Nelo'Meli, or Bee as some called him, was a lion who could be described as quiet with intense eyes. Vocalizing his thoughts was a rare gem reserved for those close to him like his siblings. Being reserved didn't mean he was shy as much as it meant that he was choosey with whom he interacted with.

Females were always looked down on in his upbringing and thus he'd never thought anything of the warlords decision. Honestly, he thought it could have gone further with limiting the females of the pride, but again, he did not outwardly express that outside his family den.

Bee was now of age to be a Reaver yet had not sought out a viking raid to go on. Another attribute the male possessed was his laid back way of going about things. He was not battle hungry as many his age were as he didn't feel the need to prove himself to anyone. Others could ******** off if they had a problem with his lack of drive to have gone through with his reaver grooming. Bee was as relaxed as an actual bumblebee but had a stinger if need be.

Well, as it goes in a pride of warriors, it happened another boy his age was taunting him and as those things go with teen boys a fight broke out leaving both battered and bloody. This was not uncommon for the youth to scrap it out but Bee had a nasty gash above his eye and thus decided to approach the priestesses for a remedy. The male did not announce his presence first before entering their dwelling. His reasoning was they were female and thus their Gods given duty was to serve the males.

He silently stalked around the corridors unannounced looking for someone to help him.


K’i-lin wasn’t the best of priestesses. She was still young, and still learning under the watchful eyes of Datura. She would openly admit her fault, but knew this great pride wasn’t built in one day, and she shouldn’t assume the same for herself. The young priestess would give herself time to grow, even though she wished to be great and powerful now.

Since the famine ending, K’i-lin found herself growing bored. With none to really treat in regards to ailments, she would lounge around the priestess den, batting a pile of herbs, or mixing some other type of concoction that she would call classified until the mixture was perfect.

It was then, the adolescent male entered the area. K’i-lin’s purple eyes shot up at the sudden intrusion, her head tilting as she watched the other carefully. The small beads of blood from the top of his eye drew little concern; it seemed but a flesh wound, but, a wound none the less.

Rising to her feet, the kirin headed over to the male, a jovial smile on her maw. “Hello!” She cooed, tail curling around her feet as she glanced at the male. “Hmm…” K’i-lin, not being one for personal space, found herself poking at the wound as she neared him. “That looks nasty.”


Bee took a step back when he heard anothers voice as if he'd been found out. Some small piece of the male knew walking in unannounced was the wrong way of going about what he was doing. His pale dull eyes matched a pair of lively purple ones.

“You a priestess.” For a teen his voice was jagged and rough with no ounce of kindness to be found. Furthermore his words read as if he was making a statement more so then asking a question. Bee waited for confirmation patiently and unblinkingly letting the blood drip down his face without acknowledgement.


The young priestess make a small sound of discontent, letting it roll of her shoulders as she glanced at the male’s pale eyes. “I’m a lioness.” She corrected with a smirk. “Priestess second to that,” she gave a small wink, as she nudged her head to in the direction she wanted to go. It was an indication of ‘Follow Me’.

“Name~?” She asked in a singsong tone, humming quietly to herself.

“Tell me how you get that.” K’i-lin said absentmindedly, stopping at her desired spot to treat the male. She had small leaf pouches filled with different types of plants, roots and herbs. A small basin-like rock nearby as well, and a large holding area for water. She took a handful of the large leaf plants and began to muddle them in the basin. The crushed leaves began to let out an odor Bee would likely smell. It was one that wasn’t too pleasant to the nose. Another dash of herbs from a different pouch, and then some water added as K’i-lin stirred the mixture to make a small paste.

Wound care was simple compared to other concoctions. She could always give him an elixir of her own making for pain. Another hum escaped her lips as she listened for the male.


“Nelo'Meli” he offered his full name to the priestess and not his easier to remember Nick name of Bee. He did not know this lioness yet but was already a little irritated she put her gender before her title. There had been a look of annoyance he'd given her when she declared she was a lioness before she was a priestess.

Still, the male followed after her as he wanted to get his wound to stop bleeding and not get infected.

Bee took a seat and watched what ki was doing out of the corner of his eye. He'd not admit it but he was intrigued with what she was doing until the smell. Bee sneezed a few times at the scent of the unsavory odor.

“God dang! What are you tryin ta do!? Burn my nostrils girl!?” He had delivered his tone in a low growl clearly distressed by the concoction. An over sized paw went over his nose as his once reserved demeanor changed to one of displeasure and annoyance.

“Leave it to a female..” he muttered.


“Well…Nelo’Meli. I am K’i-lin! Though, most I treat just call me K’i. Actually, most everyone calls me K’i. But you can call me that, or K’i-lin, or even your favorite priestess. I will answer to it all.” She giggled.

At the reaction to the scent of the paste, the priestess burst into laughter. “Oh, I must have gotten use to the smell. Don’t worry, it won’t linger too much longer. Good thing you aren’t gonna eat it, huh?” The lioness grinned. “Luckily I just so happened to have mastered this elixir, which should help prevent any kind of infection…as well as any pain that wound may be causing.” The lioness dipped her paws in the large water holder, rinsing them before shaking them to dry. Once she was satisfied, she headed towards another rock bowl, this time a purplish looking liquid in it. She didn’t know if she quite perfected it, but, Nelo’Meli here could be her first tester! She grabbed it, heading back to the male.

“Might want to lay down. That wound needs to be cleaned and probably won’t feel the most pleasant. You can try this for that now?” She pushed the bowl towards the adolescent.


Despite his less than pleasant demeanor; Ki was as pleasant as she could be to the male. Bee may have rolled his dull eyes a bit as she went on about herself and her work. He had not come here to talk to a female at all and had not expected this to turn in to a conversation.

The corners of his mouth twitched in to a frown of disapproval but ultimately the male did as asked and laid down. He wasn't afraid of some pain and was sure he'd be able to take what ever this female had up her figurative sleeve.

“Do your worst ki” this was a dare coming from the male. He laid down looking like he was bracing himself for an unimaginable torture. For him, he was sure the conversation was the worst of it. Women sure did like to talk alot when they didn't know their place. A large part of himself knew that kind of thinking of a priestess was wrong but it was how he felt about most women.


“Ohhh tough guy.” K’i-lin giggled. She shrugged slightly, letting the male get comfortable. “It’s there is you want it.” She advised before gathering her supplies. More water, some leaves to clean the wound, and then the paste she had just created.

Once back at the male’s side, she took his head in her paws, inspecting the gash. It would likely scar, nothing she had could prevent that. If she could, oh ho ho, she’d be the best Priestess in the pride. Maybe she should work on that next?

She paused, letting the male brace himself, before taking a leaf and dipping it in the water. She proceeded to cleanse the wound, tsking occasionally at the bright blood that began to pool, obviously aggravated by her ministrations. “Boys, always getting into scuffles. You don’t need scars to prove your strength.” The lioness chided, shaking her head.

Finally, once the wound was cleaned, her paw reached into the paste, and began to smear it into the wound. She made sure no crevice was left untouched, which involved her fingers digging a little more into the gash. Once pleased with the packing of the wound with her medicine, she slathered some more over the top as extra measures.

“There we go!” She purred.


Kis bit about boys always getting in scuffles got a dark look from those dull eyes of Bee. He did not like a female criticizing what a male did as it was not their place.

The water felt cool and refreshing and for a moment Bee was relaxed enough to let his guard down and let his body limp. What ever the female had warned about before had melted from his memory and he was at ease until the purple paste came. Those two dull eyes shot open with tears welling in the corners. Bee managed not to cry but an outburst was inevitable. <******** hells girl!” He growled very agitated by the stinging. His name was Bee but this sting was unexpected. “what the bloody ******** do we see in using a priestess. All of you female lot should be thralled because none of you have a lick of sense to know what's proper!” He had sat up and his teeth were now barred.

That tail of his lashed from side to side partly because this outburst had not been what he had wanted to do. It showed a great deal of weakness after he'd said he could take it. Frustrated, Bee looked off to the side. His eyes would not look those purple pools straight on after that.


"Oh," K'i was not surprised by the male's reaction. The cockiest of lions would always curl from certain ailments. It was too bad Bee didn't take K'i-lin up on her offer on that elixir before she started. "Language." Her ears pinned back as her eyes narrowed.

As he spoke of all females should be thralled, K'i-lin couldn't help but hit the boy's head, close to his wound. "You came looking for a priestess to help you. I would be more mindful of your words, or you may lose your eye next time. Perhaps other body parts." The Kirin warned, straightening herself out, scooping the remaining paste into an empty pouch. She handed it to Bee. "Use the remaining of this in three moons. If it gets worse, come see me soon. Otherwise I expect you to follow up in six days." Her eyes narrowed. "I will find you if you don't." She warned in a low tone.

Her eyes lit up as she gave the male a smile. "Perfect!" She cooed. "Best get running before your friends start to think you are visiting the priestess for some other reasons." She flashed a wink. "Can't have them assuming you are with a female longer than you want to be now, can you?" She giggled.


And with a mighty whack the male let out a cry. She'd hit him near where the strong stinging sensation was currently burning in to his skull. Lucky his tongue wasn't out otherwise Bee may have bit the damned thing off.

There was something unpleasant muttered under his breath so faint that it was hard to tell exactly was said. Probably nothing good could be assumed.

“Fine.” He begrudgingly took the contents offered. If Bee had listened to what Ki had directed remained unclear if he'd do what he was instructed. One could assume he probably either tuned her out or wouldn't do what was instructed out of spite.

Thanklessly he turned and left ki a little more than agitated.