"It was his son and the brew mistresses that created your brew, it was not him," Zephyr shook her head. She knew that much at least, the sudden discovery of the drug had been enough to stir Ram into action. He'd deliberately visited them, watched as they summarised what it was and what it did, and then he had quietly drawn the younger King to the side and made his position clear - if that brew ever came in to the Bahari'mtoto he would not be kind.

...Alas, Ram wasn't here to exact that ruling and by the gods own graces Puzzle hadn't had the chance to enact it. No doubt Ram would have been concise in his actions, but Zephyr had concerns that his son would be much crueller. It was another small grace that something above sought to intervene and silence the worst of intentions, if only to buy the innocent time.

To buy these traditionalists time to save their own pride from what was clearly beyond the pink lioness's understanding. Suffice it to say that the Kizingo'zaa's true history was a mystery to her, she only knew the Kizingo'zaa under Shandor and it was clear to her that these two lionesses spoke of a very different pride. Something had existed before the pink lioness's time, something had existed when Ram was still a young buck and the Bahari's former royals were more prominent.

Something had existed before tragedy had struck and turned everything on its head...

"Desperation makes the living do strange things," Siarnaq had finally returned with several ivy vines slung over his shoulders. They weren't the thick ones used to construct some of the Bumani's more interesting dens, but they were strong enough to hold together any strappings the pink lioness may need. He'd only heard a small chunk of what the three females had been talking about, but he could summarise it all fairly simply.

Shandor had broken their pride because he had, for want of a better description, rebelled against their status quo. It was in much the same way that several individuals in the Bahari now howled incessantly about their disregard for traditions and the ocean. In essence, Shandor represented to these two lionesses what those more liberal and disrespectful lions did to the Bahari. He'd been damaging, the only difference is that the Bahari's new king had put his paw down and ended their reign before it had begun.

Shui's methods hadn't been right, at least in Siarnaq's eyes they were questionable, but those more outspoken and disrespectful lions had been disregarding the Ocean's will. As per Muhali's very own description, what Shandor had done was the equivalent of removing the ocean from the Bahari... It could very well have ended them.

"As does fear, anger..." he clucked his tongue as he placed the vines neatly in between the trio. "And stupidity," He shook his head. That was the only way he could describe the behaviour of Puzzle. If he were to describe his own King's behaviour it would probably be a combination of several descriptions, one being grief and there would definitely be anger in there.

...Maybe fury instead.

"Mmmm," Zephyr shook her head, there was no point dwelling on either King's behaviour when neither Siarnaq or Zephyr possessed the ability to gain Shui's ear. Muhali and Matope had indicated that they would attempt to correct whatever had happened in the Kizi, but even then Zephyr wasn't confident of their influence either. They might think they have influence and discover they have struck a wall, all that anyone on this side of the coast could do was watch and wait.

"Siarnaq would you dress Matope's wounds with this poultice," she nodded to the rather odd looking paste and then towards Matope. Matope's wound wasn't horrific, they could count their blessings on that one. It seemed that neither lioness had struggled when they landed and as such it didn't seem to have tightened too badly.

Siarnaq merely nodded and padded towards the lioness, rather than pick the poultice up though, he simply pushed the leaf along the floor towards her. Evidently he could handle the odd smell but he wasn't entirely prepared to test it by tasting it. The poor guard knew some things and one core lesson he'd always taken away from his own upbringing was 'do not put something in your mouth when you do not know what it does'.

Zephyr on the other hand was regarding Muhali's wing with pursed lips; she knew how to fix it, she just wasn't sure that Muhali would appreciate it.

"You are going to have to lie down while we spread that wing a little, it's going to have to be shoved back in to place again before we can strap it for you..." She said at last. She didn't know how quickly gods healed but she imagined they could still feel pain and this probably wasn't going to be very pleasant!

