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What a grand state of affairs, and how unusual it was for things to have aligned so perfectly. Lakshmi's mind had been a flurry of activity from the moment she had returned, and no sooner had the young lioness started to settle into her 'lessons' with Tyche, than the Stormborn were to be turned upside down again. Ah, but it seemed that not only she had desired change... not only she had sought to find a way to save them and what they had once been.

Ushindi had arrived and in a dramatic fashion, he had cast out one of her family to usher them in to a new era. What discussions would come from her aunt's meetings with him remained to be seen but she certainly hadn't been made privy to it. As far as Dione was concerned, for the time being only she needed to know what had been agreed (or what hadn't been agreed) with the new Warlord.

...When the time was right, the High Priestess would ensure that the details were passed on.

Nevertheless as the new leader began to settle in this didn't mean that Lakshmi could rest on her laurels. Just because Ushindi had arrived and had the intention of making some changes, that didn't necessarily mean they would all suit. Just like her own aunt, she needed to be mindful and to watch how things progressed. With that in mind, it was more important than ever that she install herself within the ranks of the Priestesses sooner rather than later.

Thus it should have come at no surprise that Lakshmi now found herself on her aunt's doorstep, waiting expectantly for the lioness to finish her meeting with what appeared to be the First Speaker. Unsurprisingly the pair continued to speak in hushed tones but eventually Thron took his leave and it was with a nod that he ushered Lakshmi inside after him. Dione merely glanced up and provided her niece with an expectant stare - Lakshmi's murmurings of interest hadn't been lost on her but up until now, the young lioness had been non-committal.

Had she finally come to ask for what she wanted? Tethys had seemed adamant that his daughter had made her decision and found her calling, yet from the moment she'd returned she'd done nothing of significance. Oh she might have listened to the ramblings of her new, clearly disturbed thrall, but she hadn't actually requested appropriate tuition. Suffice it to say that the lioness wouldn't have a heretic in her line whether it was her brother's daughter or not.

Yep, if Lakshmi had begun to preach something different then there'd have been much more drama than just the presence of a new warlord!

Lakshmi took this moments to clear her throat and recall some of the more invaluable guidance that Tyche had provided her with. She wouldn't be cowed by her aunt, her aunt held an arrogant air (and rightly so), just like her own mother Kluna did, but this didn't mean that Lakshmi would bow to either of them. They were due respect, but she wouldn't kiss their paws and she would make sure this was made clear in the most diplomatic manner possible.

Silence fell as the young lioness met the High Priestess's gaze and then finally, it seemed Dione had accepted her presence. Lakshmi had shown a level of strength that was worthy of recognition in some form, though in terms of experience she was still out of her depth.

"Lakshmi?" Dione finally broke the silence and shook her head. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" she asked.

"I believe my father made my intentions clear," Lakshmi replied smoothly, though her internal voice was a lot more anxious. Practice would make perfect, but for now her stomach still had butterflies and they were in full flight at the moment. "I want to follow tradition and become a priestess, just as you and my mother have," she stated and took a breath. "So I have come to ask for permission, as well as the opportunity to study under you," she announced.

"You couldn't ask your mother?" Dione snorted, Kluna would no doubt be more than happy to teach her own daughter the arts.

"I will be asking for guidance from both of you," Lakshmi replied calmly. "Both of you as individuals have some unique perspectives and an array of experience, it would be short sighted not to ask for guidance from both of you," she pointed out. It was a rather rehearsed response and she sincerely hoped her aunt didn't notice, but the truth of the matter was that she had paced back and forth while she practiced in front of Tyche.

Dione noticed, but to her credit, she said nothing.

The fact that Lakshmi had even practiced what she wanted to say was indicative of her intentions. The young lioness was being genuine even if Dione did have a number of concerns regarding her interest in other more questionable arts. It wouldn't have been wrong to state that Dione had suspicions about that Thrall; there was something about her that just wasn't right. Alas, Tyche had yet to cause any harm and Dione wasn't one to cause it herself without good reason... Even her own thralls could attest to that.

"You truly want this," Dione mused and released a small sigh.

"I do, it's the right path for me," the blue lioness confirmed with a curt nod.

"Then you have my permission, you may study under me for some of your tutelage and you may ask your mother for further lessons as well," The High Priestess waved her paw almost dismissively. "But be mindful that both your mother and I will expect you to perform better than any normal apprentice," she pointed out calmly. She wasn't lying either, Dione would hold her to a higher standard simply by virtue of her own lineage. Lakshmi had grown up surrounded by priestesses and as such, she should at least have some awareness of their duties... to be ignorant would invite more than a simple scolding.

Lakshmi nodded, she knew what was riding on this.

Admittedly she was going to have to rehearse what she wanted to say to her mother as well, but she'd cross that bridge when she came to it. For now she'd received the agreement of at least one priestess to train her, she'd work on the second later when she had identified the best approach for her mother... Although Lakshmi did have a measure of confidence in her own mother; it was unlikely Kluna would dismiss her request.

...A priestess was a very respectable profession after all, right?

Nevertheless the young lioness knew better than to overstay her welcome and she bowed her head in gratitude before taking her leave. She'd wait for Dione to summon her for her lessons, as it stood, the High Priestess had her paws full with the changes occurring within the political landscape and a new apprentice would be the least of her concerns!

Words: 1,175