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Ever since she had been told about the gift giving and joy of Turn's End, Alegriath had been obsessed with finding the perfect gifts for her family. As a tiny white, even smaller than her similarly colored cousins, however, what to get became something of a challenge. Arlie had tried to stymie he beloved's need to get every single clutchsib a present, afraid that she might wear herself out or get disappointed with such a large goal in such a short time; what she would learn soon enough was that very little could make the buoyant dragonet sink. So it was that the two did their best to find her presents in secret, between tasks and classes and visiting Haveli in the healer's hospice. In truth, the search at least eased Arlie's anxieties about the latter, if only a little in its business.

Miraculously, Alegriath managed to find what she was looking for (or close enough in a handful of circumstances) and in the right quantities. Call it a Turnover Miracle! Thus over the next sevenday, she gleefully tugged Hers along to find each weyrling pair to present her gift. Each clutchsib was given something, and she had tried to find unique presents to fit every individual.

- - -

Cousin Valseth was given a polished brown stone with what looked like wavy patterns etched into it. Possibly from little eddies over the years, one could delicately trace their patterns with a nail.

Sister Anakumath received...a rather boring looking gray rock, despite its shape, with what looked like a round depression in the middle. Maybe it had been found towards the end of her exhaustive search?

Sister Zygmuth got a somewhat pointy looking white pebble. Despite a few edges, it was quite smooth and probably perfect for a rock skipping championship.

Cousin Zezollath was given a stone that sparkled ever so slightly, if you lifted it to a light. It gave off a faint green color and seemed to dance even while still.

Cousin Holleth received a dark blue stone with a thin layer of ice still clinging to it, which had speckles of lighter color throughout. She hoped it matched his own. (Not quite.)

Cousin Ulendoth's seemed to be part rock, part shell, but if you squinted it still could look heart-shaped. Hopefully no tiny sea critter got transferred...

Cousin Eskharath got a smaller, more porous stone heart, though the bottom half of it had been chipped off prior to Alegriath's search. Her solution was to find an incongruous but vaguely similar shaped lighter stone to fill the gap, which his rider could hold if he wanted.

Cousin Andelath was given a palm-sized, bronze streaked stone. If it looked shinier than usual, it was because it had been polished and washed before the gifting, and even had a tiny scrap of ribbon tied in a bow.

Cousin Matoath's was a rough looking heart, but the faint imprint of a pawprint could be seen. What species left it was anybody's guess.

Brother Cadereth wouldn't care, she knew, but one didn't play favorites or--or whatever the opposite of favorites was! And so he received a non-assuming, dark, rough to the touch rock heart.

Sister Skerath also received a rough, spiny rock. If one looked close one, one could see...was that dried ichor splashed on the side...?

Cousin Izdubath's was a large, lumpy thing that was heavier than most of the other presents, and could barely be considered heart-shaped. Still, it had flecks of something shiny in the light, like freckles or stars in the sky.

Cousin Ileneth might have thought the stone a piece of tile. It was smooth and had an almost uniform pattern of white and black striations.

Cousin Kaymahath's was a piece that didn't seem to have been held by any human hand before, given how dirty it was. There were cuts into it like a feline had used it to sharpen its claws.

Brother Slidrianth was given a most perfectly shaped heart, whose insides glimmered ever so subtly green and gold. Truly, if Alegriath had not sworn she had searched for it herself, one might have suspected it had been purchased.

Cousin Faloth had a brown shale piece, perfectly uniform and bright in color. It was flat and light enough that it could also skip across the water with ease if chucked--or cause some light damage if thrown at someone else.

Sister Ausrath received a pale green heart stone that matched her hide. Other than its shape, it seemed unremarkable, though the white sincerely hoped its plainness was enough for her serious sister.

Cousin Moirath's rock wasn't actually heart-shaped, but it was certainly unique: Alegriath had managed to find a stone in which a small green plant was flowering! It probably wouldn't last long in the weather, but wasn't that neat?

Sister Raqisath had a green, gem-like stone the size of Arlie's thumb. More than that, though, were the whorls that curved within it, like a music staff that never ended.

Sister Samodith was, outright, a purchase, if not the expensive kind she might desire, as hers was one of the few Alegriath had not been able to find the most perfect, most beautiful thing in the wild. But perhaps a small bracelet with a set of cute, bright green beads would do for now?

Cousin Canicheth had been a similar problem with a similar solution, only hers were more teal to suit her hide. Hopefully both of them could be happy they got unique-ish presents?

Sister Morsmordeth obtained a spotted, lumpy looking rock that was oily in color. The surface of it almost seemed to sport a skull-like impression.

Sister Saevath received a spiny green one, similar to Cadereth's but closer to green than black. There was also a splash of ichor drying on it as Skerath's had...

Sister Cythereath was given a pale, practically white stone that seemed uneven and rough cut. It was accompanied by a short song and dance by Ale to try and make up for it.

Cousin Museth deserved something worth the effort, but defining what that meant was difficult with so few days remaining in the Turn. In the end, Museth received only a regular white pebble and a somber promise to work harder next Turn.

Brother Taoloth's rock was more refined than the other of the trio's, a silky black that turned brown in the light. The ridges along one side were deep enough to catch a nail in if a dragonet wasn't careful.

Cousin Zidoleth had a rock that could be considered heart-shaped, if one squinted and stretched their imagination. It was black and gray, but to a degree that it could also look like blue - a sky with wisps of clouds, even.

Brother Aviforth obtained a pale blue lump that was surprisingly light. First Arlie and then Alegriath had tried to scratch a feather into the stone, but it was clear their efforts barely left a mark.

Sister Metlath received a narrow, almost needle-like stone that had a deep green streak within. Hopefully she didn't stab herself on it while zooming about!

Brother Takuth was given -- that wasn't chocolate, right? It had rich brown tones and had the dull look of the candy, but tongues will only find a salty taste to it.

Cousin Yudokhath got a most perfectly proportioned, smooth, robin's egg heart. It fit in the palm of the hand quite snugly!

Cousin Florianth did not receive one, but twenty and one small river pebbles of various colors but similar sizes, delivered in a small sack bag. Alegriath assured him that she had Hers count just to be sure!

Cousin Nanuth was given a sturdy, almost square-like stone that almost looked like a chunk of tree bark torn off. One might almost be able to rest his dragonet-sized chin on it...

Brother Leoniath earned a sandstone of various browns and tans. From the side, it almost looked like layers to a cake, though hopefully no-one tried to bite down.

Brother Nevidenth would get the sight of his sister literally tripping over herself to deliver her polished, sooty stone. It was just complete happenstance that said rock broke into two perfectly even pieces.

Sister Rosmeth's rock heart was as porous as they came, as if an ancient had dipped it in froth and left it to dry. Its pale coloration lent itself to the image.

Brother Orath was supposed to get a heart like the rest, but Alegriath had been distracted by something shiny. He instead got a gold bouncy ball. Ball! BALL!!

Cousin Auksarath had a rock that held a deep hole within. One can see something glint in the dark, but it was impossible to reach without breaking open the whole thing.

Cousin Ingonth received a rock that Alegriath had not chosen, but rather one of the herdbeast they both enjoyed to snuggle with, so it wasn't quite the heart shape she usually looked for. The shine to it might have been from its spittle.

Cousin Petrosinth was given a stone heart that seemed to shine amber even without light. A few protrusions stuck out from it like solid sun light.

Cousin Sucurith was first told that she hadn't been able to find his present because it had hidden so well from her! Only to be quickly given, with a hwonk of laughter, a deep blue stone that had deeper blue still in its center.

Cousin Jinniyath obtained a rock that at first looked plain and dull compared to the others. Then Alegriath launched into the daring tale of how she had to enter a secret giant tunnelsnake nest to snatch it, and that it was more an egg than a rock, with a jewel hidden within!

Cousin Bossuth, rather than a rock heart, received candy hearts instead that they had been lucky to find earlier in the stalls. They technically weren't for dragon consumption, but he could share with his rider and stuff!

Cousin Alquemieth received much the same. The cold reception didn't bother her for a minute.

Cousin Mictecath gained a rock that had been loosed from the streets of the weyr and chiseled into an approximate heart shape. Wasn't it cool to think that their dames and great dames and great grand dames walked the same path it came from?

Cousin Sthenoth was given a large conch shell she had bartered for with a Westerner rather than a rock. She was quite sure it had the power to hear the ocean even from the mountains!

Cousin Samedith had no naturally colored rock to suit his hide--so Alegriath had hers try to paint it! It was certainly....bright enough, and eye catching.

Brother Aonanith received a tiny blue stone that had a deep divet near its middle. You could put a little candle there, his sister suggested amiably.

Brother Iweth obtained a rock heart as pale as parchment, marked only by a paintbrush: on one side was a heart, and on the other a smiley face. Alegriath asked him to please not eat this one, too!

Cousin Yulaniath didn't get the stone in person, but was instead led by the white to a location in the bowl where a large, burnished red boulder of a thing sat, almost the size of Alegriath herself. This one was hers, she declared, once she was big enough to lift it!

Brother Eith was given a simple, medium weight black rock. He would know what to do with it when the time came, Alegriath told him with beaming mysteriousness.

Brother Kaloth received....a regular old brown rock. There was no special quality about it physically, Alegriath told him sagely, other than it was his forever.

Brother Tierth did not wear armor, but his rock heart certainly looked like it could have come off a chest piece. It would need polishing to keep gleaming, but Ale assured him it would bring him good luck in his quests.

Brother Haloth needed a pick me up, and so he received a smooth, speckled blue stone that reminded her of his hide colors. There was also a rounded streak within it, as if a star had shot through.

Sister Baciuth was a hard to read green, so Alegriath hoped this mottled green stone would be okay. Maybe she missed the faint smell of a small creature's corpse on it.

Brother Pellereth's rock heart was flat and wide and dark - perhaps it was a pedestal for him to stand up on and view the rest of the weyr? Or otherwise a decent projectile to chuck at ne'er-do-wells.

Brother Havranth didn't get a rock; she wasn't quite sure he'd like one. Instead Ale dutifully retold their latest lesson and attempted to show her hearts instead in the hopes that he might lighten up just a little bit. Also a nose boop.

Cousin Iljunfanth, whom she knew was terribly in need of love always, was given not a rock, but a white feather she had found lodged among the stones during her search. She told him, as they cuddled together, that this would help him fly when the time came, no worries!

Cousin Vaqueroth obtained a sandy gray and brown rock. It looked almost like old leather, if one squinted hard enough.

And finally, Cousin Venandith was too handsome to have a simple rock given to him! So instead, Alegriath became the perfect fangirl, listener, and coo-er over his tales of valor and impressive physique for the rest hour. This would not be restricted to only one day past this gift giving, (un)fortunately.

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