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It was never easy for her; self expression an misunderstandings kept her from allowing herself to feel close in a way that she longed for. She wanted to talk about her feelings openly, she wanted to demand that Dia join her pride and live in her home... with her. She wanted a lot of things in truth, and he was one of them. She found herself waiting for his return every time he left, lost within the warm feeling of infatuation, sucked into the intense feeling of longing. Was she in love? She frowned and shook her head violently as she sat on her normal spot, awaiting his return.

Dia was a free spirit... could she ask him to give that up for her? Her emotions weighed her down and for a long moment the rusty colored lioness sat in silence, wondering if he knew how much he meant to her now.

Her father had wanted her to find a mate for years, he had worried for her future and warned her on waiting for something to happen when she needed to be the one making things move. She needed to take responsibility for herself, for her life. Tiah needed to grow up, to be less afraid, to be honest with herself. She needed to tell him what he meant to her and what she wanted, what she felt. Her heart was swimming, would he feel the same way? Her eyes searched the landscape for his familiar figure as she longed to see his face again, today was the day she told him.

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"Tiah!" His voice reached her as soon as he came into sight, his white coat and black mane were so striking against the dusty ground that she stood against, he was so different than she was. Perhaps that was why she was so enthralled He wasn't like her at all, not in looks, not in personality. Where she felt weak he was strong, where she felt fear he was unafraid. Dia was everything she wasn't, maybe that's why drew her to him so strongly. Maybe that's why...

"I hope you weren't waiting long this time, I just wanted to make sure Kurago made it back safely. He was glad to have such a wonderful friend care about him in such a way, Kurago would always be close to Dia, no matter where he wandered off to.

"I'm sorry if I took too long, you know how he can get." As Dia s poke he moved to nuzzle his forehead against Tiah's, brushing his mane along her neck as he smiled between his words. He was just happy to have her here like this, always willing to listen to his ramblings, always willing to keep him company.

"it's okay." Tiah's words stumbled out with a slight stutter as she found herself a little lost on how to start this conversation. She wasn't very good at this whole... being honest thing.

"Dia." She found some courage swell within her as she moved back to search his face over once before speaking again, ears flat against her head. She felt so vulnerable.

"What?" As he spoke he moved himself to stand in-front of her, his large frame overshadowing her her.

"What's wrong?" The question came followed by a frown, he was a little worried now. Had something happened? Was she alright?

"I have been thinking about it for a while now, Dia... I don't want you to leave anymore. I'd like you to stay here and join me, join my pride. Make this place your home, with me." Her words came slowly at first.

"And I know it's asking a lot of you. I know how you are, but I think I could make you happy here." Tiah felt herself tremble under her words, the weight of them not lost on her entirely. She wanted to be strong however, so she continued.

"I guess what I am trying to say, what I would like to say is... I think I love you, and I think I need you in my life." She said it. Her heart skipped a beat as she stood tall and silent, awaiting his reply.

Dia stood very still and listened to every word she spoke, her eyes always looked like pools of jade and when she talked to him honestly like this he felt himself get swept up in them, rolling against the tides of her iris, it was so easy with her. They had a real connection and a real respect for one another, never had he once tried anything funny, he hardly felt easy flirting with her because he respected her so much... so when she told him how she truly felt he was floored. Dia was at a for words for the first time in what felt like forever. How could he respond?

He looked her over once and once more as he felt himself smile under the pressure of the moment. What could he say, really? How could he top that?

Dia closed the space between them and nuzzled his head against her own slowly, speaking to her with a soft tone and kind eyes, eyes that traced her own as he spoke.

"I'm pretty sure I love you too, you know?" The reply was simple and true. It felt so good being able to say it to her like this.

"I think I knew it when I first met you, passed out like a fool." He wanted to make her smile as much as she was able to make him, he chuckled as he rested his head against her's.

"I haven't had a home in a really... really long time. I haven't settled down anywhere, I don't make friends for long. I wander, that's what I do." As he spoke he pulled away from Tiah, nodding to himself.

"But, if you want me to stay, I will. For you." This was the most he could ever offer her, his freedom to roam, his wild heart. He was standing here before her serving it to her on a silver platter. He would give it all up to be by her side, if that is what she truly wanted.

"Do you really mean it?" She knew she was asking the world of him right now, he had ever right to deny her. She just couldn't leave her family behind. Not... not right now. She needed him to join her family, to be apart of her world.

"Yes. I do. I'll stay with you- for as long as you'll have me." Dia smiled again under his own breath, sitting beside her, wrapping a paw around her back.

"I'd like to be apart of your family, if you'll have me."

Tiah smiled and nodded before replying. "Let's go meet my father." If he could survive Kadaj he would be able to do anything, Tiah just knew it.

"Alright, lead the way." He had no idea what he was really getting himself into. He had never met any of Tiah's family before, he honestly had no idea how important her bloodline was in this land. How her own aunt was the Queen. Dia was about to be put to the test.

~End with 1,205 words