"Silma, find her."

Arriving near the border hadn't happened as quickly as he had hoped, the band had been dragging their paws for the last while out of pure exhaustion. "She will likely be sleeping now, but do not let that stop you from your task." Ushindi urgently instructed the raven as he gave a nod to let the band rest.

"Tell her to meet her rival here."

His gaze left the raven and peered towards the skies. The gods welcomed him home with thunder, lightning, and rain. The water speckled his mane as he looked up with all evidence of pride on his face. "It's a good day to die." He uttered to himself and watched as the raven took flight over the swamp that separated the band from their home. They were so close he could almost taste the rest, and satisfaction of their bounty safely kept among like minded lions.

There was just a small matter keeping him from settling right in.


Thinking her name brought waves of anger through him. When he closed his eyes he could almost hear the anger crash like waves - only to realize that waves were truly crashing, but not within, no.. they were smacking against the cliffs. The storm seemed oddly isolated and he had no answer for it. Still it seemed like a blessing.


Zjarri'fol couldn't sleep. Rest seemed far to out of reach given the recent murmurs she received from the sisters. They had become close allies during her time as Warlord and although their whispers hadn't produced a name, time, or place of events it gave her the peace of mind of expectation.

When a raven arrived outside of her den entrance, bringing with it rain, thunder, and lightning she knew the time had come. The lionesses had done what they could to warn her, but visions were inconsistent at best. The blue lioness stared down the raven that stood so brazenly before her in a cold silence. "What is it you want?" She spoke first and found her tone deepening for the ocassion.

"You sound like you already know." Silma was surprised, but composed, about the way the Warlord reacted. Her dark eyes narrowed slightly at the lioness and she prepared to speak again. Her beak snapped shut as the lioness began to approach her. Mewling could be heard from behind her and upon close inspection it was obvious the Warlord had just had a litter of cubs, most much larger than the average cub. Aside from the squirming little ones there were others present.. a touch older than the Warlords own cubs.. and much more vibrant.

"I don't." Zjarri remarked and took a defensive place between the gawking eyes of her raven guest. "So enlighten me." Her tone lowered another octave and began to sound far more threatening. The raven likely didn't bring the storm.. her master likely did.

"Ushindi calls you too the border."

"Ushindi?" The connection took a moment to make, but the clues were becoming clear. "Captain Ushindi." She corrected the raven sourly and with as much confidence as she could muster. Zjarri felt her stomach turn and had she been alone she would have deposited the contents of her stomach on the cold ground before her.

"Yes, Captain Ushindi." Silma sneered at the Warlord and her correction, even if it was accurate. "Do you answer his summons?"

The Warlord took to the silence of her thoughts to consider her options. Truthfully she realized there was only one, to go. Her pink gaze looked fro the raven and towards the brood she had protected here. The pride barely knew she had given birth, if they had even begun to know she was expecting. The cliff had been threatening to fall, water crashed below, but bellies had begun to fill with satisfaction. Most were pleasantly distracted by this and even more so by the rumors of fights among another pride. War was surrounding her and the pride was weakened, even in a time of celebration.

To keep her cubs safe and members away (as much as she could manage) from the battle she would have to obey his summons, the first sign of weakness she would show to him. Even if it was a powerful decision, even if she had to do it to protect her family - not just blood relatives. She had turned to look from the den entrance and gaze upon the cubs nestled altogether. Their pelts heaved and fell with each youthful breath. Life was a gift.

"I will meet with him, but he must give me a day. I believe out of respect he can offer me that much." Her gaze returned to the avian, but had lost it's glint of strength. Though the Warlord remained composed it seemed obvious that she was preparing to settle her affairs.

"I'll see what I can do." Silma shrugged off the request for what it was. A chance to prepare herself. Not thinking of other possibilities, nor the impact they might have. The cubs were far to young to flee without some problems.


"Silma returns." Ushindi had been patiently waiting almost precisely where he had been when he'd sent her off into the prides lands. "Did you meet with her?" His eyes weren't so icy, an unusual look for the lion, instead they were burning hot with anicipation. They burrowed into the raven for answers, and she was visibly shaken by the sudden attention.

"Can't a raven get space to breathe?" Her beak clacked at him, an action she quickly regretted as his paw came crashing down on her. Immediately regretting landing on the ground before him, but unable to do anything about it she inhaled as best she could and exhaled slightly. "Yes." She managed the word, but didn't speak again until she felt the grasp of her master loosen slightly.

"Well.. what did she have to say?" His challenge had been a simple request. Though he had been gone for a number of moons he could feel the call of it in his bones. Breytast Vindar was upon them, the timing couldn't have been better. She would have to answer his call, it was the honor she would bestow upon the title. Let alone herself, her family and the pride.

"She asked for one day."

"One day?" He peered at Silma curiously and wondered if it was some kind of sick joke. "One day?" His tone dropped to no more than a dangerous whisper as his nose grew closer to the avian. "What do you mean one day?" Ushindi pressed her for answers, but didn't give an immediate no. The pride was large and there could be lions among them that still respected her... they would be dealt with later.

"Ushindi, master, I wouldn't say she was fit to do anything sly." Her tone dropped, but picked up enough again to squeak slightly as she quickly found her voice. "There were cubs." She quickly spilled the best part of her whole story to him. Fear resonated from her and Ushindi seemed to be enjoying the moment more than he should have. Still, she was grateful, he hadn't hurt a pretty feather on her head - even if he had seemed tempted to pluck her whole coat.

Ushindi backed from the bird slowly and raised his head to peer towards the pride once again. "Fine. We won't act, she will have one day." One day wouldn't hurt them, one day wouldn't give her an advantage. The cliffs aided him in capturing her within her own home and the storms that welcomed him wouldn't allow for the lioness to even considering taking a family across the river.

He would have her.

WC: 1293