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Truth be told the news came as no surprise to the pair. Though it upset the messenger quite a bit, enough to be babbling away to the Norn and her Jarl brother. "Ali is missing, you heard me, right?" Mai did everything she could to stop herself from rolling her eyes high enough for them to disappear to the back of her head. Ali had been mumbling questions about the outside world, babbling to himself about what was beyond the maze. He kept saying how he had seen things, big things, but none of what he was saying made a lick of sense to the family.

"Leave us." Mai told the messenger and watched as he scurried away before turning towrds Svafnir. "Where is Bani?" Svafnir didn't even begin to ask questions about what they would do, what could they do? Instead he asked about their brother that had been down by the waters edge discussing funeral arrangments for a pride member. "He should be here soon, but there isn't much we can do Svaf."

"I know that, but still.. we could discuss our options. The only one of us that could leave after him is Bani - so he is kind of vital if we decide anything." Svaf shrugged slightly and looked towards the path to the waters. He spent most of his time there, his House was adept with fish and handled the product in the market for as long as he could remember. The transferal of the House ownership to him was still fresh and he felt the burden of leaving it alone while handling this family matter. Mai was always so sure that family came first and if she could manage her three brothers while helping to manage the pride he could do this few moments away.

"There he is." Svaf finally spied the sour looking Bani from a distance. He looked ragged, and wore his emotions which were often darker than most. "How is it that our brightest brother is also our darkest?" He mused to Mai who shook her head and greeted Bani with a small smile and bob of her head.

"He 'as finally done it?" Bani didn't begin with a smile, nor did he entertain a greeting. The rumors had spread like wild fire throughout the pride. A member had left the pride and though it happened frequently enough with certain jobs not to warrant excitement.. this time it was a Norns brother. "Ali never thinks these things through, what could possibly be out there that he couldn't find in here?" His sour expression was exchanged for a snarl as he spoke.

"What are we doing about this?" Bani asked, but knew the answer. Svafnir was tied down by being a Jarl and Mai was tied down by being a Norn. Bani was replaceable in his duties and therefore there was only one option if they decided to seek him out and bring him home.

"You already know the answer to that question Bani." Mai spoke up just before Svaf could made a snide remark, she could see it in the way his lip curled. "I just don't know if we should, why chase him down when this is what he has been planning for most of his young life." She wondered out loud and briefly wondered if he even made it to the plains of the roguelands, or did he get stopped in the foresty edges of the pride. The individuals that lived in those woods could be.. persuasive in making a point. If the point was to keep him there, then they had their ways. A chill went up and down her spine as she considered this option.

"I'll leave that up to you two, I don't know that it would even be worth while, and who knows how long he has been gone?" Svafnir brought a good point to the table that Mai hadn't considered either. Lions could be in the maze for days before turning up to be relieved. The maze provided them with nearly anything they could need for survival as long as they worked for it. The maze did plenty for the pride and in that thought she had to wonder again why her brother would up and vanish.

"The one fortunate part of Ali.. he talks." Bani managed to crack a small smile at his remark and saw that even the corners of Mai's lips curled up. Svaf gave an all out right laugh at the comment and ended with a small smile as well. "Well it's true.. we could probably follow a trail of individuals that talked to him. How often could someone possibly see our markings too?" Bani was on a roll for commentary, but stopped there when Mai turned a more serious gaze to him.

The markings were a family 'heirloom' so to speak. Wings like the brightly colored butterflies and moths that were seen from the forests - for the most part. There had been stories made up about how their bloodline was created, not born, simply created from the moths in the area and most considered it hogwash. However, the one common point brought up was that the family hadn't wandered from these lands for as long as anyone could recall. And when Mai was born wingless it was a struggle between her being the first born daughter, rightful heir to Norn, and a curse. Which she fortunately didn't pass to her next of kin, a lone daughter, also heir to become Norn once Mai passed.

"We'll see what Ali has left behind then." Mai was the one to finally break the silence. It was entirely possible that Ali could have been gone long enough to have some family out there now, whether he knew it or not. If he left home like this, who could possibly know how many dens he warmed and fled. The possibility of nieces and nephews roaming the roguelands grew with every passing moment. "Bani, you are the only one who can go, unless you want to take Idun as well?" Mai's tone grew hushed and hurried. The young heir had whispered about doing exactly what Ali had done. If the rumors spread the way they often did in the pride.. it was possible that she already knew about what had happened and may try it herself.

Bani stared his sister down a moment before softening his gaze. "You have to understand.. that I won't have any control out there. I can't promise Idun won't come back unscathed." He watched Mai nod to him, but Svafnir, who had all but left the conversation mentally, seemed to return his attentions just in time to have a disapproving gaze.

"Take care of yourselves then. Send a bird back when you can." Svafnir finally broke the silence by ending the conversation on a very casual and 'uncaring' send off. "Don't let the maze hit you on your way out." He smiled slightly and then looked to Mai, still unsure of her choices, but the truth was that he trusted her judgement. It wasn't like Mai to make snap choices and so things must have been more alarming than he realized.

"Please take care of her Bani, and try to bring Ali home."

"Mai, you know I'll do my best."

Bani didn't hesitate to finally leave the group, opposite the direction of Svafnir. He would have to prepare some of his items to travel and lastly grab foods to take on his travels. So Svafs home would be his last stop.