Rain. Nothing but rain for days on end and the vibrant colored female was getting rather sick of it. Raksha was currently with her and the dark colored male was on edge, lately some of the pride had caught wind that a hybrid thrall had been seen in an obviously pregnant state and that unnerved some. Thralls as they were already had a looked down upon nature and the fact that his mother was said topic of conversation he wasn't about to leave her alone in her 'fragile' condition.

He would never say that out loud to her because she was tough, able to take care of herself when need be so it wasn't like she wasn't capable of throwing down. It's just that with the famine only having just subsided she was noticeably skinnier as she was now very noticeably pregnant.

Walking was getting a little more taxing than it used to be and the bright colored female had to take a seat for a moment. "Can you run ahead and make sure we have everything we need? I'd rather get what we need now while we're out and about because I feel as though once we get back to the den I won't want to go anywhere." The little forms moving inside of her were exhausting but she was happy. While she'd only ever had one child in her life, a long time ago she was gifted with a son and now she felt as though she was carrying a few at least.

These children were a gift from the gods and she would be damned if anyone thought otherwise. It was rare for her kind to every have children and here she was, proving that some could. She knew it was possible, she'd heard of it before it was just so rare a thing.

"Okay, I'll be right back, just don't go anywhere." The young male teased as he gave her a nudge on the neck with his face and dashed off to see what all they might need. He knew the time was getting closer and he was more than thrilled to have more siblings in his life soon.

A soft sigh escaped her lips as she turned to look out across the dark horizon. The rain had subsided, just barely and she turned her golden gaze upwards with a happy smile. Life, despite it's twists and turns, could be good and in this moment she was happy.

It wasn't going to last very long though. Ears twitched as she heard paws upon the soft, wet, earth and head turned to see who was approaching only to have her vision go black with a flash of white as someone's paw struck her against the side of her face. An unearthly growl was muttered from deep vocals as she was thrown to the grown with brute force. Typically she was able to get on her feet quickly but whoever this was had caught her by surprise and in her current condition she was in no position to fight at full strength but she struck out anyway. Despite her vision being blurry from the first blow.

What was this? Her mind was racing as she tried to consider all possibilities. The voice wasn't one she was familiar with, she knew most of who Bastion was 'close' too and this wasn't a voice she knew. Another thought did cross her mind, many didn't like that kirin lion and many didn't like the fact she was a hybrid, let alone a thrall. Fear gripped her then, was she going to die? She couldn't, she wouldn't let that happen.

With a growl of her own she rolled over and struck out with a paw, her claws catching the side of the males face and she was quite certain as he howled that she had hit one of his eyes, or at least clawed him pretty good. Where was Raksha? Was he going to be back soon? God's she hoped so. The rain started again and lightning flashed in the sky as she attempted to get up and run, she knew it was a hopeless thought as she wasn't nearly as quick as she used to be and she felt him upon her quickly, teeth in her neck as she felt herself being pulled up from the ground and she twisted, attempting to kick at whoever it was. "Bastion will kill you, whoever you are." While he had his faults, she was part of his family and she knew that whoever this was knew that.

They had to of. They must have known what they risked by attacking her like so. His grip on her was good and as much as she struggled there was no getting out of his grasp. Fear gripped her body as she saw where he was dragging her.

The Ravine.

"NO!" She cried out as she struggled to get away from him, did what she could to get out of the male's grasp. It was no use though, her pregnancy was a hindrance in this moment and she realized then he was going to throw her in. Curling up tight she would protect her unborn children or at least she would try and she felt herself falling, and then darkness.

"I'm not afraid of Bastion." The male said before turning and starting to walk off with a smug smile on his face.

Raksha on the other paw had caught the last part of what had happened and his black and blue figure could be seen racing across the ravine's edge and he knew he had to make a choice, go after the male or help his mother. He didn't know who it was though and what would he tell father? Decision made he moved to the edge quickly, heart racing and eyes searching.

A breath of air escaped him as he cried out in relief. There she was, on a ledge not far down, she had gotten lucky but it was still a notable drop. She wasn't moving and fear gripped him. "Rana?! Are you awake!"

Pain gripped her as she laid there, trying to move but decided against it. The pressure in her lower abdomen told her that she was going into labor. No, it was too soon. A voice tore her thoughts away. "Ra--Rasksha?" Eyes fluttered open and she looked up the steep incline towards the face of her son.

"Go get your father... Hurry."

Not waiting another second he raced off to get him.