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The Stormborn lands had become home to the spotted seer, the way of life here felt second like nature and by now her emotions had shifted from aggression to contentment, followed by an acceptance she felt thanks to her mate, it soothed the bad blood that pooled in her mouth and tore away at her metaphorical opened wounds.

The lioness had found peace beside Gjen, a male who stole her heart away the day he stumbled upon her during a Viking. He seemed so alone in the world and full of sorrow that felt so tangible she couldn't help but love him - her wounded bird, her soul's mate. He belonged with her and she belonged with him.

That was why she relocated here and had started a life all of her own, against her father's wishes and control. Ny understand that her life was short and fleeting and was finally taking control of it for the first time in what felt like forever. Perhaps this was the first time she had ever truly been free? The question sat at the tip of her tongue as she awoke to a still sleeping Gjen, his form resting beside her completely unsettled by her shifting weight.

Ny would do her best to creep away without disturbing him, she knew the albino Reaver could use more shut eye after the talk the pair had the night before.

It was a heavy talk that lingered in her mind as she slowly rolled herself out of the den they shared.

It wasn't like she was upset at the news of his b*****d children, in fact the idea of little Gjens running around excited her. Perhaps she was jealous that they weren't her little Gjens. Maybe Ny wanted cubs after all. Ugh, the lioness felt very confused. This topic was honestly a tough one for her. Her own mother hadn't been the best example of parenthood and because of her poor decisions and actions her father was left to pick up the slack. That turned into years of Nyati being isolated from the world, her father was overly protective and worried with her well being, so worried in fact that for years the seer had spent her life solitude and silence.

So when Ny ran away here to be with Gjen... her whole life changed. Thanks to her pale counterpart she was given the key to her very longed for freedom. The spotted lioness would be forever thankful for the gift he gave her, even if he wasn't aware of what he had truly done for her yet. Someday perhaps she would be able to thank him properly. Maybe...

Nyati had settled at the border of the pride, as if waiting for someone to arrive. Her visions had never failed her before, she knew...

"Mother." Ny spat as the figure of a familiar female came into view.

"Oh, Ny, what a surprise." A deep voice called out at spotted paws stepped out of the fog. Her amber eyes narrowed on her daughter as she chuckled and spoke slyly. "Using your powers to stalk me again?" The older lioness laughed as her tail flicked from side to side.

"No, I am using them to keep tabs on you because you are so careless." The darker female snapped in reply.

"It's the same thing, darling. You really need to get your own life. This obsession with me has got to end." Tuu was as crass as ever. Completely classless and unwilling to admit her wrongs doings.

Ny felt her fur bristle with every word her mother spoke. "Shut up." She spat. "I have come here looking for you, I knew you would be here, you are like a moth to a flame, you really can't help yourself, can you?" The lioness knew why her mother had come and she wouldn't allow it to happen.

"Oh, dear, please, you are embarrassing yourself." Her mother frowned as Ny started to circle the older lioness. The relationship the two females shared was strained to say the least.

"Let me pass, this meeting is totally unnecessary." Her offspring was as rude as ever. What a pest Nyati could be. "You get your poor attitude from your failure of a father, you know."

"Shut your mouth right now before I shut it for you." Ny snarled as the lioness stopped dead in her tracks. Her mother was always putting Airion down, and though her father wasn't perfect he at least tried to raise her with love and care. It was far more than her mother ever did.

"I'm sorry mother but you will not pass unless you come with me." As she spoke her blue eyes narrowed.

"Please, I am your mother, you will move aside." Tuu snarled back in defiance.

Ny would have given her mother another chance if she had only been able to think about anyone else but herself, sadly though, Tuu was a transparent creature. The only way Tuu was getting through Ny was in captivity.

"I warned you." The darker female hissed.

"Step aside." Her mother flicked her tail in anger.

Ny sighed as she lowered herself to the ground before making her move. Without any word spoken she lunged at her mother and rolled her to the ground with extended claws that sank into her sides. The seer was going to make sure her mother wasn't going to further the family line by whoring herself out to any God that would take her. Ny was going to take her mother as her own personal thrall.

It was like Ny had been planing this for sometime now. Her visions helped her keep track of Tuu after all, who knew how long she had been following her mother's tracks. "Stay down!" Ny hissed as she lifted her weight to hold her mother's body against the ground.

"You are mine now. You will come with me or I will make sure the pride knows I have caught a thrall for free use." Her eyes narrowed on her mother's pinned figure.

"They will not be as kind and understanding as I am."

Tuu's eyes shut tightly as she winced from under her own child's weight. Why was Ny doing this? Had she lost her mind? Tuu lay still in disbelief.

What was going on? Why was this happening?

"Now get up, we are going home."

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