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Reply [IC] Rogue Lands
[PRP] Death from the sky (Ciro/Judeau/Saki)

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KasaiLoki rolled 1 20-sided dice: 18 Total: 18 (1-20)


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 3:48 pm
18. A whole flock of birds drops out of the sky, all dead. That...can't be good.

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The famine had gone. Ciro was finding himself refreshed. (It was probably also due to the fact the females of the pride were a little bit more willing for certain acts too). But, now that the pride was getting back to its feet, it meant he needed to do his Captainly duties and go out on some raids.

"Come on Judeau, ready?" The dark male asked to his grumpy raven companion. "Let's see what sort of adventure awaits us this trip, eh?" Maybe more ladies? Maybe treasure? Both? Both was good.

The lion stretched, flicking his tail as he stepped past the border of the land. Judeau would catch up with him if he so chose to do so.  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 4:26 pm
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The raven's feathers ruffled, wings stretching, a muffled grumble at being disturbed from his perch. One eye opened, focusing on the dark lion, what was fuff brain going on about? Judeau turned, as if for a moment he considered ignoring Ciro and letting him get into whatever trouble he was going to get into all on his own.


His wings outstretched, Judeau fluttered from his perch, flying after the dark lion, settling on his shoulder.

"I am not sure we can survive any more of your adventures."

The raven rolled his eyes, nestling into Ciro's mane. He might have had more to say, had something not caught his attention, drawing his gaze skyward. What the--something heavy fell almost on top of him, a startled caw as Judeau fluttered from his perch to hop from Ciro's shoulder to his head. What the hell was that?!


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 4:33 pm
Amon Larethian

"Hey, my adventures are just fine, thank you very much." Ciro found himself commenting with a frown. "I mean, I didn't die on the last one, so, I call that a win." His last viking he had been pelted in the head with hail upon meeting an adolescent in the rogue lands. Ciro wasn't sure how long he had been knocked out, but...when he awoke Judeau was there. He certainly hadn't been there before.

"What's got you in a tizzy?" Ciro asked, but then heard the thud of the fallen creature.

Actually, there was more thuds all around him. The sky seemed to darken for a moment, as the birds fell, hitting the lion in various places. Just as soon as it had started, it had stopped. Golden eyes looked around at the dead creatures.

"You know...when I said I wanted to find you a gal, this was not what I meant." He said with a frown.


Away in a tree, the bright purple and orange raven had been carving something into a tree when she heard the caw of another, followed by several thumps to the ground. What the?

She peeked from her perch, eyes widening as a flock of birds seemed to have fallen from the sky right on top of a lion. "HEY HEY HEY!" Saki cawed as she flew quickly from the tree, landing near the duo. "What did you do? Why did these birds just drop dead. EXPLAIN LION. NOW." Saki cawed, her beak clicking as she spoke.  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 5:01 pm
"Uh-huh, most lions would prefer their adventures involve more than just not dying."

Also things like birds not dropping dead from the sky! Another caw, Judeau fluttered from his perch again, dodging another fallen creature. OMG WHAT WAS GOING ON?! They were falling everywhere! It seemed every time he flew, another one fell forcing him to dodge again.

"Is...is it over?"

It was with a sense of dread that Judeau glanced toward the sky, looking for any sign of where the birds had come from and why they had just fallen from the sky. Just when he had dared to consider a sigh of relief, one last bird landed next to him, sending him fleeing back to his perch on Ciro's shoulder, sinking into the fluffy mane. Oh yes, this adventure was off to a great start...

"That is not funny."


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 5:16 pm
Amon Larethian

At least the birds falling from the sky did not cause as much damage like the hail had. Ciro found himself nodding, before he actually spoke the words. "Yeah...I think so."


"Er...now it is." He corrected, eyeing the sky to make sure no other birds were in the air. Unfortunantely, the male was wrong again, as a purple raven flew straight for them.

"Hey hey hey. I didn't do anything." He said quickly, taking a step back to avoid the wrath of the raven before him. "Judeau, tell her." He whined, making sure not to back up onto a dead bird.

Saki found herself cradling a lifeless form of a small black bird. Nothing in her bag could bring back the dead, and all these creatures were completely gone. The raven narrowed her eyes as she glared at the lion, not quite believing him. Her gaze fell to the scruffy looking raven on his shoulder.

"You!" She pointed to the other avian. "Explain. Now." Pushy Pushy little bird, wasn't she.  
Amon Larethian rolled 1 20-sided dice: 9 Total: 9 (1-20)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 5:49 pm
Judeau shot a glare at Ciro, not funny! Huff! He was just going to stay in Ciro's mane now, nope, not coming out, who knew what else might fall from the sky on their heads. With their luck, some giant rock might fall on them next! ....but what had made the birds fall in the first place? He did not like this, the sooner they left the area the better.

Blue eyes narrowed, he peered from his perch at the brightly colored noisy bird. What was her problem? Anyone could see these birds just DROPPED FROM THE SKY, what did she think they could have possibly done to cause this?

"If you bothered to look, feather head, you would see we have no more idea that you do of what caused this. Obviously something happened to them up there."

Angrily Judeau pointed skyward with one wing.

9. Is that...singing? It's impossible to make out the words or find the source, but it's damn creepy.

Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

KasaiLoki rolled 1 20-sided dice: 16 Total: 16 (1-20)


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 5:57 pm
Amon Larethian

"Feather head?" Saki bristled, flying up towards Ciro shoulder, right into Judeau's space. "How convenient the two of you show up, and these birds just fall from the sky. What sort of magic are you two?" Saki growled, tempted to peck at the gray raven.

She ignored the creepy singing that seemed to enter the air, as a cool breeze started to blow.

"Look, bird. We didn't do anything. Just wandered on our way and this happened. Weird things have been happening out here lately, you're lucky it's not..." Ciro was cut off as a cool breeze started to blow. He remembered this feeling. "s**t."

Ciro didn't hang around to find the source of the breeze. "We need to find cover, now!" Ciro said quickly, turning from Saki, heading for the safety of the trees.

"Oh no. no no no! You two aren't getting out of this that easily!" Small pelts of ice began to fall from the sky as she watched the lion retreat. "GET BACK HERE, ouch!" Saki followed after the pair.  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:27 pm
Judeau's eyes narrowed, glaring at the avian, his feathers ruffled angrily. If ravens growled, he would have, maybe he did.

"I'm guessing you don't get out much."

Otherwise she would have seen that he and Ciro clearly had nothing to do with birds randomly falling from the sky! Maybe it had something to do with what was causing every other weird thing that was happening in the mortal realm lately? Or had she been sleeping under a rock.

A wind ruffled through his feathers, his gaze turning skyward as the sky grew dark, oh what now? Before he could voice the question, he felt Ciro move under his talons, finding himself holding on for dear life as the lion fled for the trees.

"Your adventures are the worst!"


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 6:16 am
Amon Larethian

"I get out just enough, thank you. I am a healer, it is my job to go places!" Saki cawed indignantly, just as the lion turned and fled.

She was quick to follow, but the ice falling from the sky was coming down hard and fast. Just as the lion and ruffled raven made it to cover, a chunk of hail hit her shoulder, near her wing joint, and she found herself crashing to the ground, sliding under the tree shelter as the hail continued in the clearing.

She grasped her wing as a small hiss emitted, the other two figures nearby.

"My adventures are the worst?! You don't have to come with me you know." Ciro huffed, tail lashing. Second time he was caught in these weird hail storms. At least this time, he didn't get knocked out by one. His golden gaze flickered towards the purple avian clutching her wing.

"Ah, she followed us after all." Ciro said with a small frown, eyeing the avian. "She looks hurt. We might have to head back home with her."  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 9:06 am
Judeau might have wondered just how the hell the annoyingly pushy bird had gotten this far in life without being eaten. He would have supposed she must have been lucky enough to not fly into the face of some lion or god less inclined to tolerate her. He would have wondered, that is if he weren't more worried about birds and ice falling from the sky!

"The last time you went off on your own I found you lying unconscious. I'd rather not have the goddess of survival angry at me."

Judeau huffed at his lion friend, though he may or may not have given the big fluff-head an affectionate tap on the ear. The raven in disguise had grown rather fond of his fluffy trouble-maker, even if he was a mortal.

His attention turned to the avian, shooting the grumpiest of scruffy grumpy raven glares.

"Or you could just eat her."

A smirk shot at Ciro made it clear he was not serious, though he had hopefully spoken it loud enough for her to hear.


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 9:15 am
Amon Larethian

Ciro smirked at the mention of Ngaule. "Ah...You know, it has been quite a while since I have seen her." His paw reached towards the feather around his neck, although he was careful not to actually touch it. He would like very much to see that goddess again, even if his intentions were of reasons the goddess would likely not go along with.

His paw fell to the ground, before he strolled up to the injured raven. "Mmm birds are a little too brittle for me." He eyed the feathers, a thought crossing his mind. He glanced at Judeau, before back to the bird.

"Gotta name fiesty creature?" Ciro asked with a smirk. The world worked in mysterious ways to him.

"Do. not. touch me." Saki glared towards the lion, shifting her bag to avoid her injury. "I am Saki." She finally introduced. "Though once a name is given it is only fair yours are given back." She snapped, a small rolling pain coursing through her body.

Ciro's smirk widened. "Well---Saki, I am Ciro, this is Judeau. You are injured and probably should come with us. Otherwise a grounded bird is good as dead." The hail seemed to stop. "Judeau, why don't you help her up, we will head back home then."  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 9:36 am
The raven god's gaze shifted from Ciro to the feather, and back to Ciro almost as if he thought to dare the lion to call the goddess. It had been a while since he'd seen the goddess shoot him down, it might be entertaining to see him try again. If he kept trying he was sure to wear her down eventually, at least that seemed to be his plan.

"I say we make her walk, her legs still work."

Judeau had fluttered from his perch on Ciro's shoulder to land on the ground near the colorful raven. Feisty was not the word he would have chosen, more like....pushy, demanding, annoying.

"Let's go then, I guess we can't just leave you here. I assume you can still stand."

A snort, fine, he'd help her. But she could right back there on Ciro's butt and stay out of his space! Oh no, no, get that look off your face, Ciro! Judeau just knew he was going to regret this...


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 9:46 am
Amon Larethian

Ciro chuckled. "You need to be courteous to a lady] Judeau." Oh, he certainly had some hidden meaning behind his words. This would work out perfectly.

"Of course I can still stand, idiot." Saki snapped. "I don't need your help. I can take care of myself, thank you very much." Saki tried extending her wing, but winced at the pain it caused. "Fine." She finally said more to herself than anything. She would take the help from these two, even if they did cause a flock of birds to fall dead from the sky.

Ciro grinned cheekily. "That's the spirit," He laughed, lowering himself to the ground to Saki could climb up. "Home we go~" Just the right amount of time to dwell on a plan too.  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 11:01 am
"I would be, if there were any ladies present."

Oh Judeau did not like this feather-brained, rude, pushy--huff! And Ciro had better get those bright ideas that Judeau knew he was right out of his head now! The god raven was not having, nope, no way, no!

"Fine, help yourself then."

Judeau snorted, fluttering away from the raven to return to his perch on Ciro's shoulder. She could get up all by herself then, or stay here on the ground and walk if she so chose, or get eaten.

"You should have eaten her."


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 11:14 am
Amon Larethian

Once Saki had climbed onto his back, Ciro lifted himself from the ground, glancing towards his raven friend, shaking his head.

"Oh come on, you don't mean that," he said with a smirk, eyeing the sky making sure there was no more dark clouds, hail storm, or flocks of birds nearby. Not seeing any, the Captain took it as an okay to continue back to the pride. "It does mean you get to share your perch though with her until her wing is healed." Aha! Get ready to get nice and cozy with her, Judeau.

Saki remained on Ciro's back, huffing as she refused to look at the two before her. Just what sort of trouble did she get herself into this time?  
[IC] Rogue Lands

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