasn't sure how to react to it, honestly. He had to be dreaming. Dreaming a disturbing dream. Everyone was as confused as he was. "What the ******** is going on?" He said to himself.

Ntombifuthi was caught in this crazy stuff. She didn't dare call it rain. It didn't look like rain. It only fell like it might be. She didn't want it on her fur, yet that was not up to her to control. With that, she spotted a male lion close by. He looked as if he was part of the Firekin that had been stuck near the outpost. Though she had ventured a little bit away, as did he it seemed. "Are you lost' She asked him.

She figured he didn't know his way around the land. He looked almost half as disgusted with the strange things as she did. Maybe she was reading it wrong? "I'm Ntombifuthi" she said to him curiously. He didn't seem bad, after all, she had seen him in her pride lands. They weren't very far from the outpost.

Chante was surprised to see someone else out in this mess. He shook his head when she asked him if he was lost. He didn't know her, though he figured he knew where she had come from. "Chante-peta" he said. Nothing else to really add to it. He looked at her, then looked around, trying to avoid looking up.

He started to move towards a tree that looked like it could shelter them for the time being. "Come." He started "Out of the.... rain" He said as he moved without looking towards her. He didn't want to be in this, and he was sure she didn't either. He was done with this weird s**t.

She didn't hesitate to follow. She saw where he was heading, and didn't know why she hadn't noticed it sooner. Then again, she wasn't the most observant lioness out there. "This..." She wanted to continue, but it got stuck in her throat for a second. "What is it?" She didn't think he would know, but you never knew until you asked.

"What is going on?" she asked. She was afraid. Afraid of what was happening. Was it the end of the world they knew?"

He knew about as much as her. He gave a shrug. Whatever was happening, it wasn't going to get better. He felt that in his bones. Something bad was coming, but he didn't know what. "Nothing good" He said looking at her. He wouldn't generally find himself hanging out with lions that were not of his pride, but nothing had been usual since he left his home land.

"I don't like it one bit" he said with shaking his mane and body. Trying to get the blood colored water off him. If it was even water. The sky was bleeding, as if the clouds above were some beast that was badly injured. He frowned. This was not how he expected this to go.

He wasn't sure what he expected when he left, but this was not it.

She frowned as she watched him for a moment. She, also, didn't like what had been happening. It scared the s**t out of her. Sure, somethings were better. But it was days like this that made her know that none of this was good. "Maybe this will all end soon" She said. Hopeful, but something told her this was just the beginning.

"We should get back," she started before looking away from him. "Your party will be worried if you do not return soon." She was sure of that. Though, she said it as if she knew that would be the case. She wasn't even suppose to be near this place, though recent events had kept them where they were.

She signed. "As I should be getting back too." Why she had come out this far, she didn't know. Plus, she wanted to get out of this rain. It was creeping her out the longer she stayed out. She spent a good amount of time, before she ran into this male, trying to figure out WHAT was bleeding in the sky. If that was what it was.

She was half right. It was time to go back. "I don't think it's going to end anytime soon" he said to her. "I think this is only the beginning." He might have been more afraid of what was happening, if this was the first strange thing he saw happen. To be honest, he was getting use to seeing strange things. He was only now surprised on what would present itself, not that it had.

"It might be time to get back" He said. He had hoped the rain would stop. He wondered what other things would be held in paw for them. Only time would tell what was going to happen. He looked longingly out in the distance. The tree did it's job for the moment, though with every shift of the wind, the rain still reached them. The land was filled with red puddles here and there.

"One can only hope that things don't get worse." He said finally. He started moving towards the way he had come. He looked back at her. " May you stay save during these times the heavens are unhappy.."

"Same to you." She nodded in his direction. She watched him for a minute fore going her own way as well. She frowned at his words of it not being over yet. She could only hope that things would get better. She hoped he was wrong. She hoped this wasn't going to last very long.

It was her time to go home now. She stood staring at the red puddles longer than she should have. Watching things bounce and splash. Finally, she started her way back where she needed to be. She really hoped he was wrong. New thoughts mustering in her head.

