Navagio was exploring a little outside of AC today and she was enjoying being outside the pride, it was a pretty rare occurrence as mate to one of to one of the Rahasya Navagio lived a pretty sheltered life within the pride most of the time. Which suited the tan lioness most of the time just fine. She was a teacher in the pride who spent most of her time with the young of the pride teaching them all she could of the histories.

Today Navagio didn’t really have any plans in particular she was just roaming about absent mindedly. She didn’t actually have a set plan on what to do. She was just enjoying the scenery not that she didn’t love the pridelands but you could only look at the same stuff day in and day out for so long without getting bored of it.

Uva had moved on from Utatu-mto she had seen what great things new leadership could do for a struggling pride. She had spent more time with the pride and more importantly Kaipo than she had originally planned to spend in any one place but she had learned a lot. Plus if she was going to be honest she had really enjoyed her time with Kaipo.

Uva felt herself plush as she thought of the blue male wild dog again, she was instantly thankful for her dark pelt. It hid her blush well. Since moving on from the wild dog pack though Uva hadn’t had much luck in finding anyone who could talk to her about packs or prides and how to make them better. Feeling a little discouraged she hoped that she would find someone today even if they weren’t a member of a pride they might still have ideas that could help her.

Navagio wasn’t sure how long she had been out exploring and enjoying the scenery before she heard someone approaching her. She turned quickly her stomach dropping slightly. The lioness immediately started questioning her decision to be out in the roguelands. In general Navagio lived a very sheltered life in AC and even more so with Dotag as a mate. Her mind quickly drifted to Dotag who would surely be distraught with her choice to be out here.

Taking a deep breath the lioness turned to see who was approaching. She was a lioness and really shouldn’t fear anything that was coming, but she was a passive by nature and AC lived in hiding she never had a need to fight and definitely didn’t want to risk any harm to her home or Kelos.

It didn’t take more than a second for Uva to realize that the lioness she was approaching was not happy to see her coming. She stopped in her tracks, not wanting to make the lioness feel anymore uncomfortable. “I mean no harm.” she called out. She was upset that the lioness was so put off by her. Uva had been so happy to finally see someone and now she was concerned that the lioness would run away before she even got a chance to talk to her. Uva sat back on her haunches trying to gauge how the lioness was going to respond. “I need help, advice… I just want to talk about my home.” Uva called out trying to tell the lioness what she was looking for in hopes that the lioness would be willing to talk to her and know that the wilddog meant no harm.

Navagio looked around considering her options, she wanted to turn and run home but there was no way she could do that. She would never lead someone directly to the pride. When the female wild dog said that she just wanted to talk and that she meant no harm Navagio decided to take the risk. She bowed her head in acceptance. She knew that she wouldn’t say to much but she could listen. She waited for the wild dog to approach. She kept a watchful eye though tried to appear relaxed, and as if she wasn’t completely uncomfortable with everything happening.

Uva approached the lioness cautiously, she was happy she seemed willing to speak with her. “Thanks for talking to me. My name is Uva.” she said as she took a seat. She made a point of sitting a little further away from the lioness than she would normally would someone thinking it would make her feel a little more at ease.

“Hello Uva, my name is Navagio.” the lioness greated her. She tried to sound casual as if everything is okay. “You mentioned you needed help, what can I do for you.” she asked. Her voice was kind and soft, the same tone she used with the children when she taught, she even managed a soft smile.

Uva smiled and let out a sigh of relief the lioness was kind, “I am on a mission to find information. My home, my pride it’s not doing well.” she told the lioness. “I am trying to find out things I can do to make it flourish again.” She told the lioness honestly. Uva spent time listing all she could about Mimi trying to give every last detail about the pride to the lioness she could. They weren’t a secretive place, in fact the more others knew about them the better. Mimi helped others learn their gift, and pride’s would send their seers to help train them.

Navagio sat back and listened to all the wild dog had to listen. If nothing else she would have information to for AC when she returned home at the end of the night, the day would not have been wasted after all even if there had been a frightening bit in the middle there. She thought for a little while before she spoke “You need to spread the word of Mimi again.” she told the wild dog. “I think maybe others just need to hear your story, do you have bards, maybe you should have bards go out and tell the story of Mimi and what you can do for those with the gift.” Navagio liked the idea of bards. It made her smile.

Uva smiled the lioness had been so helpful even if she didn’t belong to pride it had been pride she had some insight that Uva felt confident would be most useful in helpful for Mimi. “Thank you Navagio, I will leave you to the rest of your day.” the wild dog said as she rose to her feet leaving the lioness where she found her. The wild dog had a large smile on her face. Her trip was proving most insightful so far.

Navagio watched the wild dog go and made sure she was long gone before she rose to her feet and made the trip back home. She had been gone much longer than she had intended and she was likely going to have to explain to Dotag all that had happened.