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Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 9:54 am
User ImageIt had only been a few days since Nyarai had started her apprenticeship but the change had done her a world of good. Just having a reason to leave her den in the morning had improved her mood and relieve some of the anxiety she had been feeling as of late. It was a welcome distraction and a fascinating subject of study; when she returned to her den after her daily duties she would excitedly relay all her lessons to her brother - until he could no longer cope with the sound of her voice! Honestly, he was glad she was feeling better, even if some things were still hard. Nyarai could see the relief in his face.

There was a rag tied around her neck; creating a hammock in which she could carry the leaves and flowers she would use for medicinal purposes. She had not tried to create a tonic on her own yet, nor did she really know what most the flora she was ordered to collect was used for - but she knew what it looked like! And she wanted to help the best she could. Prove herself helpful - even if she was feeling helpless!

The place where she ventured to collect the ingredients was a while away from the prides heart, so tried to get the most out of every journey - so she was not wasting her time walking the trail any more than necessary. It was why today she had enlisted some helpers! Afya’s cubs were a huge part of Nyarai’s life. Her best friend had her paws full with nine teenagers - it was a feat for any lioness, even one as strong-willed as Afya. The very least Rai could do was keep an eye on them and offer some reprieve. Even if that meant putting the younglings to work!

Femi and Fi were waiting for her to collect them from their familial den - so they could all head out on their daily adventure. However, on the way Rai bumped into someone else. “Onyeisi!” She called after the dark male; their last encounter had been very serious and she was worried she had made a bad impression! Nyrai, after all, was far from a serious, brooding lioness. “No rest for the wicked?” She asked on her approach, the sun was hardly peeking over the horizon - she had not expected to find anyone else awake at this hour.

Finally, she came to a halt nearby; respecting his space and acknowledging the fact that, even though they were no longer strangers, he was still her chieftain.

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 1:25 am
User Image
He had come to the realisation that there were far more individuals he wasn't familiar with in the pride than he'd cared to admit. Over the course of the last few days he'd come into contact with both new and existing members, each of which had been pleasant but still an unknown to him. To the credit of some they had even had the courage to speak their minds to him and he'd come to a conclusion that the pride was a bit of a mixed bag.

...Some were happy for a small element of the 'new', while others continued to nurse historical wounds that had cut far more deeply than he'd anticipated. For some, the deaths of their family had harmed them far more than he realised and they simply hadn't had the support during that critical period. They'd been left to their own devices to 'heal' and in doing so, some of the less desirable thoughts had been left to fester.

Nevertheless, he couldn't expect all of the pride to agree with him and he was a realist, there were some who would always disagree... But in the end he had to stick to his guns.

His day was meant to remain largely the same as the last few as he explored further regions to greet his fellow N'ezi, but it appeared that on this occasion the divine had other things planned for him. No sooner had he drifted into his own reverie than a much paler lion entered his line of sight and 'shattered' the silence.

"Nyarai," he blinked and gave himself a split second to focus his gaze on the lioness. It brought him some measure of warmth to notice that she had a bit more bounce in her stride!

"Never rest for the wicked," he said finally with a wry smile. "It turns out I was never the life of the party, I'm still learning names," he pointed out with a smirk. "Apparently we're strewn about all over this caldera and I'm still finding us in hidden groves."

"You are looking much better it would seem," he paused.

"I'm delighted to see some colour in your cheeks."

Z o m b i k ii

Epine de Rose

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 11:38 am
Epine de Rose

The cream lioness bowed her head as she was greeted and listened to his words. She found it hard to control the gentle laughter that began to bubble in her throat and she looked towards her Chieftain with a soft smile. “Just look towards me when you are struggling Onyeisi. I will whisper names in your ear if they get caught on the end of your tongue.” Nyarai could be subtle when she wanted; and would be there to turn the tide of conversation before things got too awkward for their poor King. She was familiar of most faces within the Pride, and though she did not converse with them - was knowledgeable of the new blood too.

Diplomacy was one of the few skills she could offer.

The words continued to flow from his maw - and as they did her cheeks turned red. Her pale pelt did nothing to hide her embarrassment, compliments never got any easier to accept. “Thank you.” Too much colour at the moment, I fear. Nyarai stepped forward to close the last bit of distance between them; looking out towards the land that was slowly coming to life with the morning light. The N’ezi lands were beautiiful, when one took the moment to look.

Her gaze turned up towards the dark male then, nudging at his side.

“You have been busy lately.” Her eyes turned towards the ground. Her words were more of a statement than an observation; she had heard that she was not the only member of the pride blessed with a royal meeting lately. He was doing his due diligence; checking on his people, making sure they were doing well. It must have been tiring.

“Maybe it is time to take a break from your duties. Those lions will still be hiding in their groves tomorrow, and the day after.” Things for the most part seemed peaceful within the lands, it was a good opportunity to find peace for himself.

If their King was tired, he would not be able to care for them like he should. She feared that, especially a new King, would lose sight of that simple fact.“Besides, if you would entertain the thought. I have a use for you..” She smirked.

Bold maybe - but maybe just enough to peak interest without being disrespectful.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 2:05 am
Itiri's eyebrow shot up at Nyarai's remark. He knew that she had probably meant it in a perfectly innocent manner, but the fact of the matter was that he was still young enough and fiery in blood to very briefly misconstrue it. At the very least he had the common decency to behave himself and rather than cast an impish smirk, he simply fixed his gaze on the pale lioness and shook his head.

"Dare I ask what it is you have planned?" he asked after he was certain his voice wouldn't betray any form of inappropriate amusement. Unintentional or not, no lion would have been able to avoid being a least a little inappropriate in those moments...thus it was much safer for him to play it safe. That being said, impishness aside he was genuinely curious as to what she did have planned.

He assumed she was training at this particular moment in time, or he at least hoped she had taken steps to start, but what would that have to do with him?

Maybe he was looking worn out; was she going to force him into a spa day? Not that he would be unwilling in that one, his brother had forced him up for morning training regularly before their trials after all, but all the same...

"If it's a marathon I will politely decline," he said after a moment of sudden inspiration. "My brother loves those far too much and they are really not my thing." he admitted.

"Otherwise I may be open to requests."

Z o m b i k ii

Epine de Rose

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:28 am
Epine de Rose

“Heavens, no. That does not sound like my thing either.” Nyarai shook her head, like the very idea disgusted her. As a huntress, most of her life had been spent running; the idea of doing it in her free time was enough to make her pout. “Speaking of your brother, how is he? Well, I hope.” The pale lioness could not claim to know Owu, he was as much of a stranger as Itiri himself; but that did not mean her thoughts did not wander to him every so often. The last time she had seen him was well before the trails, a lot had happened since then.

The darker lions thoughts were an enigma to her; if there was an inappropriate joke to be made it had gone over her head. Thankfully so; she was prone to embarrassment, if he had pointed it out - well, she may have very well rolled onto her belly and let death take her. “I am taking care of a couple of Afya’s children.” She shrugged her shoulders and smiled softly, through her eyes betrayed her anxiety. Afya had managed to have nine cubs in a time were litters were notoriously small; and every one of them was a helion.

Once all nine of them had stayed in her den overnight; now she refused to take more than two at a time.

“And have learned that; letting them outnumber you is never wise.” Auntie Nyarai was a soft touch in their eyes - and they knew how to overwhelm her. She did not know if Itiri knew any of Afya’s children yet? - Her dearest friend did tend to keep them all on a rather short leash and Kione was a lion who kept to himself... It was strange to think they were already teenagers; it made her feel old. “I could use the backup - and who knows, maybe they will be a little more respectful under the watchful eyes of our Chieftain.” She thought about that for a second, and then laughed at her own naivety. “I doubt it though.”

She felt like she had been talking for an incredibly long time; but she had warned him that was her tendency. “We are going quite far out. I mean to collect some flowers that only grow near our borders; it will keep them busy, and stop our healers from making the trip - let them focus on more pressing matters.” Rai had no idea what those matters were exactly, but as an apprentice she hardly had the authority to ask - she just did what she was told; happy with being the run around. Besides, the day ahead was going to be beautiful- who would not enjoy a walk in good company?

“What do you think? Honestly, I would… appreciate the chance to get to know you a little better.”
PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 1:41 am
"He is doing well," Itiri admitted. He'd been kept busy by their now 'old' news and her cubs as they had been born soon after her arrival, but overall life had been 'quiet'. Itiri had little inclination to go into any further details about the machinations of both he and his brother, Owu had been up to far more than just escorting a vulnerable lioness around, but the pride didn't need to know the details of it.

"Preoccupied," he added and shook his head. Cubs could be trying and while he hadn't heard many complaints, there was no doubt that there might be some antics he wasn't aware of. When it came to Afya's cubs, he also knew of their existence, even though he hadn't approached them. New families deserved their privacy, especially as one of the first to have cubs in quite some time (the 'foreign' mother excluded that is).

Nevertheless when he was asked to babysit he was sure that his face had become a bit of a picture. He'd specialised in speaking diplomatically to adults and he knew all to well that diplomacy didn't work on children, if anything it was a sign of weakness! He knew better than to expect that any cub would respect him and obey him based on his position, hell, most of them wouldn't even understand it and it's significance for a while yet.

...Not unless they had firm parents who had drilled it into them from birth anyway.

"I think..." his tone was cautious as he regarded the pale lioness for a moment. "That I will give this an attempt and if it all goes turtle-tummy up, I will flee," he concede at much the same slow pace as before. He had committed to assisting her at the very least, but she might very well end up watching in amusement as he declared 'nope' and fled at the sign of chaos!

It would prove to be a good experience at the very least, and probably a story that would result in his brother roaring with laughter.

Z o m b i k ii
Apologies, work gets hectic this time of year and I'm battling a cold, this took far too long to get to you. <3

Epine de Rose

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 4:22 pm
Epine de Rose
Now Christmas is over!

Nyarai’s expression softened when as she heard his words. Even though she tried to hide the amusement painted across her face; she could not stop it reaching her bright eyes. Their Chieftain was not what she had expected; and he pleasantly surprised her with every meeting. It made her wish she had made more of an effort to build a bride when they were younger. “I can’t blame you. I suppose most of the Pride is out of practise when it comes to rearing young ones. If they ever had any experience in the first place.” Though that went without saying given the Pride’s recent circumstances.

“Honestly, I thought I would be better at it.” There was a time not so long ago that she thought she was mature enough to marry and start a family. Things had changed since then; now she felt little more than an overgrown cub herself.

Her personality had always learned towards nurture; her heart was caring and her nature, loving. She had found out that caring for adults was very different than caring for impressionable children that looked up to her. It was a responsibility that sat awkwardly on her shoulders. “I have not been the best role model. I am trying to make it up to them.” She should not be teaching the young ones to fear strangers, though she did not voice her concerns to them - she was sure they had picked up on her shift in demeanor.

“You will be fine.” Her words were meant to be reassuring, however, even she had to admit it did not sound completely convincing. It was not his skills that she doubted, but the persistence for trouble that Afya’s children inherited from their mother. “And if not? I suppose we could always just hide.” Easier said than done for herself. His dark pelt gave him an advantage when it came to fading into the background and disappearing; especially compared to her own cream tones. Admittedly, she had tried on more than one occasion but the cubs always found her.

”I do not mean to brag. But, I am pretty damn pro at hide-and-seek.”
PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 3:43 am
"We haven't done too badly, it's just taken a while to persuade anyone to commit to another individual," Itiri shook his head. It had been a long time since they had seen any form of marriage and he was delighted that things were finally starting to happen. It was still slow going, the lions of the pride still took some convincing to explore their options, but he would take a slow burn rather than nothing at all.

"Maybe the pitter patter of tiny paws will persuade others that it's not quite so bad now that there are a number who have taken the plunge," he added. After all, Nyarai's friend had taken the risk and they had also had several pregnant outsiders arrive with new blood. There might have been reservations regarding these outsiders, but tiny cubs had a way of encouraging the best in most individuals.

"Nevertheless wasn't there always a saying that the first time you parent you're woeful at it?" He lifted a brow. "Something about us making all of our mistakes on the eldest and then the next batches have so much more freedom," he smiled. Admittedly Itiri didn't have many siblings and they had all been from the same litter, but he'd noticed some of the older families and the manner in which they had embraced parenthood in the second and third litters in the past.

...All in all, they sort of just let the cubs run wild. If they got a few bumps and bruises it was a lesson, they didn't need to be wrapped in bouncy leaves and protective layers.

He paused momentarily though to consider her offer of hide and seek before shaking his head.

"I'm not sure me hiding would be a good example for anyone - when the going gets too tough the fabled leader hides?" he chuckled. "Although I am quite the fan of entertainment and breathing space through distraction," he raised a brow. "We can always tell them a legend or myth and have them adventure off around the area to find whatever fabled item should theoretically be lurking out there."

"Strategic peace and quiet," he cleared his throat. "I may or may not have used such methods on my brother at times." He admitted sheepishly.

Z o m b i k ii

Epine de Rose

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 12:43 pm
Epine de Rose

“Oh? And what wondrous treasures did you say were hiding in our homeland? Tell me your stories, and I will steal them for my gain.” Rai found it very hard to hide her amusement. She could never imagine the brothers being so playful, but then again she knew little about the royal line besides it was just that. Royal and Important. She was sure everyone had the same impression of what they expected a Chieftain to be. What the image of their just and noble leader was in the minds of young, naïve creatures. Maybe, she had never grown out of that expectation. Maybe, she idolised him too much.

Though, she was genuinely interested in his stories; excited to see what kind of imagination was bubbling away beneath that thick mane? However, there was another matter she was just as curious about.

“And, since we are talking about setting examples.” She looked up towards the clouds in the sky, as if her next statement was going to be nonchalant and offhand; despite how personal it was. “Have the youngling's inspired you to shed your own reluctance?” Her vibrant eyes suddenly fell on him once more, flashing with mischief. Honestly, his words made every trail and landmark in life sound so simple - if he would forgive her assumption, she would say they came from a man who had never felt awkwardness or love or lust.

Rai was not sure the lack of marriages came from reluctance as much as caution. A lifetime was a horrible long time to spend with someone who was cold - or worse, boring.

“Commit to an individual and give us a litter of dark coated, fat faced heirs to coo over and adore?”

The pale lioness leant over to bridge the gap between them, nudging his shoulder with her own as her voice became quieter and more mischievous. Like she was passing on a secret. “I can introduce you to some pretty girls. Your tall, dark, handsome AND come with a title - It won’t be much work pitching you to them.” She winked with her jest, though in all honesty, the prettiest girl she knew had already been claimed by Kione.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 1:24 pm
"Anything is a treasure if you're creative enough," he pointed out with a perfectly straight face. "Of course that also means you need to be enthusiastic enough whenever they're discovered," he added with a slight smirk. Feigning enthusiasm wasn't something he often did but it turned out he was reasonably adept at it, his falsified 'yay' and applause were believable; perhaps that was the politician in him.

"Oh but that's fantastic! You found the actual Shield of Orion; I didn't even think it existed anymore but look at it!" He provided an example, though what the 'shield' was remained a mystery, no doubt he would weave a tall tale of legend with some fabled hero and an equally devastating villain. That being said if he had to do this in the long term and Nyarai was going to make him entertain children for more than a day...he was going to have to go back to his den and give some serious thought to some believable legends (or he'd have to get a tad more creative).

Nevertheless when she referenced him finding a mate he didn't seem terribly fazed, almost as if he'd already given that some thought.

"I was never that reluctant," he said after a moment of thought and shook his head. "Just preoccupied with more important issues than establishing heirs," he admitted. He did have to smile at her offer though and clucked his tongue, if she was genuine about it then he might very well have to take her up on that offer in the future.

"However we are reaching a point, albeit gradually, where I will be able to rest my laurels and entertain that thought," he lifted a brow as he eyed the lioness. "So you may find me on your doorstep to take you up on that offer if it becomes a genuine one rather than jest," he warned.

"Until then, I will continue to offer my services periodically as a nanny, though not a good one," he conceded.

Z o m b i k ii

Epine de Rose

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 7:16 am
Epine de Rose

“Pfft. You’re not as fun to tease as the others.” Rai almost looked disappointed. Her brother was always very animated when she brought up the topic. As much as she liked to tease him; she secretly dreaded the day he married. He was her world, and though she liked the idea of nieces and nephews, she was not too keen on sharing him.

The Chieftains words came as a surprise, but she did her best not to let the emotion settle across her pale features. “Sure, it is an offer. If it so interests you.” Rai did have a good relationship with most females inside the Pride, especially amongst the huntresses; though she was slowly building bridges with the other healers. “Though, I can only introduce you to…” Her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth, unsure how to word what she was trying to say. “The girls that were here before.”

Rai looked up towards the light in the sky, and knew they were close to their meeting point. “When your aim was to introduce new blood to the pride, would it not make more sense to settle down with one of the new members? Or do you think some would be too reluctant to have a foreign princess?” Her brow furrowed in thought - knowing that there would be some who rejected such an idea. Even though Rai was not overly fond of the new members, she was too filled with a cub like innocence when it came to love stories to be angry at such an event. Afya on the other hand, would surely pop an artery at the thought.

“I envy you, and Afya.” She mused, wishing that she was more decisive when it came to matters of the heart. It would have spared her a lot of heartache. She wondered if it would be for the beast if her brother picked her husband for her. “I am afraid wear my heart on my paw too much to be so rational when it comes to such matters.” Nor was she brave enough to push someone down a hole.

Rai had always followed her feelings over logic. In the end they had left her lonely, not only in her want for companionship, but in her isolation since the pride introduced the rogues. Maybe, it was about time she stopped following her intuition - it was clearly defective.

”I am trying, though.” With everything.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 6:18 am
"When you have a brother like mine you quickly become immune to sibling antics," he admitted. His sister was significantly quieter and kept mostly do herself, she hadn't really been terribly inclined to be a troublemaker. Then again, many of those in his family didn't appear to have any intention of causing chaos, it was almost as if they didn't want to bring it in to disrepute...He preferred to be realistic, eventually one of them was going to do something worthy of gossip and quite frankly he'd be delighted.

Nevertheless when she indicated her offer was genuine he lifted a brow. At some point he was going to have to give a partner some actual consideration and he had long known this, but her further questions had given him pause.

"Truthfully I hadn't considered it," he admitted in regards to the potential for a foreign bride. Now that he did though, it seemed he was as open to this as anything else. He had no doubt that some traditionalists would smart at the prospect but if there was a connection between them then why would he ignore that and cast it aside simply for the sake of tradition - if he was going to have to subject himself to some poor sap for all eternity then he'd best do well to find someone who liked him!

"Now that I do, I think I would be inclined to remain open to the idea of both," he shrugged. "So long as I have a spark with them I wouldn't be adverse to traditional or foreign, it is them that has to put up with me forever after all," he chuckled. "But I won't provide heirs just for the sake of it, if I'm to promote a healthy environment then I would much prefer I provided one through an example of a happy family that wasn't entirely 'duty bound'," he pointed out.

"Maybe that will give you something to work with?" he smiled.

However his expression did cloud slightly as she made mention of what she perceived to be a flaw. Where had she gotten that from?

"The last time I checked love wasn't rational, that would be why our young friend lost his eyesight," he pointed out gently and released a sigh. "If being open and vulnerable in that manner is what is needed for you to find who you seek then I would discourage you from trying to change it," he added.

"Such serious conversation for two wayward cubsitters though," he finally changed the subject. "Perhaps you should brief me on what I am to expect before I round the corner and be mauled. Do we have names, and do we have specific tasks for them or are we simply flower hunting?" he queried with a smile.

He knew they were close and at the very least he could do with a name or three!

Z o m b i k ii

Epine de Rose

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 12:35 pm
Epine de Rose

“You’re right about that.” Nyarai muttered to herself, her voice little more than a whisper on the wind. The blinding had broken her already too-fragile heart. It was a fresh wound she wore every day; for even though she believed in their ways and customs, it did not stop her from weeping at the thought of a child- anyone, living in darkness.

The bright lioness hoped that one day, he would find happiness, and that he would understand that nobody took pleasure in his punishment. The Nezi, her Pride, were not monsters.

The Chieftains change of topic made her chuckle softly, shaking her head in a way that made her cream hair bounce around her chubby face. “Though, honestly? I don’t have these conversations very much at all.” It was not that she actively avoided them, but Nyarai was not a lioness that other approached for serious, meaningful words. They all found her much too playful, much too innocent, for such things. Her brother more than anyone, protected her from the harshness of the world.

Even when their parents died… Well, they never spoke a word about it.

Itiri had seen her vulnerable and weak and it made her feel strangely at ease around him. He still treated her with so much kindness and respect; even when she had been nothing but stubborn and irrational. It made a blush came to her cheeks, utterly embarrassed about her actions. She would have told him he was not too bad to be around, but honestly? She was far too meek in that moment. Then again, what pride remained for her to protect?

“You’re just… easy to talk to. And I am not too sure if you bring out the best in me, or the worst.” Either way, the side he brought out was honest and true. If that was a blessing or a curse, well, that was for him to decide. Then, like breaking out of a trance. She started talking about the cubs. Looking up at him with bright eyes alight with wonder, as if she was talking about something she truly loved.

“Oh, Afya. Well, little Afya we call her is a miniature version of her mother. Her sister Femi is more sheepish, but just as feisty. They are smart girls, good girls… my favourites.”

They were ALL her favourites.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 2:27 am
"Can you communicate that out to everyone else so they know I don't bite?" he asked with a wry smile. So far he'd had some open up to him, even to tell him off for his choices, but the majority had feigned politeness and pretended that everything was 'fine'. He didn't mind if the feedback wasn't what he would have preferred, he just wanted something other than guarded words... After all, he couldn't fix anything if he didn't know it was broken.

...That being said, he took pleasure in someone indicating that they felt comfortable enough to speak to him in that manner. It was what he had aspired to be, even if it hadn't been an immediate success.

Nevertheless he quickly dropped that topic and watched watched with interest as the pale lioness positively lit up at the mention of the cubs. "Fiesty but still sheepish, eh?" he mused and chuckled softly. "What an unusual combination of traits." He'd watch that one with interest, something that came across as embarrassed but had a little bit of bark to her.

"Ah, but I thought we were not supposed to have favourites, what if the others got wind of it, eh?" he added as he waggled his brows. "They could use it against you, the emotional blackmail it could invite..."

Z o m b i k ii

Epine de Rose

[IC] N'ezi-ozu Lands

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