Sphinx -Normal
Kasai - Bold

In the time Aldan had been 'grounded' with Yorshka, the male had gotten to know the lioness a bit more. He was becoming more and more comfortable with her being around. That also meant he was getting more rest. No longer did he have trouble falling asleep at night, nor waking up restless. He definitely enjoyed the warmth snuggled up against her.

But today, Aldan had been out for just a few moments outside the den when he was approached by a captain. He was being called for a viking mission.

The male frowned, wanting to argue, to say no, but ultimately his pride had to come first. With a defeated sigh, he listened to the details, before nodding, returning home to tell Yorshka the news.

Not even a day to wait. He needed to meet the team on the borders at sun down. Aldan sighed, shaking his head, stepping into the den.

"Yorshka...?" He called out.

The lioness was lost in a dream as her eyes danced beneath her eyelids softly, sleeping soundly against the dark pelts that cradled her. The breeze felt like soft waves crashing against her fur, reminding her of the ocean against the shore. In this place Yorshka found peace. The dream could have taken her far away from the waking world but a familiar voice called out, anchoring her back down to reality. Her blue eyes would flutter as she struggled to open them, replying in a small, raspy voice.

"Aldan?" The question was confusing at first, sleep still held her down with a firm grip.

"What's going on?" Another question was presented to him, this time followed by clear eyes. She lioness slowly rolled herself up, paws holding her weight to one side as her eyes traced his figure. Everything was a little hazy still.

"Everything okay?" Had something happened while she slept?

Aldan frowned, moving closer to her. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to wake up." He said, nuzzling her neck. While he couldn't consider her his lover, Aldan had become closer to her.

"I...I have some news." He said solemnly, backing off slightly. "I'm needed for a viking mission." There was no need to cut around the bush. The longer he would delay in telling her, the harder it would probably become. "I...I wasn't given the details of it, but...it didn't sound like it would be a quick one either." Aldan said with a sigh. He didn't even know who would be joining him. Would Aya be going, or Runa? Any seer, really?

"Tonight." He concluded, staring at her. He hated short notices, and normally they wouldn't affect him. But in the past, he didn't have Yorshka to worry about. Kristanf had yet to return from his own viking mission, but could he when he was away? What would happen to her if Aldan wasn't here?

As he spoke the lioness listened, giving him a fast nuzzle as his chin passed her. So, he was going to leave soon? This made her stomach turn, but not for the reasons he would assume. Yorshka nodded and sighed deeply. She had so many questions and so little time.

"Alright. I see." Her first response came with a soft frown.

"Tonight?" Her second reply felt a little more distressed. That was soon, how was this going to work? What would happen to her while he was gone? Was he going to show up, looking to finish what was started the day before? Her pale eyes narrowed as she sat back and thought for a long moment before speaking again.

"How long do you think you'll be gone for? Or... is that something you can not guess?" She needed to try to be understanding, no matter how awful the thought of him leaving felt.

"What about your visions? Will you have someone with you to help with them?" The female was worried, not for herself, but for him. His life mattered to her.

He nodded. "It isn't ideal..." he found himself saying quietly. "I wasn't given much information. The Captain was gathering a bunch by the sounds of it. Usually that means...extended trips." More bodies meant bigger raids. Bigger raids meant more changes of death. More chances of death, meant more bodies. It was a circle Aldan did not like to think of.

"...I don't know that either." He said with a frown. "The one things about this pride is the gods like to hang around. In doing so, their bloodlines course through many. Hopefully one of the reavers will have the sight. Or...Maybe I'll get lucky and Aya would have been asked to join as well." the pale female would normally be bounding in if she was pulled on the same mission.

"I guess we will find out now...won't we." He said with a sheepish chuckle.

"However...I...think it's best if you...if you stay with someone else while I'm gone." There was an underlying tone of worry in his voice.

It was going to take some time for her to understand all of the prides rules and tiny details - what was proper and what was taboo. The pale female was still green here, so she would take what he explained with understanding and a desire to learn. Softly Yorshka sighed as her paws rested in front of her chest, she sat tall and still.

"I see." So he could be gone for a while this time? This thought made her fur bristled in discontent, yet she would do her best to hide her worried mind from him. The last thing Aldan needed was her anxiety on top of his, so the lioness did her best to hold together her puzzled thoughts.

"I hope so, for your sake, you need someone with you who understands.” The lioness wished she could be that someone for him.

"I... I think that would be a good idea. Maybe I could spend some time with Ciro while you are gone. I know I can come home and sleep, but spending my days with someone so knowledgeable would be helpful. Plus, he has been good to me." Her eyes softened as she smiled. He felt sort of like a makeshift father figure, Yorshka trusted him because of this. It felt natural.

"Would that help ease your worried mind?"

"I wish I could take you with me." He found himself murmuring quickly. "...One day, when I become a Captain...You will join me if you wish. I can make my own rules then...." He would become just like his father, rising in ranks. He just had to get through these hard times.

Ah, Ciro. Aldan chuckled. "You sure you want to stay with him? I mean...he did 'ground us' after all." The adolescent joked. "We would have to make sure it's okay with him though..." He glanced towards the den entrance. "Probably should head out now, just in case he says no...." He didn't think the Captain would say it, but one could never know.

"I have an alternative if he does. But...we will cross that bridge if it came to it." Aldan didn't want to burden Ciro or anyone else taking Yorshka in while he was a way.

He looked back over to the pelts that still scattered the floor. "Did you want to take one for comfort?"

The idea of Ciro not being okay with her visiting never once crossed her mind, so when he brought up needing to double check she laughed a little to herself, softly at first.

"You're right, haha. We should make sure." Yorshka had faith that the darker male would be fine with her visits, still, Aldan was right, being proper and polite went a long way, she knew this fist hand. The lioness had not seen the lady-loving side of her father-figure yet, so this tiny detail escaped her.

"I agree." Her voice was soft as she nodded her head slightly, standing up to face him.

"Oh... an alternative?" What was he thinking about? Why hadn't he bothered explaining further? Blue eyes narrowed as she followed his movements. When he offered her a cover she gave him a smile and replied with a firm, "No, that's okay. I think I want to feel the breeze today." In truth the lioness felt a little guilty forgetting her last pelt in the woods where Aldan had his painful vision. At some point she would have to go back and retrieve it.

Aldan nodded, turning towards the entrance, walking out of the den. He waited for Yorshka to follow, a light drizzle beginning.

"There is a reason they nickname this place the Storm Born," he found himself muttering, shaking his head as he headed towards Ciro's den. Luckily, the captain bachelor didn't live too far away from him.

"Yeah," He said, continuing his conversation. "I mean..I'm pretty sure she would be okay with it. My sister...er--- half sister I guess," he shrugged slightly, "she likes company. She is...super bubbly. Complete one-eighty of what you have seen today. Sometimes I question how I am related, but...dad insists!" He laughed, thinking of some memories of his older sister.

"Although her mother isn't a god, she somehow has acquired visions. I think my dad must have some strong god-blood in him to explain it. My other older sisters though, don't." He said thoughtfully. "Her name is Valkyrie. I think you two could be good friends." One day, Aldan would need to introduce them. She seemed to be the only female okay with the changes War Lord Ushindi established. After all, now Valkyrie could rank to a Valkyrie. The little things amused the female.

"I didn't know you had half-siblings." Yorshka spoke with a frown, as if the information would have been welcomed earlier. Funny how alike the two actually were, they both had Goddess mothers and half siblings. Strange how things worked out sometimes. Slowly the female followed, her eyes narrowed as rain softly fell from the sky, planting tiny moist kisses on her creamy pelt. She didn't mind the rain, in fact the lioness welcomed it. It was cleansing, for both the body and soul.

"I have half siblings too." Yorshka opened up, sharing her own personal family relationships with him for the first time. "I'm actually the youngest child born from my mother, but my father was mortal like me. All my siblings have visions like I do, but before I was born she had another life and my half-siblings are all Gods too. Pure Gods."

"Patience, my brother, Impatience, my sister, Imbalance, another sister, Innocence, another brother, Penance, my brother, and Fidelity my sister." She went down the domains like a check-list in her mind.

"So, I have five full mortal siblings, and six God half-siblings." Her family was pretty big, this was the first time she really thought about the size before. "I guess you can say my family is big. My brother Ari has cubs of his own, and his God blood gave them visions as well." Well, she was spilling her whole family-tree out before him, wasn't she? The lioness blushed.

"Sorry, I got a little lost for a second, I miss them." Sorrow started to creep it's way back into her stomach, though she did her best to keep it at bay.

"How many siblings to do have in total?" The pale female questioned as the two walked to Ciro's den.

"Oh... um...well I have half siblings! and full siblings." Aldan explained with a goofy grin. He hadn't really talked about his family much with Yorshka.

"You do?" He was about to ask if they were from her mother or father...but as Yorshka continued speaking, he had learned the answer to his unasked question. Gods? More gods? He was curious if his mother had other children as well, deities, he meant.


"Fidelity?" Aldan stopped walking as Yorshka spoke of her sister. "I've met Fidelity! She's such a cute cub. Super hyperactive..." His head tilted, continuing down the path, closing in on Ciro's den.

When she said she missed her family, the adolescent looked away. One day she would see them again. He would make sure of it.

"None of my sisters have had cubs...So...we are kind of big..." Aldan thought for a moment. "I have eight altogether. Three older half sisters, and then five direct siblings."

Aldan paused in front of Ciro's den.

When he spoke of Fidelity being a cub the lioness gave him a deep frown. What was he talking about? Surly he was confused? Her half siblings were all Gods of old, not a one of them was still a cub. So... what was he referencing? Before she had the chance to question his odd words he opened up about his own family. This made her feel closer to her friend.

"What?" The lioness would have asked more questions but his own words caused her to get lost in thought.

"Oh, wow, that's nice. Coming from a big family was a wonderful thing for me at least, knowing I was never alone in the world and would never be, it brought me a lot of comfort when I felt small." Her eyes glanced toward his as he stopped at the entrance to Ciro's den. Had they arrived already? Time flew when she talked to him so freely like this. The thought frightened her.

"Ciro?" Yorshka chimed, calling out with a soft smile.

"Is he home?"

Aldan glanced towards the den entrance, ears perking forward as she called out to him.

“Hmm... I don’t think he was suppose to be out anywhere...” the adolescent commented, frowning. It was then Aldan heard some rustling, and giggling from within the den.

His eyes widened as a female exited first, followed by the darker male.

“Aldan, Yorshka...? What are you two doing here?” Ciro asked as the thrall sent a wink his way, leaving the den and the captain to the younger charges.

Ciro couldn’t help but frown. These two always meant trouble it seemed. Sitting on the ground, the male gave both a questioning look. “No more scuffles I hope?”

Aldan’s jaw couldn’t help but drop just a bit as the female exited the den. Was he... ughh. He shook his head, giving Yorshka a look. His sister was looking like a better option.

"Oh, sorry!" She couldn't help but apologize as the female left the den.

Well, this was awkward. It wasn't like he wasn't allowed to have females over, it was just the first time Yorshka saw him in this light. Figures, he was a single male with a charming smile, it seemed only natural he would have females he kept company. She did her best not to blush under the implication. The lioness had only ever been close to another like that once, and it was with Aldan. This thought only made her face burn with heat. How awkward.

"Oh it's nothing like that, tell him Aldan?" The female spat out, nodding quickly as she looked away, doing her best to keep her embarrassment to herself.

"No scuffles, promise." She promised softly under a forced smile.

"Sorry?" Ciro quirked an eyebrow, only to glance at the fleeting form of the female. "Ah." The Captain gave a small shrug. There was no shame in others concluding what transpired in his den. It was likely true, with the reputation Ciro had. "She helped clean up the den." Among other things, but that wasn't something Ciro needed to say.

"Um. er... right. Yeah, no fights." Aldan was quick to shake his head, trying to clear the mental images that tried to creep in his mind. "Um. Actually I...we were wondering. Well..." Aldan hesitated, glancing towards Yorshka.

"I have to go out on a raid. Tonight. Last minute notice. And uh---it looks to be a rather long one...So...We were wondering if you wouldn't mind letting...Yorshka stay with you while I'm gone? Just this once, since things are still...tense with...you know." Aldan asked quietly, glancing towards Ciro.

The dark male looked back and forth between the two. They certainly seemed more comfortable with each other. How long was he going to be gone? He didn't know? Ciro hummed. That certainly could be slightly problematic if he were to have a lady over. He'd have to come up with a workaround for it.

"If she doesn't mind." Ciro glanced at Yorshka, making sure the two were both okay with this, and not just Aldan.

The lioness leapt fast with a reply as she moved forward and spoke out at Ciro's question. "Of course. I can help you keep things neat and nice for when you have company, and I don't mind going home while you... entertain guests, it's mostly to make sure I have a place to come to if...." soft words trailed into silence as she slowly moved her gaze back to the red-haired lion. The creature that haunted them would surly do his best to interfere with them whenever he felt like it, it was only a matter of time with this logic so sound.

"But yes, I promise I will not get in the way." The pale female wanted to make sure everyone knew she was trying her best to stay small and out of sight, being a burden was never a thing she wanted to be, so when they asked this of Ciro she understood the long term effects. Yorshka would do her best to learn and grow in the time Aldan was away. She needed to be stronger for herself if she was going to continue to be apart of this world.

"--But it's only if you think it's a good idea." She added with a small voice, glancing at Aldan with soft eyes.

Ciro couldn't help but chuckle as she said she would go 'home' while he entertained guests. How thoughtful.

The male nodded his head, agreeing. "You are more than welcome to stay. As long as you don't mind a grumpy raven sharing the den, or two hyper teenagers deciding to show up occasionally." Yorshka hadn't met Ciro's raven companion yet, nor had she met his daughters. Those two needed to start their training for Shield Maiden, if they were to ever leave the pride.

Aldan let out of a breath of relief. "Good." While he had the plan B, staying with his sister, back up plan, he didn't want to explain to his family what had happened between the two. He was the first in their family to take a thrall, and he still didn't feel the best about it.

"I'm glad we have that figured out." At least it would be less for him to worry about while he was away. "I can make it up to you somehow?" Aldan asked to Ciro, who just shook his head.

"Nah. You're good. You're leaving tonight though? Why don't you two enjoy the rest of the time together, and when you are ready to leave just swing back by?" Ciro asked, looking towards a worn path.

Ciro had a compassionate heart, even if it was tucked behind carnal desires and a sharp grin. Yorshka would always be thankful for his affection and time, regardless of how she came to be here. Yorshka was starting to make allies, no, actual friends here. Others she could depend one for company and safety if she needed it, this filled her soul with joy and gave her hope for the future. Maybe... life here could be something more than dreadful. The lioness had Aldan after all, so it wasn't so bad, right?

"Thank you, really, I am very grateful for everything you've done for me." She would never be able to repay him for his kindness, still, the female would try to in anyway she could.

When he spoke of them spending some time together before Aldan left for his journey her face went red, the blush was hard to miss.

"Oh, that's a good idea, I won't see you for a while after tonight, will I?" It was like she hadn't really thought of it until just now. He was going to be gone and far from her for the first time in a long time. The last time the two separated.... she felt herself sigh.

Ciro's grin widened at the blush that seemed to appear on Yorshka's cheeks. He wouldn't comment on it, only shook his head with another chuckle. "Go you two, I have a few errands to run anyways." He shooed the two younger lions off, while he too headed in the opposite direction.

"I hope it's not too long." Aldan said quietly, watching Ciro shoo them away before he headed off. "You will be back before sundown right?" He called out to the retreating form, not hearing an answer.

"...You sure you want to stay with him?" He said with a exasperated gasp. "I mean...surely someone not as...Ciro....?" Aldan asked, shaking his head.

"Feel free to smack him if he is too much." He finally said in defeat, taking a step back towards his own den. "A few lions may have bird companions. Perhaps we can try to keep in touch with them? Sending messages back and forth. I can keep you posted on the timeline and when we are heading home?"

"A carrier sounds like a good idea." She laughed softly under a faint smile, walking along the dirt path with Aldan beside her. The pink tuff at the end of her tail was a little dirty from her travels, matching her paws in color. When the younger male left for his viking she would go to the place Ciro had showed her to bathe again.

"I'm sure he will be respectful. He hasn't once insulted my honor." As she spoke the lioness nodded.

"Besides, he is all I have until I meet your family." The words came out but she had not stopped to think about the weight of them. Meeting his family? It wasn't like she was his, she was just a thrall. Yorshka was sure they would never want to know of her existence, let alone meet her. Maybe it was better this way, less room for her to get attached.

Slowly the two walked until they arrived at his den. The masked female sighed as she moved herself from Aldan's side and entered the darkness first. She would find her seat beside the pelts that lay scattered along the back of the cave. The place she slept her first night here.

"He better." Aldan muttered, ending that part of the conversation.

"My family? You...you really want to meet them?" He seemed a little taken aback by the words. "Y..yeah. Once I get back we can have you meet them. Valkyrie and...Kafele and my dad..." Maybe in the time he was away he could figure out a good story on why Yorshka was here in the first place. "I am sure you will love all of them," he purred quietly, feeling a small sense of pride knowing she wanted to meet them, even if he was slightly hesitant to introduce them.

As they arrived at the den, Aldan let Yorshka enter first. He followed just a moment after, moving to sit beside her on the bed of pelts in the back of the den. He stayed quiet, unsure what to say at this time. Her presence was comforting, even in the silence.

"Could you die?" Her small voice questioned as she glanced down at her paws. "When you are on your Viking, you could die couldn't you?" The truth hurt but sometimes it needed to be talked about, she felt this was one of those times.

"If you die what will happen to me?" The conversation felt heavy and within seconds of asking the question she felt a slight chill run down her spine. Yorshka assumed she would just be given to someone else like property, and the female would have no say in where or who she ended up with, but for some reason she wanted Aldan to say it.

She needed to hear the words leave his mouth. Her blue clear blue eyes narrowed as they settled on his face.

"Say it." Yorshka begged.

Could you die?

His ears swiveled a top his head at the sudden question. He wasn't expecting it! "Um..." He started, the obvious hesitation in his voice.

"...Yes..." He finally said. "It...there is a possibility that I could...succumb on this mission. Any viking we go on there is that chance." The young reaver said quietly. "It is our way of life..." He said, in regards to the Stormborn.

What would happen to her? Another question Aldan wasn't expecting. "I honestly...don't know. You would become a...a thrall to the pride...open for anyone to claim I suppose." He had seen it happen before. "Ciro wouldn't claim you I know. It would leave you fair game for...anyone." He seemed to whisper the last word. Anyone. That could mean a certain red-haired demon.

"I...if I don't come back. Don't...don't let him get you." Aldan pleaded, his voice shaky. He never thought of the possibility of not returning, but he also never thought of the possibility of owning a thrall. Things just became too real.

The pale lioness sat in silence for a moment as her mind raced with scattered thoughts. She could make inquiries all evening but in truth the answers seemed to come without question. She just knew already, asking would only put more pressure on the younger male and with him heading out soon she felt it best to try to keep Aldan level headed and clear of mind. He needed to live. Not just for himself, but for her. If she was going to be in this place with him her life also depended on his safe return and victory. With a soft sigh she moved to sit closer to him, her shoulder bumping against his.

"You just come back to me." The statement was firm and absolute. Yorshka was speaking from the heart.

"You come back safe, you come back to me." She repeated with a softer voice. Hints of sorrow could be felt with every word she spoke. This was the part of saying goodbye that hurt the most.

"I will be strong if you will. I will protect myself if you do. I will be waiting here for you, so if you come here you will find me, I promise." The female understood what he was saying all too well. The thought of that b*****d touching her made every part of her body ache. If it came down to it she would take the cowards way out. Death would be a less punishing fate.

"I know you'll be fine, but I would still like the promise." As her words trailed off into silence she turned to face him, clutching her pendant with a white paw.

"I want you to wear this, for good fortune-- and to remember me by." Slowly she moved her head down low as she slipped the silver trinket off of her pale neck, the bright blue gemstone at the center was held together by four small bent pieces of silver. Yorshka's eyes shifted as she motioned for him to lower his head.

"I will." Aldan confirmed. "I will make it my mission to return, in one piece nonetheless," he couldn't help but have a small, joking tone to it.

He wouldn't say goodbye. Goodbye was final. Instead, he would continue to say, "I will come back to you," now his tone was soft. As her shoulder bumped his, he couldn't help but lean into the touch. For a lion who once was flighty at the personal contact, he was okay with Yorshka's.

"I will do everything in my power to be strong and to protect myself." He murmured, resting against her. "I promise I will return. I promised to protect you, and I don't have any intentions of going against that."

As she brought the necklace from her neck to him, he couldn't help but stare wide-eyed at it. "But...it's from your mother..." He said quietly. Sure he had given his own feather from his mother to her, but this wasn't the same...was it?

"I could never forget you," he whispered, lowering his head so she could place the necklace on him. "It'll be like you are with me always when I wear this."

"Yes, so care for it and wear it with pride." Yes, the necklace came from her mother but so did the feather he gave her. The exchange was equal on a personal level. Yorshka smiled faintly as the younger male rested against her side, his weight keeping her snug against the wall. It felt comfortable this way, and somehow secure.

"I wonder much your mane will grow while you are away?" The idea of helping him braid more of his hair made her smile. He was still growing after all, when he returned who knows how different he would be. Though the this made her blush under a secret smile she allowed herself to think about his emotional change too. Yorshka hoped that no matter what he encountered he wouldn't lose himself to temptation. Who knew what was going to happen when he ventured off without her, the lioness could only hope Aldan would never lose his integrity-out of everything in the world this was her wish.

"I bet long enough for more braids." The female mused, humming to herself. Her tail curled around his back as she settled into her place as his shoulder to lay on. For now she didn't allow herself to think about what would happen while he was away. For now she simply enjoyed the moment.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Aldan said with a purr, looking down at the shining pendant. He would take care of it. He now had more of a reason to return. Not just for Yorshka, but to return her pendant safely.

"Hahaha," Aldan laughed. "I think it's long enough." To prove his point, he flipped his hair, like a teenager growing his hair out. "More braids huh? You'll just have to braid them for me when I get back." He said with a smile. Aldan patted the ground, wanting the female to lay as he lowered the rest of his body to the ground. He had grown accustomed to snuggling against her at night, and who knew when the last time he would be able to be in this position. He would take advantage of the moment. His tail snaked against her, twisting itself around her limb as his half maned head lay against her.

He wished he didn't have to go.

Of course she was worried, it was hard not to worry at a time like this, still, at least for a while Yorshka would pretend and allow herself to be whisked away to someplace far less frightening. When he motioned for her to rest with him she smiled and nodded, lowing herself until she was curled against the wall and the younger male, allowing his head to rest on her stomach. A soft sigh escaped her as blue eyes narrowed in thought.

"You'll come back." She needed to say it one more time, but not for him. The lioness needed to remind herself so that when morning came and he was gone she would be able to face the day without his companionship. They slept like lovers but held love for one another like close friends. Sometimes this could be confusing, but Yorshka wouldn't change it. They both needed the comfort, deep down they both longed to be needed.

When words faded and eyes closed he would be able to sneak away. The lioness was fast asleep, drifting away into longing dreams. When the morning came he would be gone.

But he would be back. She knew it.