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Lucifer was not in the best of moods. The viking with his brother had been nothing short of a disaster. The fiery lion had wanted nothing more than to return home, to escape from his brother and his whining, the constant blaming of Lucifer for what was not his fault. It was Ciro who had kicked that water, Ciro who had disturbed the snake, and Ciro who had gotten bitten all by his damned self! Lucifer had tried to warn him about the water, but no, Ciro had to be an a*****e! Well, he got exactly what he had asked for, he was just lucky that snake had not been venomous. And then there was that stupid bird that Ciro had brought back, his thrall or whatever. Lucifer did not like that bird!

It had been a relief to return home, to not have to listen to his stupid brother b***h anymore. But returning home meant the return of the hunger, the very thing they had sought to escape in the first place. To make it worse, he had caught Ciro eying his tail ring many times, it seemed clear the older lion sought to steal the tricket, the only thing of his mother that Lucifer had. Well he was not getting it!


Lucifer muttered to himself, growling about his brother, like any good brother would do.


The white god, for once, was in a considerably better mood than his son. He had been enjoying the company of his favorite lioness on a regular basis, their latest encounter having been only he night before. Settling in a cave outside the borders, away from the effects of the famine had proven to make their nights together much more enjoyable.

A smirk spread across his maw as he walked through the lands of the stormborn. Today he would check on his cubs, the ones he had produced with Ushma. They were growing, not as cute and fluffy as they once had been, nearing the age when they would no longer need him. Perhaps today he would take the three of them hunting outside the lands where they could eat in peace without feeling the pain of the famine. Hmph, maybe on the way they'd find that stupid god, and he'd teach them how to end a famine.

Green eyes narrowed, a pause, catching sight of a familiar form, a son he had not seen in some time. Heh, there was no mistaking that fiery hide, fitting that he should find his way to these lands he supposed.

"Luci, are all my children drawn to this pride?"


Lucifer's head snapped up, ears back, eyes narrowing at the sound of a name he hated. Only three lions had ever dared call him that, one was dead, one was definitely not the white god before him, and the other was his father. The fiery lion growled, dad, what the hell was he doing here? Snort, he shouldn't have been surprised.

"I hate it when you call me that."

"I know."

Tanaka smirked, indicating that was exactly why he had done so.

"You're a jerk."

"Funny, I had another son call me that not long ago."

Clearly the god of conflict was not phased by the insult, Lucifer would have to do better it seemed.

"What the hell, dad, you could have told me you're part of this pride!"

"I could, but that would be a lie."

"They why are you here."

"Because I choose to be, I do not need to justify my actions to you."

"And if they tell you to leave?"

The god laughed, darkly, mocking his son. Tanaka had made no secret of his presence, none had dared trouble him yet.

"What makes you think they care?"

Lucifer glared at his father, he did not appreciate the tone.

"What brings you here, Lucifer."

"You mean what brings me back, right? Apparently this is where I am from, though neither you or my mother told me that. I found out from my brother, who I didn't know I had, thanks for telling me about him too."

"You have many siblings. Did you really think you were mine or your mother's only child?"

Lucifer's ears pinned back, feeling his cheeks flush under dark fur. He had never thought about it before, but now it had seemed foolish not to realize it.


Tanaka had grown bored with the encounter, he had other children who needed him more than his grown son who had long since outgrown such a need. He stepped past the fiery lion, his intention to continue his path.

"Why don't you join the pride?"

"Why should I? They do not care what I do or where I go. I dwell within these lands as I please, I have no reason to join the pride. Why do you care when they do not?"

The fiery lion stared at his father, eyes narrowed, and idea forming in his mind. His father may not have cared, but Lucifer did. His tail flicked with his thoughts. If his father, a god, were part of the pride, then his brother would see him, he would know who his father was and that Lucifer was not some stupid week cub for Ciro to insult and blame everything on. And maybe it would force Ciro to back off and stop trying to steal his tail ring!

"If you are going to stay in this lands, you will join the pride."

"What was that?"

"You can join the pride or--."

Tanaka had turned on his mortal offspring, his eyes narrowed, his tone growing dark, threatening. Tanaka, god of conflict, did as he pleased. He did not give in to the demands of his children!

"Why do you care so much?"

"Because I am not some stupid b*****d!"

That dark laughter again, it made Lucifer's fur stand on end.

"Fine, whatever you want. If it is that important to you."

"It is."

Tanaka pushed past Lucifer, rolling his eyes at his son, why were all of his children so dramatic? He certainly hoped his younger children were not so inclined.

"Whatever plan you're concocting, you are on your own, Lucifer. Now, If you will excuse me, I have other places to be."

Lucifer nodded in satisfaction. This was the perfect plan, Tanaka was his father, he could claim him as Ciro had claimed him. If it came to it, he could always claim Tanaka had defeated him in a duel. Yes, he'd show his stupid brother!

Things Lucifer had failed to consider? Tanaka and Ciro were more likely to become friends, this was totally going to blow up in his face.

word count - 1,114