User ImageThe green lioness was out on one of her usual tasks. Although she had never left the pride she knew every inch of the prides lands. She knew exactly where things that could cure and things that could poison grew. She always carried two saddle bags they were usually full of what ever she had managed to find that day along with a few choice furs, plants and pretty stones that she could exchange for things she wanted more.

It could be said that she was a hoarder for sure, her den was always heaving with plants and outside of her den she had long set up racks to dry plants and skins and bladders to hold all important water that preformed as the base for every potion she made.

One of these skeins hung around her neck sloshing gently as she moved. It was a good day, she had found lots of new plants,s he had even found a flower she hadn’t seen before. She was excited to get it home, to study it, so excited in fact that she didn’t even notice another’s presence.