Greenflights came and went with Weyr-life. It was a fact of life. One that Zi’aso had accepted before he found his beloved green--and accepted long after, even if her own rising were few and far between.

He could feel just how much of a bundle of nerves Tiernoth was beginning to become. Even perched on her ledge, watching as yet another green rose once more in the span of a sevenday or more, the slow ebb of flightlust drifting across their bond had the man perking his head up from his letter home he’d been working on.

“Someone catch your attention, dearest?” He teases, though gently. A proddy green was a tunnelsnake he didn’t feel like poking, nevermind his own beloved. Her more closely-held desires were tender to any poking, after all. Yet he’s surprised at the soft, appraising hum--before the snort makes him nod. There she was.

No.. Of course not. The lie in her timidly course voice was palpable, yet Zi’aso doesn’t push it. But there is one dragon chasing that.. might interest you some.

The man outright laughed, even at Tiernoth’s indignant bark. “In case you forgot, dearest, I’m into a lot but dragons--”


The words are instantly gone from his mouth, quill making a huge slash of ink across his parchment as he near dashes to their ledge, stool toppled over in his rush to see for himself. Yet the setting sun cannot hide the particular green’s hide from his eyes. She was radiant, though not the center of attention. But while Tiernoth’s eyes may have been tracking the darker hide, Zi’aso’s mind flitted elsewhere--namely, to the fierce dragon’s equally fierce rider. It’s not the first time he’s debated going to Lezia, and now with flight lust in the mix…

Instead, he sits down against Tiernoth’s side, even if the hard hit makes his backside ache. The pain is a welcome minor distraction from the bubble of flightlust creeping over him. A hand runs over his face, and heaves a sigh through his fingers. He can feel the desire to go to her, even if it was to bare a possible rejection by one that had caught his attention. Leaning his head back onto his dragon’s shoulder, he groaned his frustration.

“Pros and cons. Pro; she might actually accept me. Con; she could eat me alive. I’d.. be okay with either or.” Hands gesture wildly, as if vaguely pointing out his lists might help sort his head out.

Must you keep using that phrase..?

“Yes, yes I must. Pro; Good time. Con; blue balls.”


“No worse than staying here, I guess…” Yet the hesitation still lingered, and he ran his hand over his face once more. Fingers scrubbed through wild, curly locks, debating again and again if he should go. Yet a soft wave of love and admiration from Tiernoth had him relaxing, somewhat.

Perhaps he ought to wait.

If just a.. bit longer.