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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
[PRP] Flying Golden Daydreams (Susurinth, Khamaith & Riders)

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Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 4:52 am
With they way their studies were going there was little chance for them to get a free day any longer to rest or explore or even for Pavari to paint, but that didn't mean that when they had a free moment or hour or even day that they didn't use it to the fullest. In fact, as Susurinth's wings tilted slightly on their return flight in all the days that she had missed exploring were washed away by the glow of the water lapping at sand on the shore, by the sight of the Weyr a short distance off and by the feeling that her children were close by. Gently she brushed out against each of their minds, at least the ones at Western Weyr, and checked on them to see their states of mind and their big hearts.

It hurt to not run around as she wished anymore and she knew on some level that Pavari felt that same ache to run off with the wind, but they were here in Western Weyr for a very good reason and that reason was each of her children. Cordrath was taking excellent care of the children at High Reaches, she'd seen that during the party they'd hosted up there and so Susurinth wouldn't forgive herself if she failed on her side. Hind legs kicking out and dropping the little gold caught herself on the sand and slid for a graceful landing.

"Elegant as always my golden beauty!" Pavari crowed as she released herself from the straps that held her in and dropped to the sand after sliding down Susurinth's shoulder. The young woman stretched out and cracked her back lightly before running down towards the water playfully, rushing up to her knees in the lapping coolness of the clear water as laughter left her. Slowly the golden dragon followed her, settling just at the edge of the water so that it missed her coiled forelimbs as she laid down and watched her rider frolicking. A soft chuckle left her as she watched and let the waning sun soak into her metallic hide, it felt nice enough that she spread both of her large wings to soak even more into her being. "What's this? Not joining me down here where it's cool? I suppose I'd have to wash and oil you again for all that salt if you did, but where's that sense of playfulness!?"

A splash of cold water caught Susurinth across the nose and the gold dragon snorted a bit, eyes swirling impish greens and oranges as she used a wingtip to splash some in return. Here I was expecting our adventure today had you filled up, silly me. If I get these straps wet then your present gets wet too lovely. Her tail pointed at the bag that was still attached to the straps about her broad chest and she shook her head. That gift was too important and she could see the sudden look of panic that settled over her rider's face when she realized she'd left them there.

"Sorry my love! You know that there's no amount of adventure that would ever be enough to fill my desire." Pavari heaved a sigh as she wandered out of the water and sat between her gold's claws. "But this is it's own sort of adventure isn't it? Seeing your babies grow large and strong, helping Western and all the other dragon riders fight Thread?" Gently she leaned against Susurinth's chest as the dragon hummed for her contently. "I think we made a good decision that day..."

Yes. Of that I've never had a doubt.

Prism Shine
PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:41 pm
Months were beginning to completely fly by. One moment, she’s on the hot sands of a beach chattering to a sleepy little gold, next moment they were near a month into Khamaith actually being off the ground and flying. While she was happy for her precious sweetheart to be up off the ground, becoming a full, sure-footed adult as every day ticked on -- a part of her was sad for the growth of the little baby who almost knocked her into the sand to gain her attention.

Weyrling lessons were flying by, and between them and her own goldrider courses, Ezyzu was tired. Nervous, certainly, but tired. Yet she smiled -- smiled at her family, smiled at her friends. For it wasn’t like she was ungrateful for such an honor, and most definitely not for finding Khamaith after so many turns of waiting, and waiting. Yet Hers found her when she was ready, and Ezyzu couldn’t be any more happy for it.

With a free day off, they’d decided to head off to the beach. Playing in the waves would be fun, and Khamaith had always been drawn to the shore close to the Weyr. A longing for the beach she herself had been quickened on, perhaps. But Khamaith hadn’t needed any convincing to spend their free time on the beach.

I believe I’m getting better at this! Khamaith called, a bit joyfully. The dark golden form hadn’t risen up too, too high. She still remembered those rougher landings when she first tried this whole flying thing, and hadn’t quite gained the confidence to soar up higher more than the length of her. Those had been some bruises Ezyzu had fussed over, but she was a strong gold.

“Be careful, darling. I know you’ll get landing down eventually.” She would be the most beautiful dragon in Western in Ezyzu’s eyes, and the growing awkwardness of her body was catching up. But soon enough, she would grow into her confidence. The dragon was so strong, strength that Ezyzu admired in her bonded. Just, she also hoped that today wouldn’t be another day to go get a twist from a landing checked out again.

Khamaith crooned gently. Oh, I will. I do like this, even if it takes a lot to get into the air.. From her higher vantage point, she could spot the pair at the beach quicker than her rider, though not by much. Oh! It’s all the warning Ezyzu got before Khamaith’s wings stretched wide, coasting at a quicker speed to be closer to Susurinth’s form. Hello mother! Her voice was soft and sweet, so happy to be reunited with her momma once more.

Ezyzu jogged a bit, movement in the hot sun so much easier in summer attire. The wrap around her waist fluttering a bit as she caught up to her beloved. “Hello Pavari, and hello Susurinth.” The weyrling ducked into a bow for the golden mother, but the smile in her face was bright for the familiar pair. “Enjoying this lovely day as well?”


Prism Shine

Fanatical Egg


Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 6:04 am
Nose down nearly into the sand, Susurinth had been nuzzling at Pavari's head where the woman had slid into a laying position between her forelimbs when she heard a familiar voice beckon. Lifting her delicate head, the large gold gave a trilling bugle at the sight of her beloved dark gold daughter flying through the evening sky. Ever since she and her siblings had begun to fly there had been a small needle of concern in her hearts for their safety, but they were doing so lovely that how could she ever worry so fully? Soon they would all be off on adventures of their own, seeing what Pern had to offer on their free days as they defended it from Thread and trained every other day. If only they'd gotten to see the lovely planet before that horrible parasite had come back to their sky, but they would see enough of it in their lives she supposed. Good long lives if she had any say in the matter, certainly.

Dearest Khamaith, look how well you fly so soon after learning! Are you having fun on the thermals coming off the water all the way up there? A brilliant purple washed out the normal blue that pervaded Susurinth's faceted eyes as she kept them on her daughter and sent a very solid mental nudge to the rider between her front legs. It was with that start that Pavari hopped to her feet, a sheepish giggle coming from her as she smiled and bowed deeply to the young gold rider in return.

"Oh it was a day of adventure for certain, how could one not love it out here when the sun is shining and all of the Western Continent is moving? Now it's cooling down a bit and everything is relaxing, perfect time to come and spend some time with the breezes off the water." She winked an eye as she stepped over one of Susurinth's legs and rounded to where the straps were on her little gold's chest. "You two were actually the ones that we wanted to see, though I didn't think it would come so soon!" Laughter bubbled up from her once more as she pulled on a strap that dropped one of her bags into her outstretched arms.

So soon! She'd at least hoped to have had time to do something with it that would be fun, but all the same Pavari had made certain to get a piece just specifically for them and the friend she'd handed it to in the hopes of getting it even shinier and longer lasting, well they had done a fabulous job. With one hand she rummaged around inside the bag and pulled out a leather wrapped square, dropping the rest of the bag to the ground behind Susurinth's elbow, the woman held it out before Ezyzu with a wide smile.

"So this was meant to have come sooner, but shards and shells if the tides don't play a mess on those little Southern Boll Islands. Not to mention a friend of mine made it up nice and special for you, but this is a little something to remember Khamaith's arrival into the world by." Gently she untied the string holding the leather around her present and a large swirled section of Khamaith's egg gleamed in the setting sunlight. Lacquered up it shone brightly and she was hoping that it would stand the test of time just as her piece of Susurinth's shell had, even if it hadn't been that many turns yet. "Everyone should have an official piece of such a beautiful memory, right?"

Even Susurinth hummed her approval, though her attention was still on her flying daughter, love emanating from her hearts.

Prism Shine
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 7:31 pm
Her mother’s trilling bugle has Khamaith eagerly responding with one of her own, wings beating a tad too quick in her inexperience. Yet her eyes were swirling depths of pinks and purples, excited to see her mother on such a fine day -- and to show off her budding flight skills. While the expense of energy wasn’t the most glamorous--and Khamaith would certainly rather be napping than anything else--honing her skills in flying would be the quickest way to see her High Reaches siblings again. But while she wasn’t a vainful gold nor dragon by any means, some part of her always wanted to make her mother proud. Susurinth was such a wonderful, caring mother. Khamaith only hoped to only make her proud; in action and in step.

They feel so wonderful off the water, momma. For they smelled of the saltwater, a gentle wetness when a stronger thermal had lifted her up. Yet the dark gold dragonet began a clumsy backwing, wavering slightly until she staggered back to the ground. The sand helped and hindered, yet it took but a moment for the little one to shake off her landing before scuttling to cozy up to Susurinth’s side.

Her rider, for the most part, visibly paused at Khamaith’s half-botched landing. Yet she seemed perfectly fine, and no pain leeched across their bond. Clumsy, but improving! It was all they could do to keep working on it. But her beloved dragon’s growth seemed startling to see it first hand--no longer could her burnished gold head fit comfortably in Ezyzu’s lap--yet it came with growing up, didn’t it?

Yet the young woman could only grin, crossing the gentle gap between her and Pavari. Her good moods and smiles always seemed contagious, helped to lift her spirit--even if she felt much the junior to the woman who was younger than her. “We always seem drawn to the beach -- think we might even go for the seaside huts when we’re able to!” Wouldn’t that be wonderful, to sit aside the ocean in the low hours, listening to the waves hit the sand? Yet she’s curiously drawn in. “You wanted to see us?” From her snuggled position, Khamaith peered around to look at her mother’s rider.

Gently, she took the wrapped package from offered hands. Her smile was giddy, awe-touched in receiving a gift from the pair who had already given her the greatest gift. Yet the presentation of it being unwrapped made her gasp--and the tears that instantly sprung into Ezyzu’s eyes threatened to spill. Just as it had looked in her memory, the swirl of silvery grey over the softest purple. Hiding the sleepiest, sweetest baby Ezyzu could have ever hoped to meet. Tears finally spilled as she grinned, trying to scuff them away with the heel of her hand. “Everything was happening so fast--I never thought to try and grab a piece. I thought.. I thought I’d have to wait until we graduated, and hoped----”

The sob that catches in her throat makes her laugh, and with the piece of shell in her hand carefully angled away, Ezyzu wrapped the other woman in a tight hug. “Thank you, Pavari. You and Susurinth give me such invaluable gifts... I don’t know how I could ever properly say it enough.”


Prism Shine

Fanatical Egg


Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 11:52 pm
Once upon a time, there had been a stretch of time that Susurinth herself had been a bit awkward and inexperienced in the sky, her giant wings in adulthood all the more awkward as a weyrling. Growing into them and their abilities had taken time, but it gave her the perspective to be overwhelmingly supportive of her children when she'd watched them take off and fly for the first time. Never once was there worry in her heart for their safety in flight, though she did get concerned that one might spook Between if injured from a fall, it helped that there were always open claws to catch them. So it was that she gave a happy bugle for the skill her daughter was showing, even if inexperience tinged it, for she was flying and no one could take that start to her experience away from her.

You were born near the water, it makes sense that you enjoy flying near it as well as you do. Someday you'll be able to fly an entire ocean all on your own with your sweet rider on your back. Susurinth crooned to Khamaith with a chuckle in her voice, lifting one giant wing to tuck around her smaller daughter before touching her nose to the little gold's own. Are you excited to be flying already?

"It makes sense that you are, like Susurinth always says, born on the beach and live by the beach. But I've surely seen enough of beaches for at least a turn after that long stay gave me this permanent suntan I didn't ask for." The edges of Pavari's green eyes crinkled a bit in laughter and she stuck her tongue out at her large gold for a moment. "Honestly I think that your little one, once she's all grown up, is showing signs of loving beaches as much as her mother is. I'll have to come and visit you in that hut you get someday." She herself couldn't even begin to fathom living by the ocean, not because she hated it. Pavari loved the ocean after all! But simply because the stone walls of her weyr were already filled up and overflowing with paintings, there likely wasn't a good base in the huts for her to do so. Eventually she would paint over those paintings and just keep adding to the mural that turned into a living scene on her walls.

Just seeing Ezyzu's reaction to seeing the little egg shell had made it all worth it. While she of course couldn't grab the entire thing, Pavari had at least managed a piece of each one and had every intention of giving a shard to each Weyrling when and if she saw them and in her mind she eventually would see them all. Khamaith's might have been a little special, since she had known Ezy to be a sweet person who would appreciate it likely the most of all the Candidates on those sands that day. "It was definitely a fast affair, let me tell you." Her hands were on her hips as she laughed brightly. "Susurinth said it was time and we both sorta went into a panic, but everything worked out wonderfully. Honestly, I'd probably have grabbed them up off the sands that day myself if I wasn't just so sick and tired of sun and sand from being there for months." One hand waved as she turned to look at Khamaith and Susurinth's heads both turned towards the girls.

Grinning that she'd done the best thing she could, the woman hugged her back happily and pointed to the egg shard with her free hand, "If you flip that over you'll see that the date they hatched and her name are inscribed on the back too, just in paint and then lacquered over. Not that I thought you'd forget it or anything, but it seemed the right thing to do." Pavari squeezed a little at the tight hug and just couldn't stop grinning no matter how hard she tried, not that she ever tried. "You don't have to thank me or say it that often. You being there saved Khamaith, who would have been lost without you. So it's Susurinth and I that should be thanking you." A wink came with that statement and she rubbed Ezyzu's back fondly through the hug.

Prism Shine
PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 6:47 pm
A flare of delight bloomed in her hearts, unable to help the delight that came from her mother’s attentions. She loved all in Western -- dragons, people, her beloved rider, her dearest Baihath -- but there was a certain spark that her parents’ approval always wrought. The happy bugle pulled her own small croon, nestling under Susurinth’s large wing.

The sound of the ocean waves eased her mind like nothing else did. Even the harder currents were soothing. Oh, I do hope so. I’d love to see what the ocean looks like with no land in sight… The wistful tone is a bit odd on a dragon so young, but there’s an intense love of the coast. I want to have one of these personal weyrs on the beach, but I have to get better at flying. The pleased little nose as she booped her nose against her mother’s own has the young dragon atwitter. I’m very excited! Flying is tiring, but it’s so nice. I like seeing things from above. It makes me think of our trip to High Reaches. Though she was too large to ride on Susurinth’s back anymore, the memory was something soft and precious to her.

“I’m happy for it -- always loved the beach as a kid.” But she giggled, nodding. “No doubt, but Western’s beaches aren’t as hot as Southern Boll.” Not that she regret her decision to stand for that hatching, not at all. Her fond gaze flitted from Pavari, to Khamaith snuggled against her mother, before gazing back to the other woman. But she nodded, drying a stray tear off her cheek as she flipped the laquered shell over. The swirl pattern was so beautifully preserved, and she’d keep it safe until she had her own living quarters to properly display it. The date and Khamaith’s name, so delicately painted, threatened to have another fresh wave of tears spill over again.

The tight hug helped to ground her, and Ezyzu tried to laugh off the tightness in her throat. “Khamaith saved me in kind.” She’d been hedging closer to aging out, and had started to turn her sights onto a life after aging out. But Khamaith had come into her life, and she was now down a new path in life. Yet she can’t help but laugh, and bury her face against Pavari’s shoulder. “When we get our own place, I’ll definitely put this somewhere nice.” She’d no doubt have to find some way to pay her back. “How’s Western been for you?” The tears finally seem to dry up. “Settling in okay?”


Prism Shine

Fanatical Egg

[IC RP] Western Weyr

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