Players || Gjenferd | Yuli | Egil | Orm |Nalo'meli

Word Count || 1209

Orm had enough of not being a Reaver since his sister had earned the title. Sure, she had it stripped away but that didn't mean that it didn't bother him. He'd sought out his older brother to get things righted so he could gain the title and the honor that went with it. Gjenferd had agreed and the two joined a rather large viking band the next morning. There were actually other boys around the same age who were green behind the ears also out on their first viking and quite a few Reavers along for the ride as well.

The group marched through no lions land for days until the group got to a swamp. It was deemed too risky to cross so the group splintered off in to a smaller group. Among Orm's group were two other teens, his older brother Gjen and another reaver by the name of Yuli.

"I'm not going to repeat myself so listen up. IF YOU GET LOST THEN YOU ARE ********. This is the real world where only the strong survive and you better bet your a** if you get lost we will not be coming back for you," Yuli growled at the group. Gjenferd rolled his eyes at the statement but did not argue. It was true that the group was from a society that valued strength above any other thing.

"They don't actually mean it," Nalo'Meli huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Course not Bee," Egil was keeping pace with Nalo. It was clear that Egil was a smidge younger than the golden lion to Orm. Orm was actually pretty envious that Egil was out on his first viking so early compared to him self.

"So you're names Bee?" Orm asked Nalo. The golden male shook his head a prompt no.

"That's just what family and friends call me. Mostly family. Names Nalo'Meli to you," Bee's tone was quite condescending which Orm could not ignore. The dark male lifted a clawed paw and swiped it towards Bee who dodged it and instead smacked Egil square on the cheek. Egil let out a loud roar and jumped for Orms throat.

With in a blink of the eye a white flash was between the boys. Gjenferd glared at all three of them with quite the dissatisfied look.

"If you came to become men you need to prove it. All I see here are sniveling cubs who aren't worth the trouble." The white male smacked Orm over the head. "You need to control your temper or I'll be taking you back home."

Orm glared at his older brother but said nothing. It didn't take a seer to see that right now as not the time to test the albino lions temper.

"Are you all done being assholes? We got a lot of ground to cover," Yuli growled.

"Yuli... I got this... You don't need to.." Gjen rolled his eyes, "Lets just keep going."

"Agreed," Yuli nodded and continued down the path.

"Sooo... we're looking for a safe way to get the troop across... is there a reason we don't go in the swamp and wade through? We know how to swim.. being vikings and all," Bee opened his maw before the dust had fully settled on the previous conflict.

"Quick sand and sludge so sticky you wouldn't be able to move.." Gjenferd answered so quick that he got a look from Yuli. Yuli had thought he'd be the one answering the questions of the group and pretty much had deemed him self the leader so he was a little miffed that Gjen was taking it upon him self to answer these questions. Gjen didn't seem to pickup that Yuli was slightly miffed at him.

"The whole swamp can't be like that." Egil commented rolling his eyes.

"Even so -" Gjen began but was interrupted by Yuli.

"Enough of the swamp is and so the risk isn't worth it," Yuli had beat Gjen to the punch. The albino lion glared at the blue lion who merely shrugged with quite the cocky smile.

"We haven't seen any action this entire trip," Orm mumbled, "I thought that viking trips you got loot and thralls. This has been a bunch of paw blistering walking."

"Some times the action is survival. We have a destination so don't lose faith okay." Gjenferd grumbled. "You complaining isn't going to make things happen."

And so the group of boys continued on the outskirts of the swamp looking for a way across with out wading through the muck. They explored the edge of the swamp for days until the group stumbled upon a sandbar. Yuli had gone ahead to test the durability which seemed to stand up. The three boys followed after followed by Gjenferd taking up the back of the group. However, before the boys actually made it across the path was blocked by an angry looking crocodile.

"You lot don't have the permission of our clan to cross. We demand a tribute if you want to get to the other side in one piece." The crocodile hissed at the group of boys.

Gjenferd shrugged, "You boys wanted to prove your selves so... heres your chance. Kill the gator."

"What?" The crocodile hissed in part because he was not a gator. But it was too late as a fury of claws made contact with his leathery pelt before he could process what was going on. The gator hissed and snapped at the boys nimble legs but he was too slow and the three vikings swiped at him again.

Gjenferd sat back and watched the ordeal as the boys took turns swiping at the crocodile. Three on one was not a fair fight but no one said a viking outing needed to be fair. The viking only needed to come up on top and that was the group of boys were doing right now.

The sandbar was stained a dark red and the crocodile had fallen. The three boys took heavy breaths and licked the blood from their claws.

"Good work boys." Gjenferd nodded. "You're one scaly pelt richer and skull too.. if you want."

"Was that our viking?" Orm looked annoyed.

"Part.. Its a start I guess. You killed the Crocodile but we're still on our journey. We'll see what is on the other side and .." Gjenferd was interrupted by a Yuli who had appeared to check on the commotion.

"You three took down this gator pretty easily. I have to say I'm impressed and I'm not usually easily impressed." Yuli was inspecting the fallen crocodiles corpse. Never mind that he called the thing a gator when it was indeed a croc.

"We'll get this thing skinned and boned and you'll all have a trophy to show for your efforts." Yuli nodded.

"Thats all fine and good but we need to get off this sandbar before the rest come," Gjen pointed out.

So the boys dragged the crocodile off of the sandbar and cleaned and skinned its corpse. Soon after they rejoined the rest of the party and had quite the successful viking outing plus they had taken on a crocodile. Many stories would be told about that crocodile fight and all would be exaggerated in to a big fish tale.