Sphinx - Normal
Kasai - Bold

The night brought her no comfort and very little warmth as Yorshka found herself dosing in and out of sleep with her head cradled softly against the pale stone inside the den the couple called home. Hours had past in what seemed like seconds even though the lioness found it hard to focus her mind on anything outside of her personal grief, sleep beckoned her to Aldan's side. He was curled on top of the dark gathered pelts in the back of the den, his body lay still against them as he silently slept. Had she come to bed sooner maybe he wouldn't have looked so pathetic and lonely. "I'm sorry..." Yorshka whispered as the female finally crawled into bed, softly pulling her smaller fame onto his. "I'm here now."

Blue eyes closed as the lioness lifted an arm to hold him close, her body tucked beside his as the female searched for his warmth. "I never want to lose you." Another whisper escaped her as Yorshka nuzzled her forehead into the back of his shoulder and mane, sighing in deeply as his scent filled her lungs. Nothing could change how she felt, not even the weight of all her fears. "Please forgive me?" Maybe the female wasn't looking for a real answer when she whispered to him like this in the shadow of the rising sun, however... it did bring her some clarity so she would continue her hushed whispers containing longing words and anxious love.

"Don't leave me." Her voice begged as she held herself as close as she physically could without facing him. Yorshka couldn't be without him. Would he be able to forgive her insecurity?

Aldan had noticed the lack of warmth during the night, and found himself waking up every now and then to shift himself. He shivered momentarily, before he found himself falling back into a fit full sleep. Whenever the two fought, Aldan found his sleeping habits the worst.

The poor sleeping habits caused him to be hyperaware when Yorshka did end up joining him. His eyes danced under the lids, as he listened to the female apologize. The warmth that would normally bring him comfort did little. He was awake, but his own mind was thinking now, barely focusing on the female before him.

He needed to prove to her that she still wasn't an item. What if...What if he found her mother? What if he made the deity know the truth? If he could get the goddess on his side, the uncomfortable look Yorshka had the previous night would not happen anymore.

He didn't know, but it was always worth a shot...wasn't it?

I never want to lose you

You won't. He wanted to say. But his voice was quiet as she continued to apologize. He needed to do this. The sooner. The better.

Dark eyes opened, the normal whites of his eyes tinged with a slight pink tinge. "I need to go." He whispered to the pale lioness, shifting so he stood up on tired limbs. "I...we need to bring you to Ciro or to Ny. I need to head out." He said again. Unlike his last viking, the reaver was choosing to leave, rather than being forced.

At first his actions left her feeling empty and isolated, it was hard to know what the reaver was thinking when he got into moods like this one. Blue eyes narrowed to close as the lioness rolled her shoulders up to hold her weight to one side before speaking in a low voice. "Alright." It wasn't like Yorshka could say anything to persuade him to stay, so she wouldn't fight it. Not today at least.

Maybe he needed space from her? Softly the lioness nodded as her voice spoke out once more, this time a little unsettled and faint. "I'll go stay with Ny." Maybe spending some time with her niece would help clear her mind of worry, the darker female was blunt after all and sometimes that bluntness was a necessary evil. Ny would never lie to her.

"Will you be back soon... or?" Yorshka needed to know. Was he leaving out of anger? "I love you, you know? Come back to me soon, alright?"

If he was going to leave her this fact needed to be etched into his memory, so that he could never forget this one truth. Her pale face searched his as the lioness slowly stood up, she needed to leave as soon as possible to make sure Ny had room for her.

Aldan couldn't help but wince when she agreed to go to Ny's. He would be lying if he was hoping she would go with Ciro. Her opting for family...did that mean she would have rather been with them over him?

No. He couldn't let himself thing like that. Instead, he nodded, as he shifted towards the entrance. It was still early morning hours, surely Ny wouldn't mind the sudden intrusion?

"I...I don't know how long I will be out." Aldan said honestly. It was about a two week trek to the Pridelands. And then two weeks back? It would be a good chunk of time away.

He paused as she said she loved him. "I...love you too." He didn't mean to hesitate, but his mind was truly elsewhere. They had exchanged the 'l' word many time, yet Aldan could see that this life was still uncomfortable for her. If he could just see her mother...talk to her...maybe...just maybe....

He nodded, deciding to change the subject. "Do you think Ny would mind your visit this early?" He asked quietly. He would drop her off, to make sure she got there. Then he would seek out one of the new captains that were always eager for a new mission. He would be calling the shots now. He needed to.

As he spoke her ear pinned back in confusion, it was hard to ignore his distance... the silence cut through her core and left her feeling naked and alone. It was hard not to show her own sorrow as Aldan spoke... but she would try.

"She wouldn't deny me, she is my family." Yorshka nodded as she did her best to force a light smile, no matter how glassy it may have seemed. Her tail flicked softly from side to side as her white dipped toes clutched the pelt beneath her. "I will be safe with her, and I can visit Ciro as much as I'd like, I am sure Ny wouldn't mind-" the lioness paused for a moment as her eyes met the floor. "I will be safe, just promise me you will be careful, I want you back whole."

As soon as she finished speaking Yorshka moved to the entrance of the den and smiled gently. "Come back to me." What else could the lioness wish for? If he was going to be gone for as long as he was all the female could do was hope for the best. The distance between them made her feel sick to her stomach, but she wouldn't allow him to see it. Aldan needed her to be strong, so she would be. "I will be waiting for you." Yorshka spoke with a soft voice, whispering "-take my necklace for good luck." It was all the protection she could give him now.

"I will head to her den now..."


He didn't know why the words out of her mouth pained him every time he heard that word from her. Was this how everyone felt when or if they were in the same position they were in? They weren't mate, husband or wife. They were...they were lovers...

A paw reached to the pendant that clung to his neck. He rarely took it off since it being returned to him. It was his only connection he had to her when away. "It has never failed me yet," he tried to say with a small hint of amusement in his words.

As she approached the den entrance, the reaver couldn't help but stand back. What...What if he didn't return from this mission?

Aldan found himself approaching behind Yorshka, wrapping his paws around her form. He didn't want to leave her like this. As much as he felt in a hurry to go, his heart was telling him to stay. He pulled the female to his chest, longing to stay in this moment forever. "I will return," he murmured quietly into her head. "I will," there was no promises this time. This was something Aldan spoke of as true.

"Hurry and go before you make me cry." The lioness chuckled as her head nuzzled back into him. "I won't be able to let you leave if you continue speaking like this." It wasn't like Yorshka wanted him to leave... she just knew that when Aldan put him mind to it nothing could stop him, not hell or high water.

"I will see you soon, alright? When you come home we can finish the talk we started." It wasn't going to be easy, but they would get through this, they had to. Yorshka refused to live without him beside her even if that meant her status here was always going to be one of servitude. "I am yours and you are mine, my lion." As the lioness spoke she smiled and turned to lick his cheek. A farewell kiss, for now.

"Now hurry, the sooner you leave the sooner you'll return."

Aldan didn't want to let her go. Somehow stopping the embrace meant goodbye. Goodbyes were always permanent.

"Soon," he found himself murmuring, his embracing tightening. His ear flicked as she mentioned their previous talk. He wasn't looking forward to it, but, the two would need to speak about it if this relationship was going to work.

"I am yours," he repeated. "You are mine. My Lioness," he purred as she licked his cheek. No. He didn't want that. He released his grip, his paws reaching up to either side of her face. He brought his nose to hers, sharing a small intimate moment before he backed away. It was a small action, but one that for sure wouldn't lead to any unwanted children around.

"Let me escort you there." Aldan found himself almost pleading. "That way we don't have to spend any longer away then we have to."

"You make me lovesick, you know? What spell have you put on me now?" The female laughed as her nose touched his. "Let's pause this moment and save it for when you return." Her pale eyes pulled closed as she smiled under a soft sigh, she was desperately trying to hold tears back. He would come home, he had to, he promised her he would never leave her.

"I'd like that very much." Yorshka smiled when he pulled away. She wouldn't pretend to know what he was thinking or feeling but the lioness would be supportive, and as understanding as she could be.

"Bring me back something wonderful?" The question came with a soft glance. "Something new."" His travels would keep him away from her for far too long, at least he could do was bring her home a token from his journey. She loved little reminders.

"Let's go, I am sure she'll be happy to see us."

No spell," he found himself purring. Well, maybe just a small one. Love was a powerful things.

"I will hold you to those words," he chuckled.

Aldan nodded as he took a step out, in the direction he believed to be Ny's den. "Something wonderful...something new." His mind thought of what he could bring. He just needed his mission to be a success with the goddess...maybe he could ask her to give him something to show the love of his life what he had done.

"Of course," he murmured, his mind once again wandering to his new mission. He needed this to be a success. Come on Gods, please help him make this a victory.