oo DeD

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Responsibility was something that Bast'ion had been running from for quite some time now but it would seem things were finally catching up with him now. He was being a more attentive father for Yhe's sake and he was doing his best not to be too obvious about his favoritism for her and his cubs but it was hard not to tell. His eldest son had called him out for his favoritism and others in the family joked behind his back about it.

Even with the semi blatant favoritism it was apparent that Bast'ion was trying and he was doing his best to connect with his family as a whole. He'd gone out of his way to see one of his daughters males of interest and he was planning on taking his oldest son out to get his reaver title. This was dad of the year level attention as far as Bast'ion was concerned.

In truth he was delaying that viking trip just a tad as he was worried about the health of Yhe their daughters. It would seem that the two cubs were doing okay, all things considered, but Yhe wasn't made for this. This feeling of worry for another being was something he hadn't felt in a very long time and to be honest Bast'ion wasn't entirely sure how to cope with it.

There was nothing to help with in the dens so Bast'ion had to venture out and get a refresher of herb supply and medical anything. Along the cliffs he'd had good luck picking these herbs so he was there with a makeshift pouch around his neck. Picking at herbs along the cliffs edge was about the least manly looking thing he could be doing. It was a dainty job that had to be handled with care as to not damage the leaves too much. The kirin lion was very careful with each pluck of a leaf and placement in his pouch.

A few months ago he'd never dream of doing anything like this but a lot had changed and his priorities were starting to shift.