Chi Sohma
User ImageHe had left the Linko because of many reasons. One, was because he and his uncle were at odds, but not only that. Things with Anei's father didn't go as bright as he thought. He wanted to take her on adventures outside but he was sorta right. She was young, and he wasn't willing to be ok with letting her leave with some stranger that had only been here for a short time. He shrugged him off, he wasn't in the exact spot to ask. He was still young in their eyes. So he left.

This time, he came back with his mane fully grown in. He grew into his large paws and was much taller than he had been the last time. He had a few scars, but nothing serious. Gaining some friends, knowing the stormborn, met a few bahari and even seen those of the other sands, dawnwalkers, the few that were left. Now that he was experienced a lot more wit, he came back... Many years had passed now, and the only thing he wanted... was a 'base' to call home. The adventures had not yet tired from, still bejeweled eyes of adventure as he entered the pride... Finally, he was one of them fully... Making his own place not too far from his family.

User ImageAnei sighed a little. Her talk with her father went nowhere and she was feeling even more in the dumps then before. Even her new rank, which SHOULD have made her happy, just made her feel nothing. She walked over to the waterhole and looked at herself. She remembered a time when she would come to the same waterhole and smile at her reflection. Now everything was different, and she couldn’t understand what it was exactly. She did have a guess though. She had forgotten everything about her mother. When she was young, she had Damien. She had a father that cared about her and that’s all that she needed to make her happy. Now he had a new wife and Anei was happy for that, but now all she could do was think of her own mother. A mother that she had forgotten. Part of her was glad. Who would want to remember a mother that had abandoned their cub? Anei hoped that there were at least good times, but she couldn’t remember anything, and she didn’t have anyone that knew her mother to ask either.

Frustrated with herself, Anei took her paw and smacked her reflection. Her ears laid flat against the back her head as she lowered her head.

His tail wagged, finally not having to panic about thieves or hyenas. He had a ton of stuff he was lugging back home. Furs, shells, and other things. With him, he had a couple of prey animals that he had with him. One stuck out, a gazelle that looked like a rainbow against a starry sky. It carried a load as well and finally the den he was assigned, he began to fill it. Once they were done, with most of it, he had a lot more in his temp dens around the places he found.

The gazelle slowly walked into the watering hole and tucked it's head back as soon as the splash happened. Jumping.

"Calm down... She won't hurt you- She isn't that great at hunting." He laughed, coming up to the watering hole and taking a few laps.
He was massive taking after his great-grandfather. His mane was huge now. He rose, he was decorated in all kinds of clothes, more like a gypsy of sorts. Fabrics and some bells. Even a headscarf, like a headband

Anei wasn't aware that she was no longer alone. Her ears perked up when she heard someone jump and someone else speaking. She let out a low growl.

"Who are you to say I can't hunt?" Anei snapped. There was a time when she had trouble hunting. She had to find her own style of hunting because of her dark coat. She perfected her style and was one of the better huntresses in the pride.

She took a look at the lion in front of her. She didn't recognize him but he somehow knew her? She didn't know how he could. Maybe he was a traveling Merchant going through the lands and she had met him once before. If that were true then he would know that most of the pulse that gets old because she was the one that brought the pelts to the markets.

"Who are you and why are you here?" She asked.

He lazily took more laps of water as if to ignore her, then finally he straightened himself, then sat. Ears went back 'as a matter of fact' like, "Oh... Well, Anei." He started, seeing the surprised look on her face brought him immense joy, he loved puzzling and teasing others. "I am here to stay- Just moved in right around~" Waving his paw in the general direction from behind him. "I am currently- taking a few laps of water with my friend here, Anaki.'

The gazelle looked up at him, surprised he wasn't using his more natural charm and seductive way of speaking himself out of things. She made a motion and took another step uneasily behind him.

"Anaki~ Anaki~~ It's ok. She won't be hunting anyone soon." Flicking his tail and yawning. "The move is quite long and exhausting. I guess we will see each other.... tomorrow? Or something?" He laughed. This was his entertainment.

Anei's ears went back against her head. This seemed familiar to her. Like oddly familiar. She took another look at the lion. He was big. She would have remembered a large lion like this coming through the lands. She walked toward him, and then around him. She ignored the gazelle. She was more interested in the lion. He was too... entertained by their conversation.

"Rashad?" She said quietly as she sat. He was certainly cocky like her friend from so long ago, but the male was huge. A lot bigger then she had ever thought. "Is... it really you?"

Anei shook her head. This couldn't possibly be Rashad. What reason would he possibly have to return here? Last time he was there, Rashad and his uncle weren't on good terms and then her own father had some words with him. So, there wasn't one good reason why Rashad would return. She sighed, feeling even more defeated than before.

"I'm sorry, I should be welcoming you instead of suspecting you," she said quietly, looking down. "Welcome to the pride. Now if you would excuse me, I have to go...." She walked over to where she was at before, picked up her pouch that she had filled with objects for her to work on, and began walking to her den. 'He's not coming back... I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up...'

His eyes watched every moment. The gazelle looked at Rashad then finally stood by his side more confidently.

He waited till she looked more defeated and was walking away.

"Will you see the treetop birds with me tomorrow morning.." His voice was low but enough to help spark her memory.

"You look so surprised that I'd be back, but it's me, Rashad in the flesh I guess." He smiled gingerly.

"My question now is why you have such a grumpy face, missed me?" Beginning to chuckle.

Anei stopped in her tracks as she glanced back at Rashad. It was really him. She sat as she looked away. She could see her reflection in the water once more. She could tell him what was on her mind, but a part of her had a feeling that he might just laugh at her, tell her that she was being silly or something like that.

"I am surprised," Anei said quietly. "I didn't think there was a reason for you to return." She finally looked away from her reflection and back up at him. He had grown into a very handsome lion. Should she admit that she did miss him? She wasn't really sure. "It's nothing that you need to be concerned with... and I did miss you..."

"Any reason? Did you forget me so quickly? I'm pretty sure that you were apart of the credentials for coming back." He laughed and gave a warm smile, flicking his tail up as he rose. Seeing how massive he really was. When he turned, the gazelle jumped out of the way and quickly came back to his side. Very cautious still but a lot more relaxed knowing that this was the lioness he spoke often about. Looking at the gazelle, the lion nodded- "I'm going, I'm going." Huffing then turned back to Anei. "Missed you too- see yea~" Leaving to go pick up and reorganize his things, his stomach growled and the gazelle gave stuck her tongue out. "You better eat something or you'll end up eating me."
"I would never~"
"I remember you biting my leg the other day-"
"It was playful~ and you know it. Just a joke."
"Not a funny one." Huffing in his face before jumping back to his side.

Anei didn’t know what to say to him. HE had returned because of HER? Not only that, he admitted to missing her as well. Was this the same Rashad she had known all those years ago? She watched him leave until she couldn’t see him anymore. She didn’t know what to do at this point. Everything was just so confusing.

“Maybe I should go hunting…” she said to herself. She wasn’t very hungry, but she had over heard Rashad and Anaki talking as they walked off. She could get something for him and then track him back to his den. She sat there and wondered what she should catch for him. Gazelles were out of the question since he had a gazelle friend and she didn’t want to be insensitive. Maybe she could get a wildebeest. They were bigger and Rashad was a very big lion. Anei would have to be very careful though. Wildebeest were dangerous and often hurt lions.
She walked across to the other side of the territory. She found the herd and sighed when she saw how big it had gotten. She needed to be careful. One wrong move and the herd would charge right into the dens of the lions in her pride. She needed to make sure they were headed away from the pride. She scanned the staggers that weren’t so close to the group. They looked too healthy to go after and she was all alone there. Her eyes scanned again until she saw one that was lying down. It seemed to be having trouble getting up and it was a full adult. Anei crept over to the wildebeest as quietly as she could. None of the others caught wind of her, which was a good thing. She couldn’t afford to scare off the herd. Not just yet. She needed to make sure her prey really wasn’t able to move. She waited a little bit. When it failed at getting up again, Anei charged at it. Sure enough, her target couldn’t get up. She jumped at it, however, another wildebeest got in her way and its hoof clipped her shoulder. She roared in pain as she fell just inches from the lame wildebeest. She shook it off as she tried again, this time getting her target. The herd was long gone and running safely away from the pride.
Anei winced as she stood with her kill in her jaws. She didn’t realize she was bleeding from her shoulder and down her leg. She couldn’t stop though. She began to carry the carcass back to Rashad.

Anei finally made it to Rashad's den. At least she hoped it was his. His scent was strong there. She dropped the carcass near the entrance as she looked around. "Rashad? Are you here?"

They spoke, more Anaki spoke about the plans and trade routes. His stomach grumbled again and she yelled at him for not listening til they both heard someone at the opening of the den. They reared their heads up and Rashad came to the opening only to see Anei.. With a kill that would seem impossible for her to do alone. At first, he came to the light, speechless really. Then his face switched to concern.
"Who ok'ed this." His voice deeper than normal. "Anaki a wrap- quick."

The gazelle acted quickly and bounced out of the den. Her ears flat when she saw the wound and Rashad and her wrapped her wound in a cloth.

"She may need a healer... Are there any in this pride?"
Her ears went back and forth questionably.

Rashad sighed. "I'm only here a day and already you're hurt. What is that gunna say to your father my influence on you." Rubbing his paws. "Wait don't we have that medicine?"
"The herbs from the eagle?"
"Yes, those."
"Right away." Bouncing back in.

“Huh?” Anei said, looking more and more confused. She had forgotten about her injury as she looked over at herself. “Oh.. yeah… that… It’s really not as bad as it looks…” She lifted her paw, wincing as a jolt of pain shot through her leg. “No really…” She sighed as they placed a wrap on her.

“There’s Granny,” Anei said as Anaki asked about a healer. “but she lives near the border on the other side of the territory…” She couldn’t help but giggle to herself. “My father would say ‘not again Anei.’ It’s not like this hasn’t happened before.”

Anei couldn’t help but smile a little. She was really touched by how much Rashad cared. He was the same Rashad she had met all those years ago and yet he changed so much. “Are you…. Mad at me for being you food?”

"Rashad, you really don't have to do this," Anei said quietly.

"Shut it."

Popping the elixir open and soaking the sash in it.

"It's not about that." He looked up to her in all seriousness.
"I don't prefer damaged goods." In the lack of better words, he didn't want to see her hurt. Or cause anyone else to whine about his future goals with her and it was hard enough already with their prior dangerous adventures.

"I'm mad that you're dumb enough to go out on your own like that. Why couldn't you just wait? I was just about-"
"You're lecturing again."
"Damnit Anaki!"

The gazelle laughed and leaned closer to the female. "He's just worried is all. That's a decent size for this Fatboy." Finally, she laid down, her body dainty.

"Urg. I guess we're gonna share this.. Get inside." Flicking his tail up and headed inside, dragging the carcass in.

Anei sighed. “I killed a lame wildebeest… It wasn’t like I went after a healthy one. This one couldn’t even stand…” She glanced at the gazelle. This was him worried? Over a small cut… that bled a lot.

“I’m sorry I worried you,” Anei said quietly, looking away. She didn’t know who she felt about this. He referred to her as “goods.” She didn’t know what that meant. It confused her.

“Oh no,” she said as she noticed a pouch she wore was gone. She stood up, against her better judgment and looked around. “Where did it go… crap, it must have come off when the other wildebeest clipped me…” She frowned a little. The pouch was special to her. It was the first thing she ever made and it was made to remind her of Rashad. She didn’t know what to do at that moment. She looked back at Rashad as he was dragging the kill into his den. She followed quietly behind him.

"Where did what go?" He offered a thought.
"If you left something, go at night when they are more asleep. If not- describe what it is and I will go find it."

After he was doing putting the medicine on there and wrapped it. He sat with her and began to tear the pieces of the wildebeest. This was so they could send off the rest easier for the rest of the pride to eat.

Anaki slowly came up to Rashad's side and laid down as she ate her own mixture of berries and leaves from her pouch. Not wanting to disturb the two meat eaters but at the same time accompanying them in their feast in spirit.
"What was the wildebeest for though." Putting a leg in front of her from the prey animal as he ate his own.
"I came here, to live near my family and to find a safe haven. Also.... because I wanted to be your Pad." Still terms from his old pride. "A short time with you and when I left, I felt like I left my whole life. I traveled a lot.. still kinda still missed you. So I thought it time to settle down, a little and be a good Pad." Shrugging as he continued to eat, how he expressed himself was entirely too laid back and forward for the likes of anyone in the pride thus far.

“It’s… a pouch I made…” Anei admitted. She would have to go find it later. She looked over to Rashad and smiled. She thought it was sweet of him to offer to go find it for her. “I will go out. It’s okay.”

She looked at the leg before taking a small bite herself. It felt weird having him back in her life. Not to mention he was so much bigger then she was. It was nice. She felt more like herself with him there. She couldn’t help but smile when she remembered splashing water on him. She took another bite as she listened to him speak to her.

“I overheard Anaki say something about you being hungry…” Anei admitted. “When you were walking away… I thought bringing you a gazelle would be too insensitive… So, I looked for something else and came across the Wildebeest herd…I guess I wanted to prove that I had improved on my hunting skills, but this was a pretty easy kill..” She then remembered her injury and cleared her throat. “Or would have been if the other hadn’t knocked me out of the air…”

She then listened to him some more and nearly choked on her food. She coughed a couple times as she stood. She understood what his terms meant. She had met an older lioness that had come from the same pride and taught her some of the language.

“You… came back to be my mate?” Anei asked, reassuring herself that was what she was really hearing. A part of her wasn’t sure this was happening. She missed him a great deal too and to hear this coming for him was like a dream. A dream she didn’t want to wake up from. The other part of her wanted to burst out like she had when she first met him. “Am I… hearing you correctly?”

He continued to eat, taking his time on purpose so she can revel in his words. It seemed she honestly didn't know anything about him. Anaki looked up, questioning her face... Then began to laugh. "She doesn't even know!?" The gazelle began to laugh, which was widely out of character for her. To bust out laughing.

"Your boyfriend here is forever in my debt. He killed my husband. So for now. As the Queen of my herd, I travel with him and until he pays off his debt to me. I do not care what else he does. If he wanted to kill a herd of gazelle, I could care less. But he can not go into my territory and he will give me network trades with other non-prey- beasts prides."

Rashad looked over to the Gazelle with slitted eyes. "You just had to tell her everything."

She shrugged. "I thought she'd know that she could hunt whatever she liked."
"How kind of you to share that tidbit." He growled at her.
"Anyhow. He said that he wouldn't do anything more unless he had established himself in a pride- with you. So I assumed you already knew we were coming and were already married but that seems not the case at all."

Rash rubbed his temples, irritated.
"She is very frank, for a queen you see. Like she little cares to admit. We are friends now and she has protected me when she honestly didn't have to. Same with me, we take care of each other and she tells me where prey beasts usually hide. It's nice to have her around. But you know, she has this religion.. so she keeps that in line anytime I eat prey beasts we had to pray. Don't worry! I prayed in my head this time since we have a guest like you."

Anaki turned and continued to eat her berries.

The look on Anei’s face was nothing short of amazement and confusion. “Rashad…. Killed your husband and now he’s your servant? Is that what I’m hearing?” She blinked, not sure what to do here. She looked between Rashad and Anaki.

“Maybe…. I should go…” she stated as she stood. She really didn’t know what was going on and she needed time to think. She began to make her way to the entrance, more confused than ever.

The gazelle rose. Looking at the lioness.

"If a prey makes you feel uncomfortable. I will happily leave." Picking up her bag and off she went past the lion. Her air, regal in nature.

Rashad shook his head.
"I'm not her servant. She didn't love her husband, she was mad about losing her networks to trade. So I'm helping her negotiate with predators. Once she has her supplies, she's going back. Understand?"

"Uh.... okay," Anei said as she watched the gazelle leave. She was just confused. Everything that happened in the last few moments confused her. She looked at Rashad. She was alone with him. Alone. With Rashad. She looked away, not having a clue at what to do now. She lifted her paw, wincing as she did so, and rubbed her leg nervously.


He kept eating till he was near full but she hadn't touched any. He looked up. Saw they were alone and waved his hands. "In the roguelands females eat with the males alone sometimes. I forgot being alone with someone of another harem is frowned on." Shaking his head as he took out a sash and wrapped the leg she was given.

"I wanted to speak to your father after I got settled. Haven't had my own harem in a while. Not like I need one if I just want you?" He chuckled. "That's if still interested. It's been a while I know.."

His ears went back as he soaked up her company. Going back through the adventures they had. The first one was the most memorable. Showing her the canopy of all the exotic birds... It was amazing.

Then the hyena chase. That was fun. Remembering it fondly. "So.. You craft now? Sorry, no time for questions right?" He slowly got up. "I can take you home. Eh. Prides and their silly rules.."

"Yes I craft," Anei said, looking at Rashad. She couldn't help but smile a little as she walked up to him and rubbed her head against his chest. She missed him. She was truly happy he had returned. "I'm still interested. Also, I've kind of... moved into my workshop..."

"Ah...I see. I can't wait to see the crafts you make." Genuinely smiling. He was about to go on another network talk, he hadn't realized that she would stay or even bring them food. Once she pressed against him, he couldn't help but lower his head and affectionately nuzzle her. "I am too." He reassured her. Licking her ear with little regard now that they were in his den...

"Workshop..? Heh... I wonder if your father will run me out if I stay too long there too." Chuckling and watched outside for the Gazelle. It kind of seemed unfair that she left. There was food but of course, she'd never eat this stuff. They traveled too long together for him not to be considerate. Bringing himself to eat another few bites and looked to Anei. She grew since then. Not so small with big puffed paws anymore. She grew into them nicely.

"I'll come often. But I'm a peddler now... I'll need merchandise." Flicking his tail.

“So, you’re leaving then,” Anei said as she moved away from Rashad. In truth, she didn’t want him to leave. Not after he just got back. “I understand. It would be a shame if you left so soon after coming back though. How long will you be staying for?”

She looked over to the entrance of the den. It was getting late. “Maybe I should go. I have some things to finish at the workshop. Well, you still be here tomorrow?”

"Leaving in about a month. Or till I get things squared away in the stronghold." Offering an explanation, but lifted an eyebrow. Still opinionated and direct huh? Shaking his head off the disapproving features his old pride had.

Watching her move. Giving a less approving nod. "You better go then. Work awaits." Nudging her softly. "It's a shame really. When the one you care about leaves so soon. I can sympathize." Licking her ear.

"That will do, for now." Moving forward so he could walk her out.

A month. That was plenty of time to talk to her father. She smiled a little, thinking about that conversation. It would be totally awkward between them. She would have to introduce Rashad to her father before he left again too.

“Come by my workshop tomorrow,” Anei said as she walked next to Rashad. “I could also introduce you to some of the merchants I get my merchandise from.”

Anaki laid regally outside the den. None bothered her, some even looked wary. She had no fear for predators. It wasn't healthy. When Anei came out of the den- she gazed upon her. Thinking of how she would take Rashad being killed. Rashad killed her husband and it was in the constraints of their agreement that if he were to not meet her demands... She would kill him.

"Tomorrow you say?" Lifting herself. Seeing Rashad come out shortly after. "I would like to bring back some merchandise with me." Her voice was meek in comparison to lions but still just as firm.

"You have a good night, Miss Anei." Nodding and heading into the den they came out of she could lay her tired legs.
Rashad nodded to the gazelle as she went in. Looking towards Anei. "I will visit then." Instead of walking her to her workshop, he took clues of her speech to figure she didn't want him doing it just yet. Being seen together again before talking with her father. "Goodnight." He waited till she was enough away before going back inside.

Anaki looked at him, side view. "I too am on a time restraint. Let us do well to establish and make use of connections. That's what we agreed on."

"Don't have to remind me. " Laying down, feeling her eyes on him still. "What is it."

" Why would you tell her those things before our arrangement was done. If you died. You'd probably devastate her."

"I'm not going to die. We will save your herd and I will have my life again." Still taking random pieces of Anei's kill to eat. Being too hungry. Made the gazelle look away as he chowed down.

Words: 4626