Sphinx - normal
Kasai - bold
Chobi - blue

Rukayo had lost count how long the group had been traveling. He hummed as he would slow a few steps, before hoping after the females heading further and further into unknown territory. "Are we almost there?" He had complained after traveling a short time. He hmphed as his ears flickered, feeling the urge to respond to nature.

"Hey...can we like...stop for a little bit. My feet hurt." Rukayo complained. "I also gotta take a leak, so...I'll be right back." He didn't wait for the females to reply. He only hoped they would stay there. he didn't want to start the journey home on already tired feet, and a place to rest just sounded good for now.

Did he mention his feet hurt?

Deciding he would go find a quiet place to relieve himself, the male stepped over some overgrown foliage, the scent of copper hitting his nose. He made a face as he continued on, the scent getting stronger. What the hell?

His eyes narrowed as they stumbled across the injured, battered form of another. "Oh s**t!" he found himself yelling, back peddling a few steps before hightailing it out of the area.

"HEY! HEY HELP! HEY!" Rukayo ran back to the group of ladies and the goddess, heaving. "There's...there's someone hurt!" His eyes were wide with panic.

Ledz had taken a seat her self after Ruka announced he needed a leak. She had faith he'd not be going off on his own anytime soon as even she didn't know where the ******** they were. She lifted oned of her gem covered paws and began to lick it only to stop when Ruka emerged declaring someone was hurt. Ledz didn't even think before she was up on her paws rushing off towards where Ruka had originally disappeared to.

The Kirin lioness nearly tripped over a pale lioness and just by looking at her Ledz could tell this lioness was left for dead.

“He's right ! Someone is hurt bad!” She roared over her shoulder.

Against the ground lay the figure of a white lioness, her gray kissed pelt was covered in thick dried blood. The origin of the bleeding was hard to pin-point at first, but if they looked close enough they would be able to see a wound that covered across her fainted face. It covered her left eye and the bridge of her nose. Other claw marks covered her pelt with no real indication of direction, the attack looked brutal and the lioness must have been defenseless, judging by her overall physical appearance. It was a upsetting sight to say the least.

As soon as the newcomers called out Xiu and Ico rushed over without hesitation, both females stood in silence as they looked over the figure of the white lioness. Ico's expression changed as soon as she noticed her face. "She was blinded so she couldn't fight back. This dishonor sickens me." Quickly her dark eyes narrowed as she studied her Queen's face in silence, awaiting her rely to the carnage they now bore witness to.

"We must help her." As the Goddess spoke she frowned deeply. "We will take her back to our healers and see what we can do to help her." Now was not the time to overreact, Xiu needed to keep herself composed if they were going to make real efforts in saving this stranger.

"Come, Ico, Ledz, help lift her." Slowly the pregnant Goddess turned to the only male of the group, speaking slowly. "Stay strong, she needs you too. Come over here and help us. I would carry her myself, but in my state-"

"We can do it, Lady." Ico spoke up with a nod as she glared daggers at the dark male. He was going to help them, she would beat him into submission if she had to.

Ah, well...did he have to go back? Rukayo found himself trudging his feet as he followed all the girls back to the injured female. His eyes settled on the battered form, trying to find the source of her bleeding. Ico's words caused him to focus on her eye, finding her words true. He grimaced, a paw reaching for his own as if to feel the other's pain.

Help her? This was so unlike the stormborn way. She would be thralled if she was taken back to the pride. No one would want a blind thrall!

Rukayo puffed up as the goddess addressed him to stay strong. "I don't think I can help much." He was smaller than the ladies, what could he really offer? However, the glare from Ico caused him to shy away, standing closer to Ledz than any other as he just nodded, grumbling incoherently, awaiting instruction.

The stormborn was her home and known for violence but even for the stormborn raised female this was over kill. Icos words rung with truth as there was no honor. Who ever had done this had left this poor creature to die. There seemed to not have been a point to this violence as it smelt of pure malice. Ledz couldn't dwell on her disgust as You haf given an order. Of course Ruka whining made Ledz roll her eyes but she was too busy to correct him. He was an angsty teen taken prisoner when he was going through a right of passage. Ledz didn't feel too bad as the right had been stripped from all her sisters in the pride. There wasn't time to think about the past now.

"Get in the center boy. Ico and I will take the brunt of the weight. It'll be easier if you're there so she doesn't drag." For God's sake this female had enough damage with out being dragged.

As the females readied themselves to lift the unconscious lioness Xiu frowned. The pale figure was covered in blood, not just across her face, but from her shoulder to her hip cuts lay scattered all over her lean figure, the sight was enough to make the pregnant Goddess cringe as her stomach turned upside down. "This poor creature." Xiu muttered to herself as she frowned deeply between bitter words. "We will bring her to our healers. We will find who did this and they will pay for this horrific crime."

"Yes." Ico agreed as she lifted herself to hold the lioness's weight over her left shoulder as Ledz held her right. "Rukayo, keep her head up, we will hold her weight." Ico barked as the gray scale female glared over her shoulder and toward him. No matter how young he was, it was time to grow up, in this moment nothing else matter but the life of this female, they needed to get her back to the pride as quickly as possible.

"Ugh..." A soft moan escaped the victim as her body hung lifeless against the two females.

"She's still with us, let's move out before it's too late." Xiu Xiu commanded as the Goddess took to the sky with a swift dash, her wings spread wide as she hovered over the party, leading the way back home. "Just follow me!"

"Come, let's go." Ico nodded as a grunt passed through her clenched muzzle.

"I have a name you know," Rukayo grumbled as he listened to Ledz orders and centered himself towards the female. Keep her head up? He gave a bewildered look towards Ico. "She'll get blood on me though!" He almost squealed, but quickly shut his mouth and lowered his head. Okay, so right now wasn't the time to argue with three ladies, one being a goddess and two being what seemed to be trained warriors. He was just a mere adolescent, not yet fully grown, and not yet knowing what the world was like.

Rukayo muttered something incoherently under his breath as he followed Xiu, and the two others, shuddering occasionally when he felt a drip of wetness on his back from the injured lioness.

Ledz held the weight of the injured female with Icos help and waited for Ruka to join them. The complaint about blood got a twisted smile from Ledz that had a dark shadow lurking within. The lioness didn't feel the need to say what she was thinking but the aura of the thought that Ruka was an unfit Reaver to complain of blood lingered in her eyes.

As xiu requested; she followed allowing the female to use her as a vehicle. The three lions would make sure she did not drag on the ground as the poor thing had enough damage already. Ledz was amazed she was even alive.

The God's had smiled on this poor female for having a group find her in time.

Xiu flew overhead her eyes would glance down to make sure the group below was safe and secure, following the trail she and Ico had taken back home. "We aren't that far now." The Goddess called out, speaking loud enough for everyone to hear. Her heart ached for the lioness, Xiu was thankful she would never know the pain of being so scorned and left for dead. Her life now was as close to perfect as it could be. The Goddess had waited lifetimes to find her peace, she would fight for it until her last breath.

"Careful, we have some small bumps coming up ahead." Another shout escaped her as the Goddess fly a little closer to the ground.

"Alright, you heard Xiu, keep her steady as he continue on. We will be home soon." Ico's dark eyes glanced over her traveling companions as she nodded firmly. "You shouldn't be afraid of blood. It's not going to bite you, it's natural. It might leave a stain - but it's nothing you can't just wash away." The lioness was referencing the younger male's reaction to droplets of blood that had landed on his shoulder as he helped them carry the fainted lioness.

"Just think about how she must feel." As Ico spoke she glanced at Ledz and smiled, nodding to her as they continued on.

"Aren't far from where exactly?" Rukayo found himself murmured as his gaze shifted towards Xiu flying above. Maybe this was all just a really bad dream he was waiting to wake up from. Surely Ledz at hit him hard enough on the head for him to have this horrid nightmare, and she had left him in the roguelands.

"I'm not afraid of blood," Rukayo said almost indignantly, growling at Ico. His actions jarred the female above him slightly. "I just don't want her blood on me." He found himself straightening up, readjusting the female as he glared straight ahead. The sooner they got to this 'home' the better.

"She'd be a terrible thrall." He once again, found himself muttering.

Ledz was finding her respect grow for Ico the more the group walked. The weight of this lioness would be manageable over a short distance but given the group had a good deal of ground to cover it was best they traveled together.

"Their lands. They invited us as guests, " Ledz had a soft matter if fact tone in part because she didn't feel like arguing but also some how the closer they got to where they were going she felt calmer. Perhaps this was a lingering effect of a strong collection of quartz.

No comment came to Ruka about the thrall remark. If he was to continue talking how he was he was probably going to get him self in trouble. Ledz had not signed up for babysitting.

"If you don't shut your mouth I will shut it for you." Ico snarled as she crossed over the younger male's nose with a clawed paw, smacking him lightly as if to warn him one final time. "You will carry her and respect her or I will cut that braid off and wear it like jewelry." As Ico teased her dark eyes shifted back to Ledz. "Is he always this way?"

Xiu Xiu could see the mist clearly now, they were almost home. Slowly the Goddess lowered herself, landing just in front of the tired group. "Soon we will have others help us with her, so please stay strong." The Goddess felt no need to threaten the male, she knew his age came with certain attitude issues, still, he was going to have to show some respect to Faun or he would learn what pain was first hand, up close and personal. No one would disrespect her King.

"This way, stay close." It was time to return home.

"I will fetch a healer." Ico nodded as she hurried her pace.

"Ouch," Ruka winced when Ico's paw made to slap him, just as Ledz had done a few times prior. "You won't touch my braid." He muttered, deciding to straighten up and remain quiet after that. In his mind, he was cursing up a storm at the ladies that surrounded him. How did Ciro deal with this on such a continuous BASIS?! They were unbearable!

Rukayo gave an unhappy, albeit quiet, sigh as Xiu Xiu spoke. Nothing he said would be beneficial, and he really did enjoy his braid. He didn't want someone cutting it off and using it for jewelry!

At least the sooner they got there, the sooner he could start making his way home...right?

"Since the short time I've known him. Granted he's a teen prisioner." She hated that Ruka was so immature but she'd asked for this by taking him prisoner. There was no undoing this unless she killed him which Ledz wasn't about to do. She still had iron blood and the two had the same birth pride. Ruka was like any young male who was eager to prove him self.

The lioness kept pace and held the weight like a champ. Already the scenery was shifting to something more silver. They must have been close by now and soon she could rest. For now the lioness would continue with a stoic silence.

Upon arriving at the silver shores the group was greeted by a group of healers and Faun. The new comers would be welcomes here for as long as they followed the rules of the Pride. The pale lioness was rushed off to be inspected as Xiu Xiu retired herself to her den for the evening, the cubs would arrive soon, she could feel it.