Chisato Mikami
User ImageAnei stretched just before she left the den. Her father was out for the day and as much as she loved him, she wasn't going to wait all day in the den alone. She was a little bit bigger now and she had the rest of the pride to look after her. She wanted to explore the lands more. If she sees her father, she'll just tell him that she went off to practice hunting on her own, which she does from time to time.

She made it to the waterhole. She took a drink and then looked at her reflection. She didn't remember her mother much anymore and she wondered if she looked like her. She had the same eyes, but she thought her mother was lighter in color. She was really happy now. It had been some time since she found her new home. It was much better than her old home. She didn't have to worry about the random males her mother brought home or if she would even get to eat. Her old life just seemed so far away now and she felt like it was vanishing with the wind.

"Good morning Anei!" she said to her reflection with a smile. "We're going to explore today!" She smiled at her reflection before getting another drink.

Chi Sohma
User ImageA few of his family members had moved to new lands. From what he understood, the U'W- his homeland had crumbled from the inside, out. He could remember before it did, a lioness came in- looking for a suitor. His family nodded, and would have loved to marry her off to their not so interested son, Rashad. He was training to be a guard, something he didn't want to do but was pulled in to it anyways.

He waited, days, weeks, for his new Banu to arrive but nothing. "It was an old wench anyways." He grumbled to himself. "I don't want someone given to me anyways. No pride in that." He huffed. It was boring, increasingly, then he lifted himself one day and sent out to find a Banu! Excitement went through his body as he nudged the side of his face against his mother's, and left. Proud. When he came back, maybe he could become second in command in a guard group.

But when he came back, with a banu following at his heels, he was greeted with one of his many friends. The U'W was dismantled. No home to go back to, and everyone dispersed. In anger- he ran off the banu he had worked hard to get, only to see her run off in his hard time.

His friend and him, traveled for weeks... Until they traveled in to Likno Tis Zois, where his friend and his family lived. Ears panned back and a not too sour face when coming in. After a few days of slump, he figured he'd get out. Meet the locals. Just some place to rest before he goes off to adventure the world.

Unkept and unhappy, he slowly moved out of the den. His mouth dry, he needed a dip.The U'W had many watering holes- and that was just what he was looking for. When founded- his head went low as he went to lap for a drink when he heard a voice- waking him. "Geez...why do you have to be so loud~" He growled.

The waterhole wasn’t very big. It would be only a matter of time before someone else showed up to get a drink themselves, but that was normally later after she had left. Anei blinked when she was suddenly not alone anymore. She looked around until she seen the lion that was taking a drink. “Oh, I’m sorry… I thought I was alone.” She smiled kindly at him, until she realized he was the same age as she was. “Oh wait a minute, we’re the same age! I thought I was the only one. This is great!” Her smile grew bigger as she excitedly started to jump, splashing water everywhere. “Oops…. I’m sorry. Did I get you wet? I didn’t mean to…” She sighs a little. She probably just ruined any hopes of making a new friend. He didn’t look like he was from there. She didn’t either. After all, she was adopted. The pride did her well in raising her, although she wasn’t quite sure on how she felt about sharing her mate with another female. Her mother had multiple mates as well, but they never stayed long. She was actually quite happy that her mother left her. There was no telling what the lioness would have done. Maybe it was a good thing she didn’t remember much of her. She perked her ears up a little as a thought came to mind. “Oh, I know! There’s a field not too far from here. There’s a herd of gazelle there if you’re hungry…”

As soon as she threw water around, the victim was the adol lion. From loud, to annoying, with his face drenched, he swiped his paw against his face. He repeated to himself 'Dont fight, no fighting- no fighting'. A heavy sigh came over him as he shook himself off.

"Yes. You did." He hissed at her.

The same age? The lion sized the lioness up and shrugged. "You are full of energy for someone our age." Feeling a lot more mature than her after having to go out in to the roguelands for so long. "You see... hunger has nothing to do with fixing annoyance. It's too early for all this" Motioning with his paws all this aura energy she was having. "More like a cub if you ask me." Shaking his head.

"I just got here not too long ago. I don't know if I'm staying or not. Might not want to befriend me kiddo." Sitting on his hunches. "I'm pretty sure lioness are suppose to bring food... how does it work around here to get me a bite.. Do I need to get in to a family feast or something.. quite frankly I'm tired of hunting for myself." Being quite the honest lion, and not willing to fake for anyone. It was too much of a hassle at the moment.


Anei frowned a little. It was true that lionesses were the ones to go hunting and bring food, but she wasn’t the best at it. Her father was always off doing Soldier stuff for the pride and she didn’t have a mother to teach her. “I did have much of a life as a cub. I was abandoned and didn’t have anyone until my papa found me. Not to mention I have been the youngest one here for so long, my papa rarely let me do anything, and there’s nothing wrong with having too much energy. It’ll be a great thing to have when my hunting skills improve…. If they do.” Anei sighed a little. Damien usually brought in the kills for them. She didn’t really know how the other families did anything. “I could try to get something….. but I’m not the best hunter… You could come home with me. There’s food there. I didn’t eat all my breakfast my papa left me this morning.” She walked across the waterhole and shook her body to get the water off her. She didn’t want to get the visitor wet again.

“I promise I won’t bite or anything,” she said with a giggle.

"If you bit me, I'm sure your sire will come down on you with fierce punishment. So bite me, so I can be amused with your pain." Huffing and slowly got up. "You... don't know how to hunt, yet you are able to roam about so easily and happily?" In his old pride, this would have never happened. Lionesses learned how to hunt at a young age, and banu were treasured because of their usefulness. Who would end up taking her as theirs, if he couldn't even hunt. It made his stomach turn just thinking about it.

"Pathetic. Come along, useless banu. I shall teach you how to hunt." He could have easily went back to his family's home here and eat their food. He was welcomed, they told him to stay as this was the closest to their old pride that he was going to get. Of course, the mere thought of having to go and catch a banu was non too appealing anymore. Instead, he would see what this pride had to offer, and in one week, he would make a decision to go or stay. He was leaning toward the first option heavily.

"Keep up or you'll be left behind, keep a steady pace, or you won't have enough speed for the hunt."
His pace was obviously more steady, and had longer strides, but he didn't much care, she needed to keep up. She needed to know this crucial part of being a good wife. Or she will disgrace her family. When they well enough out, he looked towards yonder to find snake marks, any marks in the sands. If there was a forest, it would've been much easier. "What do you guys usually hunt out here... the sands look quite uninhabited. Snakes at best."

“Banu? What’s a Banu?” Anei repeated tilting her head to the side. He was a strange individual. She didn’t quite understand what he was talking about, but she followed him anyway. She actually kept up with his pace, but why he was heading out to the dessert was beyond her. Didn’t she say the heard was in the other direction?

“I never said I couldn’t hunt,” Anei said when he stopped walking. “I said I wasn’t very good. I just recently started to learn how to hunt by another lioness. My papa is apart of the guard and he goes on patrols, so he asked his friend to teach me. There’s a field in the other direction where there are heard of gazelle and other animals…” Anei sighed a little as she looked around.

What was up with this guy? Inferiority complex much. He had just gotten there and already he was walking around like he owned the place. Or maybe it was just he was over confident. Yeah, that’s what it was.

He shook his head. "I hate the sands," shaking his head and then they were off in the direction they said. "Banu, is what we call lionesses, they get owned, and married in, captured, whichever befits the male taking her in. Even female cubs are called the same. Whether your from the outside or not. If my family tells me right, it's similar here too. Yet I don't feel any real push to stay, or to go grab a banu and live here forever like I did in our old pride." Explaining this was really for him to get it out of his chest and as they closed in on the field, he lowered his body. "We're both not suited for day hunting, but, you can use your dark pelt against the shadows, you'll have better luck." He slowly adjusted himself in the faintest of shadows and lowered to the ground, and pushed her down when he saw a stray gazelle jump in what seemed to be near their direction.
"Your papa should've put more time in to you. How else are you to be a good banu. Rather, he should've married or grabbed another female to help train you. Banu's are an investment." Giving an admiring nod, he saw them in slight objectification but, he thought Banu's were a valuable resource and his twin sister taught him that females were so strong, some could even outweigh the males, but that was a sin in their book. it could happen. His twin gave him a run for his game before.

"First timers go to pick out the weakest. If you hunted before, look for a gazelle that seems more clueless. Those have a harder time looking from each way to the next, not out run them, but out smart them. Zig zagging is the best method. Think you can do it, Banu?" He looked beside him, his face very close to hers, although he didn't seem phased by how close they were.

Anei rolled her eyes. Who was he to talk about her father like that? Not to mention, he didn’t have to push her down. Jani had done a fine job at teaching her how to hunt, even though Anei had other things on her mind besides hunting. She looked out at the herd. She found a target that looked like it had a bummed leg. “Yeah. Bum leg, two o’clock.”

Why was he so close to her? She quietly moved away, making sure she wasn’t seen. He was right about their dark pelts. Jani had to against the hunting training because of it. It was also one of the reason why it was hard for her to get a kill. Anei got behind a large boulder that her target was next to. Luckily no one had seen her. All she had to do was stay where she was at until the gazelle moved into view. It didn’t take long before it did just that. Anei pounced on the unsuspecting animal, sinking her teeth into it’s neck. The rest of the herd had already began to run. She didn’t know is Rashad had seen what happen or just assumed that she spooked the herd without getting anything. Now here was the tricky part… dragging to kill away.

Having left his side, he lifted a brow to see what she was up to. Then, he thought it might be better if there were to points of access. When she scared off the pack for making herself seen, he lowered himself significantly. Then grabbed at another gazelle from the neck and up he went. By the time he came back down he turned on top of it and snapped it's neck. Just in case she didn't get anything, he got one. Hoistering the creature over his back as he trotted towards the direction he saw her in.

"Did you grab at least the dumb one on the left Banu?" He called out.

His tail flicking as he awaited her answer.

Anei didn’t like being called “banu.” She had a name and that wasn’t it. Sighing to herself, she dragged the gazelle from behind the boulder and onto the field. She did get her kill and she was very proud of herself. It wasn’t very often a hunt would go so well for her. She frowned a little when she saw that he had gotten a kill as well. Didn’t he say he was tired of hunting his own food? Well, at least she could take something home to her father. He would be very happy.

“I did,” she answered. “and my name is Anei.”

"Good job Banu." He waved. Walking up to her, examining her kill. Giving an approving nod. "Not bad... Not bad. For your efforts too." Putting his kill on her back.

"You may just make a great Banu yet, Anei." Finally using her name.. it was sort of an acknowledgment. From the hunt, he lost his appetite and he didn't wish to bring any along to his family. They had a couple of kills already and it would go to waste, or more, they would be overeating and he wasn't a fan of that lazy thought process unless he was surrounded by beautiful banus. Then just maybe he would stay still.

"Hey... Anei. If you aren't doing anything, you should try and find me. I'll be going on a secret mission early tomorrow. I leave before sun breaks." Trotting away.

Anei grumbled a little as he put his kill on her back. At least he used her name. That was always something. She decided she would forgive him this once. She didn’t know what she as going to do with two kills. At least one was smaller then the other. She could take the bigger one to her father and keep the small one for herself.

“A secret mission?” Anei asked as she tilted her head. Of course, she could ask what this “secret mission” was, but then it was a SECRET. She wasn’t sure if she could handle him calling a “Banu” the whole time either. “That depends. What kind of details you can give me on this secret mission of yours?” If she could get a little information, maybe she would agree to it.

"Hmm.. Think of it, like a bundle of surprises... Something you never seen before. I mean, if you don't wanna come, and you're too scared. I understand that." He shrugged and made his way back to his family's den.. He had an idea.. and an idea that she would love. He would love.. She was an interesting lioness and he thought it over, he would see about talking with her father then. The one he still didn't think would be any good- but he saw some potential in her. Far below the status of the other Banu he once had but he ran them off and there was no want to recover them. He wanted someone he could grow with and learn with.

The next day, he would take her up in to the tree tops of a rainforest close by, and show her the many birds that lived there..