The Skinny
Astrid drops from the news that his mother is potentially going to be the target and thrall of the cruel lion, Ably. Midas addresses the issue as Ably decides to run past the father and son, hoping to get a jump on Hesper. In the blink of an eye, daylight has been wiped from the sky, offering no light for the party and soon after an eerie fog blows in along with a strange, haunting song that comes from everywhere and nowhere. The viking party is starting to drop like flies, one after the other the inhalation of the fog has taken its toll on the bodies of the lions. Midas, Alby, Hesper and Casp are all that remain conscious as the sky brightens, but the fog remains, although less thick than it had previously been. Those that are conscious are under the effects of the fog, feeling sluggish and ill. Alby, one of the less affected lions, takes the opportunity to attempt catching Hesper. It was during his dash forward that the unfortunate albino collides with one of the first of many stones to fall from the sky, cracking him in the head and knocking him out immediately. Casp attempts to play hero, but is also hit by a stone, although taking much less damage due to Midas having pushed him away from the rock. Hesper spooks, catching a few stones that cut her up, but she runs away safely, unfortunately leaving behind her two trading partners, Votla and Kakali. Astrid slowly stirs as more rocks fall, more and more hitting the viking group and all characters except Hesper. Everyone has been damaged in some way. Finally after just a few minutes, the stones stop falling from the sky, allowing Astrid a chance to move forward and meet his father and Casp who are both attending Alby and the lioness duo. Astrid gains his first thrall [Votla], along with Casp [Kakali]. Midas directs those with lesser injuries to help others while he tends to Alby’s wounds.