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Akamu and Mako had spent a full day and night together and though they both weren't very well versed in the opposite sex they had found common ground in their lack of experience. The friendship came without strings attached so they were able to speak to one another on level ground, without fear of expectations brought on by past relationships. It was a wonderful experience for the booth of them in truth, Mako was able to have the company she deeply longed for and Akamu was able to spend time with the lioness he found to be charming.

The two needed each other in this odd way, so for now it worked. For now they would greet the day together as two new friends, birthing a relationship the both of them could simply enjoy.

Mako was happy she had found someone she didn't have to hide from, someone she could talk to openly if she wanted. He was a good friend.

Mako's eyes opened slowly as she yawned and glanced over to Akamu, who was sleeping beside her. His larger frame almost wrapped around completely as she slowly crept to her feet, trying her best not to wake the sleeping giant as she tip toed away. She wanted to let him rest more, he had been traveling for some time now, who knew when the last time he was able to sleep was. She was glad he had found it beside her though. She just was usually up by this time, ready to face the day.

"Mmmm." Mako mumbled to herself as she stretched her lean frame out, her claws extending and retracting as she did this. Her lungs filled with air as she moved herself to sit beside a large stone, sitting in silence until Akamu came to.

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He had awoken to Mako leaving but felt no hush to jump up and chase her. He was still a little tired after all. His green eyes opened widely as he finally forced himself to get up. He felt tired in the way that his paws didn't want to move, limbs heavy and unresponsive. Sometimes waking up really was the hardest part of having a good, full night's rest. He shook his head from side to side before stepping out to sit beside Mako. He gave her a warm, friendly smile and spoke first.

"Thanks for giving me a place to rest. The company has been a plus, too." He teased, narrowing his eyes with a soft grin.

Mako laughed a little in return before moving herself to stand up tall, speaking out as she did so.

"So, where are you headed next?" Her question came followed by a rather stern look, as if she wanted to know all of his intentions when it came to his travels.

"Oh, umm. To be honest, I haven't really decided yet. I should eventually go back home." He nodded to himself, speaking to her in a relaxed tone.

"I see. You are going to go back in the end." She sounded almost sad as she nodded her head in silence, turning away for a moment to stare at the sun.

"I guess we should make the most of it, before you go." She didn't want to ask him to stay, they had only know one another for a short time after all, it almost seemed rude to be so selfish so quickly, thought she would be lying to herself if she tried to say she wasn't upset at the idea of him leaving so soon.

"Yeah, I'd like that." He didn't know what to say, in all honesty. Apart of himself felt conflicted when he looked at her, knowing full well he was already pretty infatuated with her from the start. It was odd how things worked out though. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. It's not like he believed in fate or anything, he just...

"So, come on, let's go." Mako interrupted before he could finish his own thought. If they didn't have much time together she wanted to make the most of the time they did have left. With a nod the larger lion stood up and followed her as she made her way past the river and down into some long grass. The day was hot and the sun beamed down on the two red lions as they walked side by side, talking about everything and anything to past the time, to dull the silence. Time was short after all, who knew when Akamu would go home.

Mako motioned for him to follow her as she clawed her way up a large hill, her slim figure moving rather quickly compared to his more muscular frame. The two kept on forward as the sun started to set in the sky, dusk approached with little warning.

"Where are we going?" Akamu finally questioned Mako as they pressed on, the sunset behind them now as they came to a stop.

"Here!" She spoke with enthusiasm as she moved to sit down in a patch of soft green grass, leaving space for him to join. He was still confused to why they had come all the way out here in the first place but he wouldn't confess this to her. She seemed so excited for some reason. Perhaps she was trying to show him something. He nodded and sat beside her without any questions, glancing around for a long while.

"I like this spot." She finally spoke, her tone welcoming and warm. She wanted to show him something beautiful before he had to go, something he might have never seen before. The sky was dark now and the moon sat high in the sky, full and as bright at the sun. She nudged him and pointed with a claw.


Akamu's gaze shifted as he moved his eyes to the clouds above; stars. They danced in the sky like tiny light-bugs, lighting up the dark. He found himself lost in it all, it was a sight to be seen.

"I come here when I want to be alone." Mako admitted timidly, looking down at her paws for a moment in embarrassment.

"I... wanted to share it with you, though." Her heart skipped a beat as she turned to face him again, her golden eyes meeting his gaze as she spoke.

"It's beautiful." He admitted rather quickly, the lump in his throat making it hard for him to speak.

"Mako...." He didn't know what to say, the sentiment was so beautiful and thoughtful apart of himself felt so small in comparison. It was like she was giving him apart of herself that he couldn't just give back. It was intimate and lovely, and for the first time in his life he felt his heart beat for a reason other than fear. Before he knew it he had moved himself closer to Mako, his left paw wrapping around her figure as he pulled her into himself, holding her closely, close enough that she could listen to his heart beat.

He didn't know how else to show her that he felt honored to share this moment with her. He opened his maw to speak, his words soft and even softer still as they came out, slowly at first.

"You're beautiful. Thank you for showing me this. For... sharing this with me."

In all of Mako's surprise she found herself pushing into him with all of her own weight, melting as he spoke.

"Stay with me tonight." Her words firm.

"I will." Like he could be anywhere else. All he wanted was this.

~end with 1,265 words