Cold. Much colder than the last time the pair had been out on this same beach. Much lonelier...

On his hands and knees in the sand, one man was digging up heaping piles of the stuff on what seemed like the strangest mission of all. Beside him sat a small bronze that wasn't actually watching the rider toil for his prize, another bronze, though much smaller, sat on his shoulder and gave encouraging cheeps as he dug deeper against the eroded sand for what he sought. If we hadn't waited so long to do just this then it wouldn't be an issue. came a cool voice in the rider's head as he sat back on his heels for a break, knees bent as he dusted off his hands. Sighing, Tsuyat glared up at Yudueth with a similarly cold look to the dragon's tone.

"One big scoop of those claws and we'd have what we were looking for rather than me digging for half a day with duties piling up." This was far more important at the moment, that much was clear, but it would be hard to distinguish exactly what was so important about it were there outsiders watching. At least until the wingsecond found what he was looking for deep under the months of piled up sand. He could only hope that they hadn't been swept out to sea, thereby squandering his opportunity to do something good for her.

If I did that then there would be a risk that they would be damaged, they're far more fragile than a dragon egg and she surely has a piece of that already. Soui likely won't care for this, if she'll ever care for either of us again. In Yudueth's disgusted voice was pain but neither he nor Tsuyat could change the past and undo the mistake that they'd both made on a night that had once been meant for such enjoyment. "You think I don't know that? I have to try though... she's... your twin. We're not her only family, but who else does she have that's proud of her right now other than us and the friends she makes up there? Huh?"

It was a tired sort of rebuttle though. Tsuyat knew that Soui had likely already moved on and begun to make friends, she needed to! It was healthy! Not to mention he wasn't even sure how long the restriction would last between the two Weyrs so he couldn't go and see her, not on a bronze no matter how much he loved his lifemate. "All we can do is ask forgiveness, she's logical." She's a little girl who's heart was hurt on the one day it should have been soaring. Yudueth snarled out loud, making his rider's head drop for what momentarily would have appeared to be defeat. Rather than give in he threw himself at the hole he'd dug in the sand and tossed the substance everywhere in response, wishing it could cover his regret and pain as well as it had these egg shards.

Softly a pop came in his ear as Preserve landed on his shoulder to nuzzle at his ear and temple gently. Remedy was with Soui at least, as was her new little white lifemate, so she didn't need him, should he even be doing this? Images from the small bronze fire lizard had been the first indication that something had been amiss and they had all been from the feast he'd not gone to in light of the events earlier that day.

Foolish. Utter stupidity.

Soui's face had been colored by such concern and distress in those brief images that it had broken Yudueth's hearts and the two had been arguing ever since. Underlying it was still the strong bond of love and respect, but even they couldn't see eye to eye in light of everything. Tsuyat was filled with regret for choosing duty and diplomacy over his smallest family member and Yudueth shared a similar guilt for not pressing harder at his rider to show up and support her in person. It would be a long time before either of them likely forgave themselves for either perceived offense, nearly as long as it took before they could see her again.

A jab at his ring finger had the bronze rider pause his violent digging, hoping fervently that he hadn't broken the shell of the fire lizard egg he'd spent such a time searching for. Reaching under the sand around the sharp spot gently, Tsuyat pulled up one small egg, still broken in places but enough was left intact for this one that he could use it. Now for the other. Just what do you have in mind for those anyway? Yudueth asked carefully, one bright red/orange eye taking in the shell as he lowered his head to it, something like disdain in his voice.

Rather than answer, Tsuyat dug down even further and pulled out the other eggshell, much more fragmented thanks to Preserve's violent escape from within it, but still enough that it might work for his plan. "I don't know if she can respond back to you, but you might reach out to Museth and let her know that Preserve's bringing something for Soui. Maybe she can help keep the little one from getting lost, or Remedy from stealing it for himself." Dumping the sand out of the shells, the rider placed them as gently into the riding bag strapped to Yudueth as he could, hoping that they wouldn't break further until he could get them to a friend to punch out designs from the bright shells and cover them in resin. If they were all careful enough, then maybe he could start to make up his failures to his cousin.

Sighing, not certain that he could even be forgiven enough to reach out to Soui's white Museth, Yudueth started what would likely be the first of at least a few long distance one sided conversations, ready for the day that the little weyrling could respond back. Museth of High Reaches Weyr, don't worry about being unable to respond just yet. I have a message for you, a plan...