The fact it had been almost a month since Ledz left was an unreal realization for the lioness. It actually felt longer but some how her leaving really wasn't that long ago. The last confrontation with Yuli stayed on the cover page of the memory of her home pride putting A bad taste in her maw despite most of her memories airing on the positive side. Maybe one day she'd find her self back in her home lands and maybe she'd challenge the warlord who's name had already faded from her mind if he was still in power.

Deep down she knew that would never happen as she'd turned her back on her pride and on her family. That chapter of life was over and she needed to move forward with her life and not bask in the shadows of once was.

Ledz was doing exactly that now with each paw step. There was no real direction she'd ever had in mind except to be her own woman. Ledz since of self value was high and she'd be damned if anyone was going to tell her any different as she'd earned her honor as far as she saw it. No one was going to take that away.

Of course,even the most emboldened lions needed a drink of water and that was why she now found her self at a wayering hole. Slowly she lapped the cool refreshing water while also keeping an eye out for any that might approach. Being an ex reaver taught her to never assume you were safe especially if you were on your own.

Rukayo was ready to start his reavership, so when he had asked the captain, Ciro’mekaitso, if he could go with him, he was elated the dark male accepted. However, in the time since leaving he lands, he didn’t expect the male to go into small detail of his personal life.

The adolescent couldn’t help but roll his eyes as Ciro described another female. “Really, I…don’t need to know this.” He found himself saying, which didn’t ‘effectively’ quiet the captain, but it made him change the subject. At least Rukayo was welcomed for the change.

They had been traveling a few days now, the direction unknown to Ruka. Just listen and follow directions. Don’t ask personal things, and you won’t hear life stories. That was his current motto.

His eyes narrowed as he spotted a female just near the horizon. “Hey Mekai…I’m…” He glanced to see Ciro speaking with a shield maiden. Rukayo rolled his eyes. “Nevermind.” The being looked how Ciro had once described. But…the ladies of the pride needed a captain to be out? This one was alone?

Curiosity got to him as Rukayo followed after the lioness, trying his best to be stealthy, but likely failing. He was a clumsy adolescent, after all.

Russeling sounds that maybe an inexperienced creature would shrug off, had Ledz upright and looking in the direction of the male who she assumed was sneaking up on her. She did not have reason yet to unsheath her claws or bar her teeth but rather calmly and cooly approached this male letting it be known she saw him clear as day.

It had yet to dawn on her that he was a Viking but even so she was fully prepared. This would be a reavers mo after all.

“ What are you doing?” The question was calm and cool enough but there was an edging of aggression around the edges of her question implying she full well knew what he was up to. Her purple eyes were piercing.

As she called out to him, Rukayo frowned, eyes narrowing as he had been caught. Well, no use being sleuthy anymore. The lanky adolescent straightened up, deciding to approach the lioness normally instead of in stealth.

“You look like someone I was told about.” The male said with a small smirk. “And I couldn’t help but wonder if you are the female in his story. Granted, if you are, the question kind of remains to why a Shield Maiden is out here on her own without her captain nearby?” It was a bold comment to say, especially for Rukayo not knowing if this female was even the one in Ciro’s passing story. Bright white, diamond like paws with accents of black. She matched the description with ease, but how many lions in the rogue lands could be described like that.

“He mentioned a name, although it is hard to remember…so he shortened it. Le…..?” Rukayo started, watching the female intently to see if she faltered at any mentions.

Her worst fear was realized that her pride would not let her simply leave without putting up a fight. Though, Ledz wasn't sure if she should be insulted that a clear green horn was sent after her. She was basing these judgements on the males size and not yet fully grown man.

He referred to her as a shield maiden which sent her cool anger in to full force fire. She glared at this male who had the audacity to address her with a title she never accepted. As far as Ledz was concerned she was a reaver as she earned her title and like hell she was about to be talked down to.

There were no words only a swift paw to the face with her claws still in their sheaths. She hit him hard with little to no warning partly because she was the lioness he was looking for but mostly for his blatant disrespect. Ledz had taken down males twice her size so she was not about to take this attitude from a male with his mane not even fully in.

She stood proudly in front of this make after her strike and looked down her nose at him.

Rukayo wasn’t expecting the sudden hit, and found himself reeling from the blow as he hit the ground hard.

“Ughhh.” He groaned, a paw reaching to his face, putting pressure on his cheek where the claws at hit. The compression helped the throb starting in his head as well, although it was slight in comparison to what would come later in the day or evening. “What the hell man?” The freeborn cried out, bleary eyes focusing on the three forms of the female before him. His paw lowered from his face as he tried to stand shakily, slowly watching the three lionesses become two, and eventually one.

Claws were unsheathed, although Rukayo didn’t try to hit the other. Instead, they more or less held him in place as he felt his body sway. “Damnit that hurt.” He groaned.

“Gonna go tell Mekai about you.” He grunted quietly, glaring at the female. She had to be the female he had talked about. Why else would she react in such a way? “I was just asking a question on why you were out here alone. You did not need to go striking me.” He hissed, ears pinning back.

“I don't think you understand the position you're in right now boy,” the lioness was still looking down her nose at him but there was a light in her eyes hearing a familiar name. She could only assume he meant Ciro and while she admired Ciro she would not allow him to find her. This boy was going to be her prisoner for the time being.

“ One warning. That's all. Open your mouth again and you're done ,” this threat was hard to tell what she meant. “ I'm taking you as mine for now. You will not be going back to Ciro until we've traveled a safe distance. Up to you if you're conscious or not” she was hoping he'd protest to give her the excuse. Ledz was being nice warning him now cause he wasn't going to get another.

"No. I think I understand the position I am in real well. I'm in front of some psychopathic b***h." Rukayo growled. "All I asked is what a Shield Maiden was doing without her captain? The new War Lord wouldn't like to hear about a rebellious female." Digging the hole deeper he was.

"You can't take me as yours. I am becoming a reaver, not some thrall!" He said indignantly. "Safe distance? Nah bro. We aren't going anywhere far. If anything, we should be heading back to camp!" The adolescent gestured in the direction their camp was set up, which was just beyond the tree line. "So let's go." Rukayo said as he started to turn away from the female.

Rule number one of reaver. Do not turn your back on another. Rukayo would do best to learn that.

It was good to know you could always count on a stormborn arrogance especially a fresh reavers. He'd gift wrapped the invitation to be knocked out even by turning his back on Ledz which the Kirin exreaver gladly took advantage of with a swift hard knock to the back of his head. Ledz did not hold back her strength as this soon to be reaver was connected to Ciro and she could not afford to have him on her trail.

“No hard feelings. I need you not to go back to camp.”

Rukayo probably would have said something witty or sarcastic to counter Ledz comment.

Rukayo probably would have never turned his back on the female if he actually believed her words.

However. Rukayo now lay on the ground in a crumpled heap, a knot likely forming on the back of his head and his vision completely faded to black. A low groan was the only thing that escaped his maw, as his mind wandered into the nothingness.

He was going to have some choice words with this female when he awoke.