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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] High Reaches Weyr
[PRP] Lean on Me (C'ryn&Kiri)

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Feral Hunter

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 9:07 am
Once the hatching had finished and C'ryn had....composed himself the bronzerider had returned to his weyr with Aresoth. He removed the straps from the bronze on autopilot. not paying much attention to anything that was going on in the moment. He was too lost in his own thoughts still, his heart breaking for her. Although he had cried there on the perch he had stayed upon with Aresoth, there were no more tears that would come out right now. C'ryn felt emotionally drained, more then he had been in quite a long time. Henwas' death hadn't hit him so hard but it had been no surprise at that, there had been no love between the two of them. Yes, his heart had hurt for Huarwar, seeing his half brother lost and adrift without the more dominant twin and yet, this hurt so much more then that. Perhaps it had been witnessing it, perhaps it had been the event at the end that capped off the hatching. He knew he wouldn't forget the little green who had tried to find hers and then disappeared between.

C'rynmine, I am going to go and see Zenobiath. The bronze's eyes had not brightened as he carried a sadness in him as well. Though while Aresoth was upset by the loss of the green, knowing that when he was able to sire his own clutch there was always the chance of one of his children not finding theirs, he knew his golden sister was saddened by the fact as well, except she knew she would have a clutch of her own one day.

C'ryn only gave a nod to Aresoth before the bronze took off from his ledge and flew to his sisters. C'ryn might have normally gone with him, gone to see Alumet and make sure she was okay. A part of him did wish to go to the junior weyrwoman, to check on her and give her a comforting embrace but...there was a more pressing presence in his mind and heart that he felt, he hoped, needed the comfort he could give.

Standing a moment in his weyr to steady himself, to figure out a time frame for everything, C'ryn tried to put together what he would say. Offering condolences was obvious but he didn't want her to think he thought the pain she was going through was nothing. She deserved every right to mourn for her brother as long as she wanted or needed and he knew that even as the weyr continued on, even as everyone else forgot about Shinnikan aside from that of his family, C'ryn would not allow himself to forget the young man who had been taken this day. The greenrider who had never been given a chance.

Resolved and as prepared as he was sure he would be, C'ryn left his weyr to make his way to the infirmary. He knew there would be an area there where they would have Shinnikan prepared for the journey between. He didn't want to intrude upon anything that was private but he needed to...he needed to at least see her, to hug her and tell her that no matter what he was there for her, whenever she needed him. Myrddin had not returned and C'ryn only knew where Kiri was when the bronze began to give images to him.

Once there, once he could see her standing a few feet away from him, C'ryn pushed back the urge to rush to her. The bronzerider straightened his back and walked over to her, doing his best to make sure he was not there to take her attention away from her mourning. As much as he wanted to wrap his arms around her, to pull her against him and hug her tightly he restrained himself for the moment. His hand moved to place itself upon her shoulder, Myrddin letting out a cheap as he spoke. "Kiri..." His voice was soft and threatened to crack as he waited for her to turn towards him.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 10:13 pm
I AM SORRY. She's kind of...processing things.
Not very well.

Kiri felt numb.

Her little bronze Felidae was still clinging her to her neck, his face buried against her hair. Another bronze had appeared at some point, too--Myrddin--but she couldn't have said when he'd shown up. Standing in the Healers quarters, the young woman couldn't bring herself to leave. K'din seemed to come and go, sometimes offering hugs, other times needing comfort. It was during those time's he'd leave to seek out his green just outside But Kiri remained, as she had when she'd left with Shinnikan on the Sands. She couldn't bring herself to leave because she knew, too soon, it would be time. Time for Feyeth to scoop him up in her claws. Time for him to be lost to the cold of Between. Time for her to suddenly be down a brother, a friend. Time for life to move on without him.

But Kiri wasn't ready for that.

Her older brother K'din, so gentle, so sensitive, was taking it...well, as she expected. He'd taken the death of their family hard enough, but now? Now, Shinnikan was dead. His gentle hearts were in pieces. Between the three of them, K'din had bee the softest and most empathetic; Shinnikan good of heart but stubborn; and Kiri more wild and fearless. Now... The pain of having lost their parents a few Turns ago was now dredged up with the loss of their sibling. It was different than the pain of having her parents killed...

Everyone had lost someone, it seemed, when Thread returned. There was so much shock and devastation, but there was also mutual understanding. There were shoulders to lean on, people to cry with, grieve with; Kiri herself hadn't done much crying over their loss. Not because she didn't love them or didn't care, but because tears never came easy to the girl.

She was too fierce for that, too... proud? She preferred laughter over tears--something her brother and she had in common. And yet.... Now? With Shinnikan gone... All that repressed pain, all that loss she pretended not to notice. The loneliness of being without family; the regret she had for living a Continent away, and all the time she missed out on making memories with them. All of it came back, tenfold, because now, she had the same regrets with Shinnikan.

She had visited from time-to-time the past few Turns. She had even managed to spend almost a sevenday at High Reaches for the swap and how often had she spent that with her brother? Oh, she'd gotten to meet his boyfriend that he'd been keeping mostly secret; she'd gotten to meet K'ell, whom had yet to be informed of the loss; she'd shared a few meals, a few laughs, but had mostly gotten caught up with her own routine. She hadn't made much time for her brother, hadn't even wished him luck on the shared Sands.

She had thought she'd have a lifetime with him--any moments missed out on could be rebuilt at a later time and date. Except, there would be no later time. There would be no later date.

This was it... and all she had now was a lifetime of regret.

So she stared at her brother, trying to remember him as she knew him in life; trying to remember him now, because it was the last time she'd ever see him. And yet... All she could do was notice how different he looked in death than in life. There was no color to his cheeks; his skin had lost its shine; he looked puffy, and though he was at rest, it... She would never forget how his neck had been broken; would never forget how that bronze had stood on him, like he was some toy, like he was nothing.

Anger rose up. She was nothing but a flood of grief--anger, pain, and sorrow mixed together. So focused on Shinnikan, on her thoughts, on the feelings within her that she hardly noticed when C'ryn arrived. His voice broke the quiet of the infirmary, but for a moment still, she said nothing. She didn't turn to face him... Not yet. "C'ryn." Her throat was tight, her words strained. Between crying with K'din, and struggling to rein in her emotions, everything was hard right now.

"It doesn't look like him, does it?" She asked, not really expecting an answer, but... Given C'ryn and Shinnikan had been Candidates together, part of her felt she could say it. It was something he shared that the Healers didn't. He knew her brother, even if he hadn't known him well. But he had seen him alive, more, she realized bitterly, then she had in all her visits combined these past few Turns. "Maybe it's because he's not smiling. Or brooding. He's just...' Dead. But she couldn't say it. Wouldn't say it.

Felidae gave a little sad creel, and tried to burrow closer to his.

What else did you say in a time like this? Kiri didn't know. All she knew was that she'd taken for granted someone she never should have. She'd never get that time back, never get her brother back. It was just K'din and her... and both of them lived a world away.


Shy Mage


Feral Hunter

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 11:36 am
C’ryn’s eyes moved to look at the body that was laid out before them. His throat felt dry and as she spoke to him, he had to wet his lips to try and get an answer out, even if one wasn’t truly needed.

“It was rare for me to see home without a smile on his face.” How he wished he had known Shinnikan better, that he could offer Kiri anecdotes of times when he and Shinnikan had been candidates together. The best he could do was finally take a step closer to her, his hand moving from her shoulder to allow his arms to wrap around her, pulling her back against his front in a tight embrace. He would not turn her around to face him, when she wanted to look at him she would. No, C’ryn was content to hold her this way, to keep her close to him and offer her support.

“I will say I’m sorry that this happened to Shinnikan, you and your elder brother. I won’t offer any words that will diminish your grief. You need your grief, your time to mourn what you have lost. Shinnikan was a good man and I regret that I didn’t know him very well, that I was not a friend of his. I wish I could offer you stories of hijinks we got into that drove Gr’del to drinking...” He pauses, would these words make things better or worse? He didn’t want to take away her pain, if anything he wished he could share it with her, to help ease the burden.

He stood there for a moment, still holding her against him, as if he were afraid she would disappear if he let her go. Hadn’t that been his own worry when he saw her stand up to the bronze? Fear that she would soon follow her brother? His embrace tightened for a moment as he ducked his head down, his nose lightly brushing against her hair. “You know my weyr is always open to you Kiri, if you are here visiting or if you need an escape from Western. I’m always here for you.”

Its alright. She has a lot to process. Also, phone tag!
PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 10:04 pm
Kiri listened to the dark haired man earnestly. She wanted to hear someone else talk about her brother; wanted to know that his loss might mean something to anyone else but her and K'din. She was desperate to know that he hadn't died in vain; that he wouldn't be forgotten as soon as the day wore on. Time healed all wounds, so the saying went, but right now she didn't want any of them to forget.

She knew they would all judge him... Knew they would all think horrible thoughts about the Candidate who fell. Oh, she would dig her claws into any one who said such things in front of her; she would tear them to pieces as she had wanted to tear that bronze. If that other dragonet hadn't pulled the bronze off, she would have gone down trying--to Between with rules. Oh, the thought of it made anger well up once more...

Even as C'ryn's words opened up the heartache and grief quickly consumed her. When the bronze rider pulled her back against him, she almost resisted. Part of her knew she had to be strong, had to be fierce; she felt she had to keep herself together, felt she had to be strong simply for the sake of it. If she let herself fall apart, she wasn't sure she had it in her to put the pieces back together. But oh... How she ached. For as convivial and cheerful as the girl was known to be, she certainly kept herself emotionally distanced. Hadn't everybody lost someone during First Fall? Death had returned with a vengeance during Thread's return... so she bottled it all up, and boxed it away. She'd had her brothers, which was more than many could say. And yet... For some reason, this loss hit her harder than even the loss of her Hold and her parents.

Maybe it was because losing ones parents was the natural order. It was, in a way, expected...despite having come as a surprise. But Shinnikan. His loss was truly unexpected. No, any resistance was quickly shoved away. She was grateful, amid all the grief. It was kind of him to come. Kind of him to to speak of such regret. Kind of him to be honest. "....I wish you'd known him better, too," she spoke softly. "...He really was good, you know? An...A pain-the-a**-stick-in-the-mud sometimes," she laughed, a little bit hysterical, a little bit genuine; a spark of her usual self, remembering her brother and his straight-laced ways. "...But he kept me out of trouble sometimes. And I... I dragged him into heaps of it. And now--" That momentary joy was strangled once more by the pain.

"....We were supposed to have our lives ahead of us." Her voice cracked, and a few stubborn tears slipped out. "...I didn't wish him luck today. I didn't even... didn't even stand with him." A ragged breath, even as she fought to hold it together. How terribly self-centered she'd been. "I just thought--" the lump in her throat made speaking impossible, but once again, she tried to fight the ache.

Coupled with C'ryn's kindness, with his hug, with his support... Faranth help her, it was too much. Closing her eyes, ducking her head, she turned into her friend and cried. If she wasn't so devastated, she would have been horrified to be found in such a state. But even the most fierce of creatures could still feel pain... She was no island, despite her independence. C'ryn wasn't a stranger; he was her friend. They'd both come a long way from having first met on the beach where a little bronze flit stole her fishroll.

I'm sorry. It's probably ugly crying. But grief man...it ain't like in Hollywood movies


Shy Mage


Feral Hunter

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 6:59 am
If all he could do was listen to Kiri speak of her brother, listen to her tell him stories of Shinnikan, then C'ryn was ready to sit with her all night if that was needed. He would miss the feast, miss the celebration to sit with her and her brother and remember Shinnikan.

Her laugh, although half hysterical made a soft smile appear on his lips. It was nice to hear her laugh again, even in such a situation. It didn't last long and C'ryn let his arms tighten for a bit before letting his muscles relax once more. He knew the happiness he was use to seeing upon her face, the laughter that he was so use to hearing, would take time to come back but he was certain it would come back. There was no need to rush her or her brother through their grief, no need to make them return to normal so soon. He would wait for the time that he would hear her laughter again, see that smile upon her face.

The crack in her voice told C'ryn that she would not be able present this strong facade that she was. She turned into him, her head ducked down and pressed against him. He was quick to tighten the embrace again, his arms wrapping tighter around her and just holding her against him. He let her cry as he just held her, ducking his head down to have it a bit closer to hers.

"This day and age....the world seems to be so cruel.." He wasn't trying to objectify anything, to make it seem like those words would just be enough of a salve to fix her wound. "You couldn't have known any of what would have happened. The regrets are normal, but...don't let them pull you down Kiri." His voice was soft as he continued to hold her, speaking just enough for her to hear even above her crying. "He won't be forgotten Kiri, nor will he be thought of as a candidate that made a mistake...not anymore.." He took his own breath, knowing the words wouldn't help to make anything better, but he hoped in some way it might help in the future.

"He was a Rider, Kiri. A little green...hatched and went between when he was not there." Remembering the little green rushing over to the blood stained sands had C'ryn's heart clench once more. "It isn't supposed to make anything better but...maybe he isn't alone now...In whatever awaits us after everything. In the end, Shinnikan will be remembered as a hero." He hoped the thought that the weyr wouldn't forget him so suddenly would help her. Yes, the Feast would happen to celebrate the new lives that had found theirs and the world would continue to turn, but Shinnikan was a hero no matter which way you cut it. C'ryn was determined to fight anyone over that belief as well.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 11:14 pm
Kiri could hardly believe what she was hearing.

It is true. The little one...could not find him. The words were soft and sad. Feyeth, who was curled around her rider, and prepared to usher Kiri under her wing should she desire, gently confirmed the boy's story. Grief and pain laced her words, cutting right to the heart.

Shinnikan? A rider? And yet... "...He didn't even get to--" See her? Didn't even get to know of that love and the bond.

Oh, how Kiri hated the tears. She hated that she'd fallen apart. Hated that she looked so... so weak. But grief was its own beast, and she'd fought it for such a long time. With Shinnikan there, with guilt and regret and anger pressing down on her, she just wasn't able to fight it back. So she mourned the loss of her parents, the loss of her brother, the loss of a future with them, and all the regrets she kept buried. Life wasn't easy, and she certainly didn't expect it to be...

But today seemed particularly cruel. The happiest day of so many lives, and yet, her poor brother was taken down so cruelly. He hadn't even gotten to save someone through his sacrifice, like Henwas had when the green took his life a Turn ago. And to know that a baby dragon had died, too? A baby dragon that was seemingly meant for him?

Life really could be cruel.

So she wept for everything that could have been, and everything that was. For the little green, for her brother, for... for everything. But she had cried since Shinnikan had fallen; cried as they took him away; cried with K'din, cried with Feyeth, and now was crying with C'ryn. Eventually, her tears ebbed, and eventually, she stopped.. She forced them down, trying hard to regain control. "Sorry," she murmured, reaching up to wipe irritably at her eyes, quite certain she'd left C'ryn's tunic wet with tears. She felt a mess, and was fast making him one, too.

She wasn't mad at him, but herself, and wanted, above everything else, to rise above the grief that so choked her. She wouldn't look at him though; instead, she simply stared at his shirt. She also didn't dare turn around; her brother...if she saw her brother there, she knew she'd fall into tears once more. Felidae gave another little sad creel.

"....He would have liked to have died a...a hero," she finally spoke. "Probably pretty pissed about the whole thing, really." She speculated, once more desperately trying to pretend things were, well, normal. "...he never did like bullies." And given what that bronze had looked like, the fact her poor brother fell to such bad news was only a little ironic.

The girl wiped her eyes again. "...a green rider huh...Was...Was she pretty?" It sounded so dumb and yet, she hadn't been there, had missed the entire thing. She didn't know what the little green looked like, and though it was sad for it to have died, knowing that it had wanted her brother was almost soothing. "Feyeth'll be pleased. Guess green runs in our blood." Theirs officially, but hers if they counted her shenanigans with a Western Weyrwoman. Ha. She never even got to shock her brother with that bit of news, either... Pity. With her grief once more reined in, it was... strange how things could almost feel normal, as if her brother wasn't a corpse behind her. Maybe...

Maybe K'din had the right idea. Staying in that room, staying with her brother right there... Well. Maybe she did need some air. This wasn't how the day was supposed to go. She'd expected tears--tears of joy, maybe tears of disappointment from other Candidates--but not this. Too soon, life would go on, and routine would return. Maybe it was for the best, and yet, there was an emptiness in her heart that would never truly be filled.

....a small part of her was envious of K'din, of C'ryn, and even K'ell. For though they might grieve or be upset, they all had someone to lean on; someone to help them through. It was said a dragonrider never truly was alone once they Impressed; had their missing piece. Someone to share the pain with, someone to help ease life's burdens.

All she had was Felidae, and though the little one tried his best, it wasn't quite the same. Well. That didn't matter. She didn't need anyone, after all. She'd get through this like all of Pern got through life's trials; by sheer force of will, determination, and stubborness. She had broken down enough today; she could bottle this up, push it aside, and carry on.



Shy Mage


Feral Hunter

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 7:30 pm
C'ryn was glad that his choice to tell her about the little green hadn't caused any more damage. He hadn't thought it would make her happy, that it would suddenly cheer her up. Knowing that Shinnikan would have been a greenrider would fix the fact that he and the little green were gone, it wouldn't make the pain go away.

He stood there still holding her against him as she continued to cry. Slowly her tears began to slow and then stop, though her words, her apology had C'ryn look down at her, shaking his head. "You don't need to apologize Kiri." He gently placed his right hand under her chin and lifted her head up. His thumb moved to gently dry away any trace of the tears that had been left upon her cheeks. A small smile appeared on his lips then as he looked at her. "That's something he and I had in common." His hand moved up to touch his nose as an instinct, his index finger tracing the crooked line from when it was broken.

"She was very pretty." Once more his mind was filled with the sight of the little green as she let out her mournful cry. His eyes shut for a moment, feeling tears prickling in the corner of his eyes. He wasn't afraid of crying in front of Kiri but he wanted to hold back because his focus needed to be on her. "She may be right." He reopened his eyes, raising his hand to wipe away the tears that had almost fallen.

For one moment longer, C'ryn just stood there before he let his other arm fall from around her, gently moving to take her hand. "Have you been here the entire time Kiri? We should probably see about getting you some Klah and get your seated somewhere comfortable for a bit."

Hope this is okay. ^^ C'ryn is all over the place with thoughts at the moment.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 9:01 pm

So long as she didn't turn around, she could almost pretend that.... That everything was normal. So long as she didn't have to see him there, so long as she didn't have to... to look at reality. She needed to shore up her strength, make sure that she could handle herself around K'ell and, of course, K'din. So she wiped at her eyes once more, and ran a hand through her hair, and tried hard to swallow back the pain in her heart. Felidae continued to cling to her, the little bronze still grey from grief, but he allowed himself to croon encrouagement. He rubbed his wedge-shaped head against her cheek, and let his eyes whirl a bit more blue for her.

She felt...horrible. She knew what the day would bring, knew that the sudden change in her family would take time to process. But she still had K'din. She still had K'ell. And, so it seemed, it seemed she had C'ryn, too. She laughed despite herself as the man touched his nose, pointing out a commonality between them. "....I bet you two would have been friends. I should've introduced you, but... He was probably too busy boning his boyfriend, and I know you were busy with Aresoth." Another small laugh, just at the absurdity of it all. Still, the regret that now she never would get the chance...well... No. She wasn't going to think about that. She heaved a shaky breath, smile fading after a moment.

"...I'm glad you got to see her. I guess he...He won't be alone now." For while she didn't know what happened, she did believe that riders and dragons remained together, even after death. When C'ryn let her go, and took her hand, she held onto it. It gave her something to focus on, something that wasn't the overwhelming heartache. Food, drink, comfort... She didn't need any of that. Still in her white robes, bloody from when she'd crouched over her brother. She was a mess, but... what did it matter?

"I..." She hesitated a moment, almost looked back at her brother, almost resisted; she didn't want to leave him alone, and yet--it wasn't even Shinnikan. It was just a body. She felt that familiar choke hold of pain before swallowing down, giving a nod. "..a drink would be nice. Or even just a seat." She felt tired, drained... but she knew sleep wouldn't come anytime soon. "Thank you for... For coming. For... everything."

She hadn't missed the fact that maybe, just maybe, he wasn't unaffected by the morning. So she squeezed his hand, drifting towards the door, to find a different room. She wasn't going to turn around, wasn't going to look... Her hearts wouldn't be able to take it. It wasn't goodbye. Not yet. That, she knew, would happen later. After K'ell arrived.


Shy Mage


Feral Hunter

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 4:52 pm
He cocked his head when she spoke up after he touched his nose. He couldn't keep back the smile spread upon his lips at her words and he gave a nod his head head. He had never really talked to Shinnikan during their classes together, but he did remember seeing the other man with someone he had seemed quite close to. The laugh, though small, made C'ryn happy to hear. "Well, before Aresoth...I had a bit of a hard time just going up and speaking to anyone. I know it must be hard to believe now..." He was trying to poke fun at himself, it had been here who had come up to him on the sands of that beach where Myrddin had bonded to him, stealing the food she had offered out.

The bronze flit moved to C'ryn and perched on his shoulder, giving a croon to Felidae and Kiri as well. He could feel the grief from C'ryn and the remorse he felt for Kiri, it had caused the bronze's own color to not be as bright as it normally was either. Raising his free hand, C'ryn ran a hand over Myrddin's head as his attention stayed on Kiri.

A nod of his head was all that C'ryn could offer for a moment, he didn't know if just agreeing outwardly would be enough or if it would make things harder. It's what he believed, even if he didn't know what anything brought after death. Watching Kiri closely, he felt his body tense as he was ready to reach a hand out to place it on her cheek to stop her from looking back, at least at this moment in time. The action wasn't needed as she spoke up and C'ryn nodded his head, he wished Aresoth would have come with him, to offer a place of comfort for Kiri but he knew the bronze had had someone special to him to check on.

"You don't have to thank me Kiri." He walked alongside her, appreciative of the squeeze she gave his hand as they moved into the other room. He was glad to see that someone had placed out a pitcher of Klah and a couple of things of food, it would make things easier on him at least since he was still reluctant to leave Kiri's side at the moment. Leading her to where she could sit, C'ryn moved to pour some of the Klah into a mug before moving back and offering it to Kiri.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 7:13 pm
Kiri offered another small laugh, this one a bit brighter than before. Grief was a funny thing, after all; so much sadness, so much heartache, and yet, you could sometimes forget, or at least pretend, that things were normal and okay. "You? Shy?" She scoffed incredulously. "I never would have guessed it." She teased. Oh, she did remember the dark haired young-man alone on the beach. So many people, riders, and Candidates of all ages, from both Weyrs, and yet he'd been apart. She had never been a shy sort, and had always tried to be inclusive, so she'd set herself on the aloof boy just to meet a new face. "Seems like such a long time ago," she added with a little sigh. "And yet it was only...a Turn and a half? not quite two Turns? You don't even look like the same brooding boy on that beach." She teased with her usual humor.

She couldn't remember exactly, but time had flown. Now, she was the Candidate, and C'ryn a fully-fledged bronzerider of High Reaches Weyr. His life was on track and hers? .... still waiting to find out if she were rider material or not. Stuck at Western Weyr, and her closest friend and only living family member were half a world away. Strange really, how it hadn't bugged her before and now...


She'd worry about that sevenday from now. Today, everything had changed.

Moving to the other room, the girl took a seat. It was still the infirmary and everything still felt cold and sterile...but she appreciated the klah and food laid out. She'd have to send K'din in to eat, poor man, but for now she'd give him time to be with Feyeth. At least he had her to lean upon... especially after she was undoubtedly sent back to Western.

"Well, I'm going to thank you anyway," she countered with a sad smile. She took the cup and though she had no appetite, forced herself to drink. If she didn't think about where she was, if she kept her thoughts on C'ryn, if she pretended this morning hadn't happened...well, maybe she could make it a few more breaths without falling to pieces. Bury it all, and be done with it. "You didn't have to come. I mean... You didn't even know him. And yet.. Besides K'ell, I... I don't think anyone else is going to come, either." She wasn't sure if she was relieved or sad. For now, she'd simply assume the Hatching and its follow-up kept Candidates and friends away. Or maybe it was some High Reaches thing, to give the family time. Surely, K'din and she weren't the only ones who cared, were they?

"Today's supposed to be a happy day. Instead of celebrating, you're stuck in the infirmary with a corpse twenty feet away, chatting up a near hysterical girl in a blood stained robe." Maybe it was grief, maybe it was the emotional drain, but honestly, putting it that way, it did seem a funny sight. "We sure know how to have a good time, don't we?"

I promise Kiri isn't crazy. xD If this was anything like how my experience with losing my sister went, it's amazing how .... desperate for humor or laughter or faking normal you are, mixed with overwhelming pain and loss. And Kiri always liked to laugh and joke anyway. BUT I WILL STATE...since it is awkward....I am happy to skip to an RP where there legit isn't a body lying there. LOL Either during the Feast or wherever, whenever.
She's got a week to mourn.


Shy Mage

[IC RP] High Reaches Weyr

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