Sphinx - normal
Kasai - bold

Nighttime had crept up on the lioness like a shadow that refused to stand behind her, and before Yorshka knew it she had spent her entire day in solitude, sitting silently by the coastline. After her argument with Aldan the female had left in a hurry and headed for the sea, this secret place had become a safe haven - her place away from the world - a place just for her. Normally Yorshka would have ended up at Ciro's, but the lioness didn't want to involve him in any more of her personal drama. Guilt held her tightly tonight, guilt and shame.

Tired paws dragged the pale female back home to the den she shared with Aldan, and though she was hesitant to enter at first the lioness forced herself in, ready to defend herself if the larger lion demanded she explain herself and where she had been. It wasn't like Yorshka had left things on a good note... he had every reason to be upset with her. Thankfully though, silence was the only thing that lingered here, and it greeted her with an emptiness that felt bitter and frail.

"...." Her pale eyes narrowed as the lioness looked over the mess the demigod had left behind. The lioness had never seen Aladan upset before, was she the cause of all of this? Her ears pinned back slowly as she tip toed over to her pile of pelts, sitting down softly with a deep sigh. He wasn't home. Maybe he had left to spend the night with the lioness he brought home, she was lovely after all, lovely and a priestesses. Something he could be proud of, someone he could be with properly. Someone better than Yorshka.

The mind was a terrible thing to poison, yet... it was so easy for her to dive deeper into her own insecurities. Aldan was gone and she was alone. The lioness felt paper thin.

"Oh...." Her voice was just a whisper as a pale paw moved to grab the earring that lay battered against the ground. She couldn't stop tears that started to form, this token, this gift... why? Her left ear still stung but the emotional tare tore much deeper. It was hard to explain, but...

Before she had a chance to wipe away her visible sorrow a shuffling sound from outside caught her attention. "...Hello?" Her voice called out to the dark.

Aldan knew he shouldn't be alone, but he couldn't help it. After the whole kerfluffle with Yorshka, the male made his way to a secluded portion of the pride. He had found it when he learned gods were leaving amongst the pride members. But, being alone meant the pulsating headaches, and potential for one of those painful visions.

Everything was his fault. He would gladly accept any form of punishment for what he did. Unfortunately, one had hit during his time away from his den, and it left him in a catatonic state close to night fall. When he finally came too, the lion had got to his feet shakily and headed to his home.

His empty home. There was no reason to think that anyone would be there.

However, as he got closer to the entrance, the throbbing headache was fading. His ears flicked as he heard a voice call out from inside. He froze. s**t.

What was she doing here? She had left. She didn't want to be here with him. Why was she back? Think Aldan, do something! Continue to walk? Ignore her? Go inside? Confront her? Aldan didn't know, but he found himself quiet outside the den entrance, not responding to her call.

There was a small ache in his back, the aftermath of his visions earlier in the day. He finally kicked himself, inching slowly into his den. His gaze fell on Yorshka, before it was quick to turn away, looking anywhere but the smaller female.

What a mess he made. He should clean it up. He started towards a pile of pelts shoved against the wall of the den, trying to smooth them out, finding some of his favorite unsalvageable from his earlier actions.

At first it was hard to speak, words filled her throat but wouldn't come out no matter how hard she struggled to find them. Yorshka's eyes followed the seer as he began cleaning up the mess he left in the wake of his anger. This was so hard. Not speaking to each other like this, what was wrong with them? Her best friend stood directly in front of her and she couldn't say a thing to comfort him. No, the lioness felt so much shame. Regret would linger for a long time.

While he cleaned Yorshka simply sat, her gaze lowered and firm. This was too much, nothing would ever grow in the dark, this had to stop.

"Aldan." Her voice was small and filled with uncertainty. "Where did you go...?" The pale lioness needed to know. If he had left to be with another female... everything would be different for her. Her smaller figure sat in silence, awaiting his reply.


The demigod hesitated as he paws picked up a tattered pelt. He held it in his paws. Where did you go...? He frowned, lowering the hide to the ground. His lip quivered as he fought to figure out the correct words to use.

He had ultimately decided everything he would say to her would be wrong. What more harm could be done?

"...After you left...K'i-lin returned." At first it seemed his conversation was going to head in the direction Yorshka was thinking. But it didn't. "She left that for you." he pointed to the small pouch that remained by the den entrance, still untouched from when the priestess had left it. "She left right after she dropped it off."

"I...went to the cliffs. No one travels up there. I figured it'd be best if I was alone." She knew what it meant for him to be alone. What would happen when he was. He finally found his gaze meeting hers, as pain, hurt, sorrow filled the dark orbs.

"...I didn't think you'd come back..." he whispered, he paws reaching for the tattered pelt once more, clinging to it, as if the only comfort he had left.

K'i-lin had left something for her? Pale eyes met the pouch with a soft smile, eyes still teary. Yorshka felt awful for assuming the worst. She must have looked like such a jackass. Slowly she turned her head and spoke.

"...How very kind of her." Every bone in her body screamed for release as the lioness held herself still. No matter how much she wanted to run over to him and hold him... something inside held her back. Was this the weight of her guilt? He must have suffered for his time alone. The lioness felt her heart sink.

"---I-," her words cut off before Yorshka was even able to properly convey how she felt. Would he ever be able to forgive her?

"I... I don't want to fight you." The pale female whispered under a silent stare, it was hard to face him like this, her eyes could hardly focus. With a slow swaying tail she spoke out again, this time with a softer tone, one more reserved.

"I don't want us to be this way." The wasn't them, never once had they fought like this before. This was going to be a hard thing to face, but she knew they needed to face it. "Why did you take my necklace off and leave it behind?" Another question wanted an answer to.

"She's...just a friend." Aldan found himself murmuring. "Nothing more." He didn't know why he was telling her this. Maybe to clear the air? While he had originally thought Yorshka would be jealous seeing K'i-lin with him, he didn't want it to lead to this.

This fighting, arguing, hate?

His eyes softened as she said she didn't want to fight. "I never wanted to fight." His return tone was softer, just like hers.

"What else can we be Yorshka?" His paws dropped the pelt, as he walked closer to the lioness, standing close to her. "I am willing to put aside what rank you are of this pride to make something work. I love you...okay? I can't try to hide these feelings, or try to push them to someone else. They always go back to you."


Did he mean to say that? It just kind of...came out.

He frowned, as he took a step back from the female, feeling heat rising to his cheeks.

"I didn't want you to think I was your master. That necklace keeps you connected to your mother, which is the only link you have left to her right now. I've taken everything from you. Your home, your life, your innocence, your freedom... I don't want to take and keep that from you too." He sighed, finding his paws growing weak as he lowered himself to the ground.

He didn't need to explain his relationship with the other lioness, it was hardly her place to question the lion's personal relationships, still, he tried to explain anyway. The effort hadn't gone unnoticed. Yorshka appreciated it, even if the words didn't come out. At first she found it hard to hear what he was saying, but the female's ears pinned back the second "I love you" escaped his maw. Had she heard that right? What was this? Wide eyes followed Aldan's every step, he had her complete focus.

"What..." This was hard to believe. Yorshka knew the lion's feelings had changed, when he came back from his last viking Aldan confessed this, still... hearing it laid out so bluntly before her, it was a shock, the lioness was completely shocked. Her masked face felt flushed and beat with intensity, was this really happening?

"You didn't take anything from me." A whisper crept out. Soft tears trickling down her pale cheeks.

"--I gave it to you. You can't give it back. You can't." The idea of him returning something so personal made her stomach turn. "...Promise me you won't do that again?" Yorshka was trying not to acknowledge Aldan's declaration of love. In the moment it felt surreal, like the world around them faded away and into nothing. All that was left was the two of them now, it was the only thing that mattered. the female had longed to hear him say those words... and here he was, saying everything Yorshka wanted to hear.

"...Why though, how do you know it? You love me?... really?" Her thoughts were swimming. "I.. I have loved you for a long time." Rank aside, saying this made her vulnerable. She was naked here, standing right in front of him. Every flaw laid out one by one.

Aldan could only nod in return.

Did this mean she was giving him back the pendant? How could he accept it, after his own gift to her was crumpled and beaten. How horrible would he be to accept something he couldn't return to her. He glanced at the feather charm, frowning at it. He didn't even know when he could get another one, not knowing when he would even see her again.

"..." he was silent. "I don't know how I know it..." he murmured. "I just...do. I did before I left...and it was only stronger when I returned. Seeing you hurt, unconscious...I thought I lost you...that I was too late to even tell you how I felt..." Aldan felt himself rising to his feet. No matter how much weakness was in his form, he wanted to be closer to the female.

"I don't think I can ever love anyone else." He whispered, his paws snaking over Yorshka's form, pulling her to his chest. "Thrall or not...I will always love you." His embrace tightened, as he felt himself shaking from the adrenaline that was coursing through his body.

"You....love me?" He had heard her say it earlier in the day, but she had said it out of anger, and what Aldan thought was the heat of the moment.

"I...wish I could offer your something, to...to show you I mean it..." He had no trinket to give her. The one he had originally was scuffed on the metal.

When he moved to stand in front of her and pulled her close the lioness fell weak into his embrace. Yorshka's head settled under his chin as her heart beat rapidly against him. For a moment the female simply held herself still, giving in to the moment and warmth. This was the first time in months they two had been so romantically close. Narrow eyes shifted as the female spoke out, her body leaning tightly into his. "You have me. I'm not going anywhere."

She hadn't bothered to think about how awful he must have felt seeing her in a state like that, being caught up in the moment left little room for the female to think. Still, hearing about the emotions he struggled with brought her to tears.

".. I didn't know. " It was hard to admit. Between her soft cries and muffed voice Yorshka spoke out. "I don't care about that. The feather is mine... no matter how ruffled." The gift was something she would always regret returning, it had meant so much to the lioness, wearing it brought her joy, it made her feel secure.

"Of course I do..." Finally the words came, softly at first, her body curled against his. "...I love you, Aldan." She paused. "...As long as you think I'm good enough, I won't fixate on my rank..." This was the hardest thing to say. It was going to take time for her to truly believe the words she spoke - but Yorshka would work on it every day. Day by day.

"Promise?" Aldan asked quietly, not wanting to let go of Yorshka. To him, this was all he had. She was all he had. Letting her go could mean losing her forever. Aldan did not want that. Aldan would never want that.

"I have always thought you were good enough. I never thought otherwise." The male said gently, a purr beginning to rumble through his form.

"I want to give you something more than just a feather," he found himself whispering. He felt himself pulling her to the ground, his eyes closing as his heart was beating against his chest. He lay next to her, shifting his weight against her. "I...I want to show you my love... on my...on our... own terms...No one else's," he said softly. His heart was speaking. There was nothing stopping it right now.

"Will you be mine tonight...Yorshka?" He nuzzled into her neck, resting his head there for a moment. "Only mine?"

"Promise." Her voice was a soft whisper now. As Aldan spoke about giving gifts Yorshka could only smile, it was a sweet sentiment but it wasn't going to change her mind. The feather was what she wanted - the feather was all she needed. Slowly the lioness followed the lion as he moved to lay himself against the ground, shifting until she found a place right next to him, her tail slowly ran along his lower paws as she flirted quietly in between private whispers.

When the topic changed to one more... intimate, the female felt her face turn bright red, the heat from her cheeks alone felt like fire against his pelt. They had a chance to make it right, this thing that they once shared between broken hearts. This time it could be different, this time it was by choice and out of love. His stuttering words only made the situation feel more organic, so speaking like this felt far less embarrassing. Yorshka rose so that her gaze hovered above his, pale eyes trailed along every little scar, every fine detail they could find in the dark. "Only yours." Her voice was soft and inviting. "...For always." Tonight wouldn't be enough, not now. Not ever.

Forgiveness was given without words. Nothing he could say would take her from him, not in this moment. Wounds could heal, emotions could be mended, together they could do everything. Tonight they could do it all.