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The pride had been divided in their reception of the newest additions to their families. There were some who still had old wounds, memories from a past time when outsiders had all but decimated the pride. He couldn't blame them, and even if he was pushed he would refuse. They were entitled to their views and they would deal with their grief, and their reservations, in their own time. All that he could do was reassure them and make sure that the measures he had put in place would satisfy them.

With the new additions in quarantine for the most part, there would be a period where they would be fairly isolated from the majority of the pride. While they could speak to and access them, close quarters for extended periods of time (evenings for example) were not permitted. This period of isolation wasn't meant to last forever though, a month at most to ensure they didn't carry anything... and then they would be allowed to live a normal life.

Itiri had been smart about it though, with Nche's help he had framed it in a manner that sounded like it was an educational piece. For all intents and purposes this quarantine was an induction period where the lions who had joined were given the opportunity to learn their ways in a safe environment. By the time they were ready to enter the full pride they would be less likely to cause 'offence'.

...The ruler could only hope this would satisfy the concerns of some in the pride, though he knew that realistically there would be some who always had doubts.

Nevertheless while there would be some individuals who would actively avoid the newcomers for now, Itiri took it upon himself to be one of those who was always visible. He was unassuming of course but approachable enough and he hoped in time that the newest additions to the families would at least say hello... But it seemed some of them were just as hesitant as some of the existing pride!

