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[PRP] Following orders?

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Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 4:16 am
It had only been a few days since Ebbe had spoken with his Queen about the sudden crack in the earth. In that time, he managed to scrounge up some of the scars and shields of the pride, stationing them in a way that there would always be eyes on the mass.

He had yet to speak with Katiti regarding either her birds or her vessels, but that meeting would need to come soon. It would help to keep an eye on their golden neighbors, should they choose to come investigate.

But now, Ebbe found himself mulling over the unsaid order from Ashiki. The Monarch's Claw very rarely went against them, so he know just sought himself as fulfilling it.

Even if it meant going so far as to create more children.

The only problem was finding a suitable partner. He had one in mind, but now came that conversation. Ebbe and words did not always pair well.

With a frustrated sigh, the striped male rose to his feet, living his den to go find his apprentice. There was no need to wait on the matter.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 2:55 pm
Life had been a little more awkward recently and it left Delphi understandably restless. Though she had come a long way from the injury she sustained trying to save that foolish cub, her leg still ached and she had been ordered by the healers that had been attending her to not overdo herself. Never in her life had she been a female that was able to sit still and now, curled up beneath a tree in the common area beneath Ashiki's overlook, she felt absolutely useless.

Nearby there were cubs playing, some unbranded discussing training techniques, but for the most part she just felt.. grumpy. She had not wanted to speak with Ebbe since he had so pointedly kicked her out of his den, especially not when she was absolutely incapable of doing so much as practicing her techniques.

It was disheartening.

With a sigh, she settled her head onto her front paws and rolled her eyes away from a cub that was suddenly squawking playfully at his siblings - she had promised to watch them in an attempt to be useful but they were not yet old enough to be as much of a handful as the one that had caused her harm.

It was with no small amount of surprise that when she shifted her gaze away, they landed on Ebbe - was he going somewhere? Why was he walking toward her? Inwardly, she groaned, and wondered if he was here to scold her over the healer's orders. Regardless, she pushed herself up to a seated position and waited.

Maybe he would just.. walk past her?



Eloquent Lunatic


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 3:48 pm

It didn't take long for Ebbe for find Delphi. He figured she'd be in one of three area with the healing injury, and lucky for him, it was just his second stop when he spotted the darker female. He watched as the lioness seemed to be on cub duty, but when her eyes locked with his her form rose.

Walking past her was not an option at this point. Ebbe was on a mission. There was no need to stray from it now. He frowned at the 'small' company however. Such matter should be talked about in privacy, not for some wandering ears to hear, even if the age of the youth would likely not remember a 'grown up' conversation.

"Delphi." The Claw greeted, his normal gruff tone ever-so present. "I...have been given a task, and feel only you can help me with it." The lion looked as serious as his words. The squawking cubs nearby made his fur bristle.

"Perhaps we can find another to watch these broodlings where I can discuss this matter with you more...privately?"  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 4:25 pm
A task.. only she could help him with?

The dark lioness let a single brow rise to show her suspicion; he did know that she still wasn't released from the healer's care yet, didn't he? No, he had to. Ebbe was not a foolish lion and she was sure that he was more than familiar with the prolonged time it took for a foot injury to heal.

So, without a fuss, she nodded her head and let her gaze slide past him to the raven that was perched above her in the tree. Clio, she thought his name was - he had taken to hanging around her recently when he had naught else to do. She had tried asking him what his business was but he had only shrugged at her and said that Katiti had asked him to. She was certain it had somewhat to do with her father but she could not have said why; she was sick to death of pondering it and now, it seemed, he could be put to use.

"Hey you," she called up at him, "would you please go and find one of the teachers to keep an eye on this lot for a bit?"

The bird cracked an eye open, looked from Delphi to the Queen's Claw and back, and sighed.

"I suppose," were his only words before he lighted from the tree and swooped away.



Eloquent Lunatic


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 4:40 pm

Ebbe's eyes followed her gaze to the raven, one of Katiti's, nearby. He couldn't help but roll his eyes as the avians seemingly were everywhere. It was probably a good thing in great span of everything, even if Ebbe despised the creatures. He did need to speak with the Monarch's Soul to see if she would allow some of her feathered 'friends' to watch the borders where the crevice was beginning, when his own scars or shields got tired.

That was a talk for another time however. Now, was a different meeting.

Ebbe waited in silence waiting to see a familiar form of a teacher return to watch the broodlings, before he nodded his head towards Delphi to accompany him on a walk. Even though he knew her injury was still healing, walking short distances wouldn't put much harm to it. He'd handle the healer's wrath if it came to it if anything.

"You seem to be healing." He started off, eyeing the injured paws. "Although, I do find it...comical? that you are tasked to watch them currently. Is that something you like to do?" Ebbe was prodding. What was her view on cubs? Was he making the right choice in his apprentice?  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:40 am
Delphi took a moment to lean into a great stretch, pushing her front paws out and then shifting forward upon them so that she might alternate to the back muscles. The injury in her back leg cried a bit at the motion but as she settled back squarely onto all four feet she felt better for it, less stiff and more comfortable in her own bones.

The great, hulking male did not waste any time as a teacher appeared upon the horizon and she only hesitated long enough to make sure they were within sight of the rambunctious group before she fell into step with him.

"Go slow," she reminded, taking careful steps as she went so as not to aggravate her back leg, "I'm healing but I don't trust myself not to blunder." If she set her healing back then that would serve neither of them; she didn't want to be replaced because he was too impatient to wait for her to get better. It was unfair of her to assume he would do that, sure, but she might have herself if the roles had been reversed.

"Oh, hm, I've never.. really thought about it." She had no idea why he was trying to make idle chatter with her if he had something to talk about - Delphi had only ever known Ebbe to be blunt and to the point. If he wanted to make at niceties though, so be it. "I don't mind them as long as they are well behaved and listen. I was raised alone and I've never really been around other cubs until I came to this pride so I don't think I have that lackadaisical patience all the moms and nannies seem to possess."

She shrugged, then looked up at him with an awkward laugh to her tone.

"If I ever have my own I'll just have to make sure they listen well, obviously."



Eloquent Lunatic


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:20 pm

Go slow Ebbe heard her say. An ear flicked beneath the slicked back blonde mane. Had he been walking fast? The Claw wasn’t use to such comments, by he found himself slowing his steps to not put strain on her injury.

Everyone got hurt after all, Ebbe couldn’t completely blame her for the comment. He nodded as she stated she was still healing. While he was disappointed in hearing it, as it ultimately led him to be without her for longer, he was glad she was on the mend.

His mind faltered although his facial expressions did not convey this as she spoke of not having thought of cubs before. Well. How awkward would this conversation be getting in the next few minutes?

“A cub who misbehaves will learn quick of their wrong doings.” It was probably as far from fatherly Ebbe could get, but who would expect anything less. “You handle that one cub,” the name left his mind, but Delphi should know he was talking about the cub she saved from the collapsing termite mound, “well. You put her safety first. That is a good instinct to have for rearing cubs.”

Ebbe took a side glance to the darker female as he stopped his steps. Luckily the area was clear, even away from those ravens to avoid any lingering ears. “I have been given orders by the Queen to seek a suitable female to bear my cubs.” He looked away, towards the horizon.

“I have chosen you. You have shown true strength, quickness and willingness in the time I have known you. I have yet to see anyone comparable in those qualities. If you choose to accept, the future safety of our pride is almost guaranteed with our blood connecting.”  
PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 3:59 pm
Delphi nodded along at her mentor's praises, assuming at first that this was simply his way of raising her confidence back up so that she would tackle her return to duty once her leave was up. Her eyes were distractedly on the horizon in the distance and most of her focus upon not putting too much weight on her hind paw.

It took longer than she wanted to admit to realize exactly what he was saying.

She had nodded as the words reached her ears about the Queen's command, nodded as he mentioned that he had decided she was the most suitable female, nodded as he lauded the cubs that they would produce..

And then what he was saying actually hit her and she stopped so suddenly that her hind leg protested the motion but she could do little more than wince as her wide eyes jerked up to his face. Her mouth opened and closed several times as the words tossed and twisted in her thoughts, trying to convince herself that she had very clearly misheard what he had said. In the end, all she could do was stare up at him with an astounded face, too confused to give him an answer or even truly realize that he was waiting for one.

"Wait, wait," she shook her head, convinced she had been daydreaming, "what?"



Eloquent Lunatic


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 4:10 pm

Ebbe's ears pinned back. Was she not listening to any words he was saying? That certainly was a strike against her. The warrior closed his eyes, inhaling deeply as he prepared to say the words again.

“I have chosen you. You have shown true strength, quickness and willingness in the time I have known you. I have yet to see anyone comparable in those qualities. If you choose to accept, the future safety of our pride is almost guaranteed with our blood connecting.”

Verbatim the words. One who knew Ebbe well would know he was terrible with emotions in general. He overanalyzed everything. In order for those to realize what he said was true, speaking it the same was the best way.

His orange eyes looked directly into her own. He needed an answer, yet, he wouldn't demand it like a normal question the Claw would ask. If she denied him...s**t, he didn't know who an alternative could be.  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 7:59 am
Okay, she had heard him correctly. Knowing that, however, did not really help her find the words she needed any easier. Her mouth opened and closed and then she finally, at last, just shook her head in utter disbelief.

Delphi had never been a girl that mooned after boys, she had never cared to flirt, never needed to be taken care of, never dreamed of finding a mate and raising a litter of perfect cubs and having a delightful little family. That was not her style. Yet, this proposed deal was not something she had ever considered in her life. How could she? The Outlands were a peculiar pride and Ebbe, strong and brave though he was, was a peculiar lion. Aithne had told her a little of his disastrous past from some pride gossip she had chosen not to name and she knew it must have been true - it made sense why he had chosen not to take a mate and note to have cubs.

At least, apparently, until now.

"I'm sorry, forgive me if I'm a little.. surprised."

She found how to say something at least, even if her eyes dropped and she was examining her own front paws out of disbelief. His words were ringing in her head; he valued her, enough that he wanted her to be the mother of his cubs. In theory, that was a grand notion - in practice, well, it meant a lot about their relationship would change. They would, what, share their nights? A den? A lump in her throat grew heavy and cloying as she let her mind wander to what it might be like, the sound of his voice, his touch..

It was a lucky thing she was such a dark pelted female.

"I.." she started, then cleared her throat, still not able to bring her golden eyes back up to his brilliant, piercing orange ones. She drew a deep, ragged breath, and eked out the words that didn't want to come: "okay, I.. I accept."



Eloquent Lunatic


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 10:43 am

Ebbe watched her every actions. If it were any other lion that wasn't Ebbe, perhaps they would be offering the dark female an apology for the bluntness and quick timing of the words. But this was Ebbe, and that was either a foreign concept to the seasoned warrior, or he just didn't care. Sometimes it was hard to distinguish the two with the striped male.

He only made a small noise, and even small nod at her words of surprise. It still wasn't the words he was looking for.

But her hesitance almost intrigued him. So much in fact, he couldn't prevent a quirking of his eyebrow as she agreed. His head tilted in the silence. "You don't sound too sure of yourself." He found himself musing.

Ultimately, he let that slide as he found himself giving a more reassuring nod. Maybe it was for Delphi, maybe it was for him. Was this the hardest part of this whole transaction? Actually having her agree to this?

If that was the case...surely everything would be smooth from here on out?

"Well then." He took a small step. "Whenever you are ready?" He did his part. He sought out an eligible female. The queen didn't give him a time frame technically, so the next part would be up for Delphi to decide.  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 9:04 am
Questioning her was enough to make her brows furrow and her eyes snap back up to meet his, annoyance written clear in her features. Was he questioning her? She knew that once his mind was made up there were few things in the world he would hesitate to speak aloud - he was a blunt male, direct. What he wanted, or needed, he simply spoke up for. That didn't mean that he need question her resolve just because she was damnably surprised.

"Tch," she was heated enough at his unintentional mockery that she felt a little more herself, at least. "I have had a pawful of moments to grow accustomed to this idea, Ebbe."

Yet she softened, faster than normal, as he once again put the decision back into her court. She half turned from him, back in the direction of the cubs she had been tasked with for the day, but spared him a last glance.

"I will meet you at your den tonight. There's still work left in the day, hm?"

Then, after a moment of hesitance, she set her pace back in the direction they had come from. The few hours left before she need meet him would help steel her resolve, she knew, even if agreeing to this hadn't even been the most awkward part. That was still yet to come.



Eloquent Lunatic


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 9:21 am
fin smile

Tonight? Oh, that was...soon. Whatever Ebbe was feeling was unreadable on his face as the lioness turned from him. He left himself nodding, a smirk lifting to his maw as she said there was still work to be done in the day. The words just cemented in his mind that she was the right one to bear his children. She had a good work ethic. Their children would be strong because of it.

He watched her leave, letting a sigh escape his lips once she had fully disappeared.

He regained his composure quickly, his orange eyes narrowing as he continued the way he was going. Delphi was right, there was stuff left to do in the day. He needed to oversee some of the new Unbranded, and make sure everything was in order if he were to find himself, preoccupied with other pride things.  
[IC] Deserted...

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